Freezing Friday

  • mommyluvs2cook 7 years ago
    Morning all! It is about 40 degrees here today but with the wind chill, feels even colder. Got Bri all bundled up and off to school, next is Caiden :) I'm in need of at least 2 cups of coffee this morning. Michael came home from work this morning and it sounds like he is coming down with his usual yearly "cold". Not sure if it's really a cold, but he has a horrible cough, sore throat and runny nose, and it last for weeks. I'm going to really try and talk him into going to the doctor this time around because not only is he miserable but he keeps us up all night with his coughing and hacking, so I would like for him to nip this thing in the butt early on.

    Tonight we have a Girl Scout meeting, which will be mainly getting ready for the Marathon Christmas party that we attend and have game booths at every year. We will use some of the existing games that we have made in the past (bean bag throw, ring toss, fishing for prizes, etc.) and also make some new one's. The party is on the 17th and the girls LOVE doing it every year :)

    We FINALLY got all the cookies decorated last night, yay! Made a huge mess with sprinkles (Caiden) but we got them done :P Ended up making Chicken Tortilla Soup last night so we will have the leftovers for dinner tonight.

    Picture below is of the elf the other day, she got bored while the kids were at school and made a swing to keep herself busy :)

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • mommyluvs2cook 7 years ago said:
    Of course the picture came out sideways!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Good Morning Michelle! -9C/15F here! We got a few more inches of snow last night. It looks very pretty outside right now and we have blue sky and sunshine this morning so that's nice. Sorry to hear Michael is sick. Indeed it'd be nice if he managed to rid of it sooner rather than letting it hang on for so long! Have fun at the Girl Scout meeting. Your pictures of the kids on FB decorating the cookies were adorable. LOL @ the Elf. It's very fun to see what those elves get into!

    Our guests will be here around 7 p.m. I'm thinking. I want to prep not only tonight's meal
    Salmon With Avocado Lime Salsa
    and tomorrow night's dinner as well
    Chicken Parmigiano

    I'll serve some baked rice and a salad on the side of the salmon and tomorrow night I'll just slice up some tomatoes and avocados drizzled with olive oil as a side to the Chicken Parm, and noodles of course. The girls are competing in an Irish Dance Competition tomorrow so it'll be nice to have dinner just sitting in the fridge ready to pop into the oven when we do get home.

    Since I did a big house cleaning on Monday I just have to do a spot clean today. If I feel extra ambitious I'd like to make
    Banana Bread With Honey Nut Butter
    to have on hand for snacking.

    Sounds like you had a busy day yesterday Karen! I didn't quite understand what you said about a Christmas tree. Did you buy a real one or an artificial one? Or maybe you said you saw a nice artificial tree but decided to pass? I bet that's it.

    Funny Kimmer that you forgot the salad last night. I did a similar thing the other morning and was making Toasted Westerns for breakfast. Sat down to eat, took one bite, and realized that I'd forgotten to put onion in it. LOLOL. Oh well.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • mommyluvs2cook 7 years ago said:
    Salmon With Avocado Lime Salsa sounds like the perfect meal to serve your guests Janet! Good for you getting 2 night's meal's prepped :) The dance competition sounds like fun, fun to watch and fun to be in! Yum on the banana bread, that wouldn't last long around here. How is Jim feeling today? Glad to hear you figured out what the dizzy spells are coming from and that it will work itself out. So vertigo is an inner ear problem, had to look it up to understand it a little better :)
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Jim's feeling a little better today thanks Michelle. Vertigo is a weird thing alright.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Good morning.

    Sorry for the confusion We opted to get a real tree again, at least this year. I know there are artificial ones for less than the ones we saw, they were pre-lit so no hassle with lights, one you could change colors! We got a Douglas fir, very fresh and the needles didn't feel scratchy at all.

    Cute elf picture. I tried turning the iPad sideways but it turned sideways with it....ha ha. Cute anyway. A very busy elf! Don't know why some pix do that. Wayne's sister gets a seasonal cold / allergies that hangs on forever and the hacking can drive you up a wall. It is usually in the early fall or late summer, which is one reason we have her visit in late October.

