Friday's Finger Food

  • chuckieb 9 years ago
    Good morning everyone! A tad chilly this morning. We've lit the pellet stove just to take the chill off but it's supposed to go up to 20C/68F this afternoon and even warmer for the weekend so that's lovely.
    I'm going over to have tea with my girlfriend this morning and then I'm hoping to finish clearing the dead leaves out of the lily beds at the back of the house. (The deer have already been snacking on the tops coming up!). And...Jim and I want to move some furniture around now that Benjamin's old room is all painted.
    I'm going to make
    Rock Cornish Game Hens With Crab Stuffing
    for dinner this evening and I'm going to try a new appetizer as well from a cookbook I bought not long ago:
    Bloody Shrimp Cocktail
    And that's what had me title the thread post this morning "Finger Food". I looked up the term on Wikipedia but didn't really learn anything new.

    Finger food is food meant to be eaten directly using the hands, in contrast to food eaten with a knife and fork, chopsticks, or other utensils.In some cultures, food is almost always eaten with the hands; for example, Ethiopian cuisine is eaten by rolling various dishes up in injera bread. In the South Asian subcontinent, food is traditionally always eaten with hands. Foods considered street foods are frequently, though not exclusively, finger foods.
    In the Western world, finger foods are often either appetizers (hors d'oeuvres) or entree/main course items. In the Western world, examples of generally accepted finger food are miniature meat pies, sausage rolls, sausages on sticks, cheese and olives on sticks, chicken drumsticks or wings, spring rolls, miniature quiches, samosas, sandwiches, or other such based foods, such as pitas or items in buns, bhajjis, potato wedges, vol au vents, several other such small items and risotto balls (arancini). Other well-known foods that are generally eaten with the hands include pizza, hot dogs, fruit and bread. In East Asia, foods like pancakes or flatbreads (bing 饼) and street foods such as kebabs (chuan 串) are often eaten with the hands.

    Have to head down for my stint on the treadmill in just a bit. Didn't have the best sleep. But I did hear the coyotes singing last night which was lovely after having all the windows shut up tight in the winter time.
    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Good morning. It is 40-something F, going to hit 60's today, I think. Wayne is fixing eggs for breakfast - I am not at all hungry and the scales reinforced the need to exercise!

    Janet, this was an especially interesting post. Game hens (esp. stuffed with crab) do sound so good! Love the pictures, the center one looks so cool and refreshing. Hearing the coyotes sing at night is one of the advantages to living in the country. If they are in the field South of us (front of the house) and we turn on car lights they instantly quiet down. If they are North they have forest cover and are not as frightened. I guess people "spotlight" them and shoot them, so they have learned to be wary of lights.

    Around here people either hate or love the coyote. They do raid flocks and take out lambs etc. But so do the wolves and mountain lions that Conservation keeps telling us do not exist in this part of Missouri. And, in one case, neighbor dogs are suspected of packing up and attacking lambs - until the owners bought two Anatolian shepherd dogs to guard them.

    GS's concert was very short - 4 songs. It was 4th, 5th, and 6th grades. They did "Boondocks" and "Happy" and "Count on me" and ??? "Counting stars." So cute. He enjoyed it. I don't think all the kids were in it, probably just those who showed interest and / or could carry a tune! I couldn't "carry a tune in a bucket" if my life depended on it.
    We went out to eat at a local BBQ place afterward. I am still stuffed and will not want breakfast for a while, for sure.

    No idea what to fix for lunch or dinner. We have the pork loin we got at Sams, so I will probably fix it. Maybe in the crock pot. Maybe not. If I don't start cleaning the dust bunnies will take over!

    Have a nice day!
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Very clever finger foods. Good for you on the treadmill routine. I'd love arancini.for breakfast, I have to get a few cornish hens for Liv and I, better then a whole chicken for us. Nice on the coyote serenade.

    I've been hurting from the last fall and spending some time in bed. I purchased a lower bed frame and Olivia set it up in Fred's room. It is much easier to get into bed but tougher to get out. The floors are so slick, I have to get a floor rug and grippers.
    We are sharing a chef salad for supper and half of a roast beef sandwich.