    My goal is to retrieve my kitchen. It is a disaster. Never got dishes done ✅ last night, since we had GS. Will have to vacuum thoroughly today. I want the tree up soon. The new rainbow does keep the dust down, so no problems there. I am very pleased with it. We have the small air freshener that I "won" at the Home Show, running in the bedroom and I don't have the scratchy throat crud in the morning. Our water is so hard that I put a little vinegar in the water to keep it from staining or coating the bowl. Hate having mineral deposits on appliances.

    GS is infatuated with one of the swimmers. Daughters rule is he has to have permission from the mother for him to text, the girls mother is so cool...she gave permission thinking her daughter seldom texts, but the two sat fifteen feet away from each other TEXTING! So funny. He is what we termed, in the stone ages of my teen years, girl crazy 😜.... haha!

    It is 13F outside. High of 28 expected. Snow forecast Wednesday of next week, the day Wayne has an appt in Jefferson City (3 hour drive). Winter is here. We had .3 of an inch, just enough to whiten the ground a bit. It is supposed to rain Sunday...sigh.

    I would like to return to the Red Bird Gifts store in Rolla. They had some very cool stuff. Linda, their soap was $10 per bar, but it was extremely ornate, the top of the cranberry one had little berries, the honey one had a light tan color, formed honey comb. The boot socks are calling my name.

    Wayne is walking Fritz so I better get dressed and ready to help break the ice in their water trough. Will be glad when the fence is re-done by the barn and they can have their water tank heated. Breaking ice is no fun.

    See you later.
  • Cosmicmother 7 years ago said:
    Hi Michelle, Lol, I wish it was that cold here...It's currently -33C/-27F with the wind chill! ;) I hope Michael feels better soon! At least he's sick now and not during Christmas. Love the Elf on the Shelf swing! :) Yay, you got all your cookies decorated. :D

    Hi Janet, your menu sounds wonderful and I'm sure your guests will appreciate it! I hope you get around to baking the banana bread today. :)

    Hi Karen, good luck getting your kitchen back! ;) We get the hard water spots too, hence one of the reasons we got a white sink, calcium deposits. At least we don't get the green lime scale. Lol, too cute on the kids texting each other from 15ft away! :D

    We had an extreme cold weather advisory last night, temperatures got to -39C with wind chills at -42C. It's still freezing now but the sun is out, so I hope that helps melt some of the ice from the windows so I can see outside again! We have ice growing on the inside of the windows too so I have to keep wiping them as they thaw. We have 5 floors with lot's of windows, so that's my exercise today! ;)
    We have leftover lasagna soup for dinner. I added too much pasta to it, so it turned into a ragu sauce, delicious though! Our Reverse Osmosis drinking water is leaking (it's a tap at our sink with a fill tank below the sink) So I have to research why it's leaking. It's turned off now but we have no drinking/cooking water unless I turn the tank back on and quickly fill up a cup etc. Hopefully it's a quick fix.
    I slept in today and feel groggy, must.. drink... more... coffee!

    Have a great day everyone! :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Hi Shona.

    A second cup of coffee sounds good to me too! Maybe we will try the Keurig latte we just got. Hmmm! The water hose is in the sun so it will thaw and Wayne can water the horses. It takes constant chipping away of the ice that forms on their water, will be glad when we can move them to the paddock so their water doesn't freeze, the heater keeps it to mid forties I think, anyhow it doesn't freeze over.

    I swept and mopped the kitchen floor....ugh! It gets so dirty so fast. Have to toss in some laundry and empty the DW. And move Mauser from my lap so I can! She is very comfy.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Holy Tomoly! Some of you are really having some cold weather and those of you who are use to warmer temps can even be considered cold (as Kimmer noted). We too are having a "cold front" and it's still in the high 60's ... Brrrrrrr .....
    Any hoot, Good Afternoon Everyone!