    I know we had a discussion about fruit flies and i have tried vinegar and boiling water to clean the drain. But I still have them, I cleaned the sink and dishes, but they are still here? Help!
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Hi Tina.

    Two sites listed recipes for removing fruit flies - good luck. I hate the little bugs, too. They zoom in when I have tomatoes in the kitchen waiting to be canned.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Jim's cousin brought us a big round Blueberry scone thing a while back. Thought I'd better cook it up for breakfast before the June expiry date. I'm going to poach an egg and serve it on top but Jim crinkled his nose and said he'll just have his egg on toast. Rolling eyes.
    I'm the same as you Karen, in that I cannot carry a tune if my life depended on it either. Pork loin in the crock pot will be nice and will make the house smell good.
    There you are Tina! Missed ya! And by the way....Congrats on Tampa Bay making the next round of Play offs! First game tonight against Montreal. I suspect Jim and I will watch it. I survived the treadmill. :) Jim and I actually split a Game Hen these days. We'd never finish a whole one by ourselves so this works perfectly. That's nice Liv got your new bed set up. Fruit flies are a PIA! They propagate like crazy which is what makes them so annoying but they are easy to kill. I have been known to use drain cleaner poured down drains and that seemed to work nicely. When I managed the Hardware store we used to sell Trapples. They look nice on the counter and they seemed to get good results although I'm sure there's a home made remedy that one could make up for cheaper.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    By the way....Happy May Day everyone! :)
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    I'm no singer either. I have bleached the garbage can. Made traps with plastic wrap, solo cups, holes wih a toothpick, and a rubber band. The trap is honey, vinegar and Dawn.

    Yeah on the Lightning! I saw some friends cheering in the stands for game six. Ir was neat. Yes, I'm excited. That game six was a nail biter. Tonight is a chef salad and a nice bottle of wine, love the name. "The Baffler"

    Where did April go? Happy May Day! The Derby is tomorrow.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Had a lovely morning. Good visit with my girlfriend and then I had to run in and grab some groceries. CHICKENS WERE ON SALE WHOOP! :) I bought 6 of them ranging from $5.50-$5.99 each so I'm very pleased. I made up a grocery list/menu last night for the upcoming week and am going to try a bunch of new recipes and that's always fun.
    It's just gorgeous outside.
    Good luck with those fruit flies Tina. "Baffler" is a good name for a bottle of wine alright. :) I picked up two cans of a new Limited Edition Caesar that is out called "The EXTREME Caesar" so that'll be fun.
    Whenever anyone mentions 'the Derby' I always think of Lori. doing okay today?
    Michelle B?
    The cardinals are singing a beautiful song outside. Everything is happy it's spring. :)
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Your dinner plans for tonight sound fabulous, Janet! I love finger foods especially when they are different and the more the merrier! We have to clean up leaves and thing in the garden as well. I am hoping Den will be able to clear it all away tomorrow. My daffodils are starting to bloom and I am delighted about that! I bet Ben's old room is going to be quite handy for you now.

    Karen, I can't sing either! I always wished I could.

    Good luck with the fruit flies, Tina. We haven't had them here for awhile touch wood! They can be annoying little pests! I hope you can get rid of them. Thanks for the Derby reminder. I love watching it and it always reminds me of Lori and Bryan as they seem to go every year.

    Den will have his normal Friday night fare of a BBQ rib eye steak and oven fries. I might have a small steak but I am not certain at the moment.

    Wishing everyone a Happy May Day!
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Janet, what is Jim's assessment of Montreal versus the Lightning? I'm going to watch from bed with leg elevated.

    I wish I could make my favorite traditional Derby finger food, the Benedictine sandwich. I love them but they are so fattening. I might talk Olivia into getting the ingredients. Or I see if Allison will get the goods for a Hot Brown.
    The Original Benedictine
    The Hot Brown Sandwich

    Joce, so we have a quartet of non singers. Enjoy your little steak tonight..

    So I missed all the discussion on the high prices. $6.99 for ground beef? $10.00 a lb. for rib eye, $3.50 for pork chops. I'm looking at my stack of Boca burgers and thinking I need new ways to fix them. LOL

    Miss Lola Jane has an appt. Tues with the vet to get spayed. She has been a pistol.