    Bummer your DH is sick Michelle. I hope he is "man" enough to handle it. When my DH gets sick with a cold I want to pack my bags and leave home for a while because he gets so whiney and grumpy. Load him up on vitamins and such to help his immune system fight it, that's about all you can do.
    The Girl Scout Christmas party sounds fun and kudos for getting the cookies decorated. The Elf is just way too cute!

    That's nice you are all ready for your company Janet. Meals are in order, house is cleaned, and entertainment is planned. Let us know how the girls do in the dance competition.
    Vertigo is the symptom but did the doctors give any indication what may be the cause? Poor DH, I feel for him regarding.

    I was looking at the Balsam Hill artificial trees Karen and they are outrageous $$! I have 2 table top trees and have thought about getting 1 big tree but with the $$ forget it. I bet your real one smells fantastic though. Do the cats try and climb it or mess with the balls?
    Too cute about GS texting his female interest sitting 15 feet away from her.
    Hope you are able to get the horses to the paddock, it'll make caring for them easier for sure.
    $10 for a bar of soap! I can see the view point of paying for the artistry but the honey comb design is nothing more than laying bubble wrap down and pouring the batter in the mold. Bubble wrap creates the honey comb design when the soap hardens and is pulled away.

    Are you sure you don't live in the North Pole Shona ... Yikes on the temps! That's cold. Hope the Osmosis system's problem is nothing more than a loose connection.

    Just a usual day here ... packing, making phone calls, cleaning up and out ...
    Going to pull steaks out of the freezer and grill them for tonight's dinner and steam some asparagus and bake a potato. I had to stop at the grocery for the veggie and a couple other odds and ends and treated myself to a dark chocolate bar with almonds and sea salt.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Linda, I was surprised how high the artificial ones are. Have seen them in years past at anywhere from $95.00 and up for a nice one, $50.00 more or less for a KMart special. The cheapest was $298.00. Of course they had all the lights attached etc. There would be little decorating involved. The cranberries on top of the soap were in various stages of "cooking" and very ornate. They ere very large bars. i usually get the smaller ones that are just scented and in a regular square shape but these were so cool!

    It is about 34F more or less, warmer than predicted and little wind. A.C. And Trouble are out exploring. Geezer came within ten feet of A.C. But no hostilities erupted. May it stay that way. I keep hearing a cat 🐱 other than one of our resident felines. It may be a stray or feral or?? It will show up sooner or later and may eventually decide this is a good place to settle. Hoping it is a domestic or dumped kitty looking for a new home, we have lots of out buildings and plenty of space.

    Wayne complained about getting winded easier so I am encouraging him to have that looked into just in case he has an artery blockage again. Probably just age but might as well be cautious.

    Fire is going and the house is cozy warm. ZZZZ is calling. See you later.
  • kimmer 7 years ago said:
    Hello all. Sounds like you have the company visit in order Janet, as usual! Do hope Jim is doing better. Does he take any vitamin supplements? Reason I ask is for awhile both my husband and I were taking coq10, which claims it's good for the heart and since my husband has had heart issues in the past we figured why not. I quit taking it many months ago and he has just recently stopped. I started noticing how almost every time I stood up, usually when standing up quickly, I became very light headed. Something told me that stuff was messing with me. Once I stopped taking it, the light headed went away. Then my husband every now and again would complain about, as he called it, kaleidoscope eyes (and no he wasn't taking hallucinating drugs, lol, reminds me of Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds!). But at times his eyes would just do weird things, so he quit taking it and has not had an episode of that since. Just wondering. Some things that are suppose to be good for you really cause other effects that aren't.
    "Baby, it's cold outside" up where some of y'all live!! I've been cold here all day and gee, think we managed to hit 60F! Going down here tonight to the 40's Linda. Maybe a bit warmer for you since you are south from me. Sorry guys, that's cold to me!
    We always get a real tree. My kids have never known anything else and I would be shot at sunrise if I did not!

    Making kielbasa and fried potatoes tonight. Have both in the fridge and need to be used up. Figured that would be a nice cold weather meal. Really wanted to make some potato soup today but had no time for it.
    Waiting on daughter to pick grandson up. He came here after school so she wouldn't have to pay for after care. Usually either her ex's mom or her future husband can watch him on Friday's but the last couple of weeks not. Which is totally delightful for me! Don't mind a bit. Set him up with his usual hot chocolate and peanut butter crackers........happy kid!

    Hope all enjoy their evening. Will try to pop back later.
  • gaspesiangal 7 years ago said:
    Just a quick hello, another busy day and I am wiped. Trying to get the laundry caught up and get dinner on the table. I'll try and catch up later this evening.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Holy Kamoly that was one busy day! I'm beat! Just pulled the banana bread out of the oven. Didn't have any pecans or walnuts so I subbed chocolate chips. Figure I can't go wrong with kids in the house. :)

    Salmon is prepped. Avocado salsa and salad made. Shall do up the rice shortly. Prepped the Chicken Parm so it's all set for tomorrow night. Decorated the dining room table. It looks cute. I used those mini stockings for the cutlery. Went out and cut some more cedar boughs to put in the middle of the table with candle holders and pinecones and some mini battery operated dot lights. Snowman serviettes. Americans say napkins don't they?

    Also made it to the Post Office and mailed off my Mom's Christmas parcel as well as a hand full of Christmas cards. The rest will have to wait until next week once our company is gone.

    That's cute about your grandson and the girl texting each other from 15 ft. away Karen. Such a different world. Takes a bit less nerve to text than to go over and talk. :)

    Goodness on having all those windows to wipe down Shona! Ugh on your reverse osmosis tap giving you grief. :( Hope it's a quick fix for you.

    No Linda, the Dr. didn't really say a lot about a cause for Jim's vertigo. She said maybe he bumped his head. ROFL @ "Are you sure you don't live in the North Pole Shona". LOLOL. That's a good one. Perhaps Shona is actually Mrs. Claus. It's possible. :) Your dinner sounds wonderful. We don't grill a lot during the winter time, certainly not as often as in the summer anyway.

    Hi Kimmer! The only vitamin Jim takes is D. Eesh on that Vitamin coq10 doing something weird to your vision. I would kill for kielbasa and fried potatoes tonight. Deelicious! Could also go for some potato soup.Nice you got to watch over your Grandson. I want one of those too. :)

    You've been so busy Bren. Hope you get a bit of down time for yourself this weekend!

    Jim has lit us a fire and we are just enjoying a glass of wine before our company arrives. They called enroute and will be here shortly.

    Have a great night everyone!
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Hi again.

    Strange about the C0Q10 Kimmer. I have taken it for some time and it hasn't bothered. But everyone reacts differently. I went off all supplements for a few weeks and will go back one at a time. I think I am on too many anyhow.

    Janet, Avacado salsa sounds wonderful. Yum. Your table is so festive!

    Hi Bren!

    We have had a real tree forever. Just this year we have been looking at artificial ones, but I want perfection and not too pricey. The tree is watered and set up in the sun room to acclimate. Decorations are out on the table. I set up my village....bought the majority of the little buildings from the Dollar Store! Very cute. Tomorrow the tree!

    Have to scoot. Have a nice day.
  • laurieg 7 years ago said:
    Hi everyone
    I got an artificial tree last year after Christmas it was 80% off then I got my discount on top of that. I think I paid like $30 for it. It has the lights already on it and it just puts together in 3 pieces. Not too big. I really like it. But we were keeping our fingers crossed when we put it together since we hadn't tried it yet and the box was opened.
    Becca and I got chipotle for dinner but I didn't love it. Way too salty.
    Now I have a killer headache that hasn't gone away after 2 Advil.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Perfection plus not too pricey is tricky to find Karen but good luck! Nice on your Christmas village. I've never had one but they are always so cool to look at.

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