    I have friends and family dropping new babies left and right. Sarah had her little boy and Sydney had her girl. Jill is two weeks away for her due date for her girl. All the dads are puffing out their chests. I have some baby shopping to do.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Hi all! I love finger foods! We should add that category to our themed dinners. Omg that shrimp cocktail sounds delicious Janet! You should post it here with a picture if it turns out well. Glad you had a great time with your GF, and HOORAY on cheap chickens...good for you to stock up :)

    The concert sounded too cute Karen, and glad your GS had a blast doing it!

    I'm glad you got a lower bed frame Tina, but that sucks that it's hard to get out of :( You'll get it all figured out one of these days I hope. Ugh on the fruit flies, hope you can figure out a way to get rid of them! Congrats to all the new parents :)

    Yum on steak Joce!

    Had a busy day today, had to go to the grocery store, pay our land note, stop by the liquor store, then came home and Ashley and I went to the meat market together. Lol, she has 4 kids but one was in school so we had 4 kids total marching into the meat market lol, it was just a funny sight :P They have fantastic boudin so I picked up two packages of that, got some jalapeno smoked sausage, 3 lbs. of bacon, and 3 packages of chicken breast. So I'm set for a couple weeks. Also at the store they had chicken thighs and drumsticks on sale today only and I think I got 10 to 12 thighs for $4.50. What a deal!! Grabbed 2 packages.

    Lexi is over having a play date with Caiden, they are gluing sequins onto popsicle sticks currently and being very cute :) going to make these tonight but I'm going to grill my own chicken and probably throw some squash on there as well that needs to be used. Have a great day everyone!!
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Good buy on the chicken, Janet and Michelle. If we lived closer to a meat market I would haunt it. Steak sounds good, Joce.

    Wayne stays over Sunday evening so I have the day to myself after church. I will probably pick up some Church's chicken, though!

    Tina, hope you can eradicate the infamous fruit flies. Had to laugh at some of the "traps" in the sites.

    We are going to another auction this Saturday. They have a rifle that Wayne is interested in, but they tend to go quite high so I doubt we will bring it home.

    Well, I have to go put a pork loin roast into the oven - will probably add some spices and put it on 325 and let it roast away in peace. Or whatever pork loin roasts do. A spinach salad or steamed spinach will finish my package of organic spinach. It looks like I will have to pick up some more.

    Have a nice day.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Well, I didn't get to my gardening. But, Jim and I moved all the furniture around between the two bedrooms and it looks pretty good. I still need a window covering, some pictures up and I think a new duvet cover. And a rug that we had in the guest room, no longer fits either room that well since we moved the positioning of the beds. We'll figure it out. Prepped dinner. Gonna watch the Hockey game in an hour.
    Your dinners this evening sound lovely Joce. Have a great night.
    Jim and I are cheering for Montreal Tina(Canadian team afterall, sorry) :) Jim says that Ben Bishop looks a bit shaky even though he's a great goalie, this is the first season he's played in the Play-offs. And he says Stamkos hasn't scored yet in the play off games so he has to get going or they're in trouble. Last year in the Play offs Montreal won four straight but....Tampa has beaten them every game in regular season so far this year.It should be a good game. Wouldn't mind seeing a Tampa player paste P.K. Subban into the boards though once just for fun. (He hurt one of our best players in the first round). :)
    Good luck to Lola on Tues. Baby shopping is very fun. My niece is having her baby shower May 16th. I can't make it (it's near Toronto) but will send a gift. The invitation said that instead of a card (which are indeed getting pricey these days) that they'd appreciate a little book for the baby instead with a note inside as to why you chose it. I think that's the sweetest thing. I am buying them "Pat the Bunny". Benjamin ADORED that book when he was little and I knew the words off by heart.
    I will indeed post the Shrimp cocktail if it tastes good Michelle. It looks good so far. :) Yummers on your Jalopeno smoked sausage. Great deal on the chicken pieces!
    Karen I called my Mom last Friday and it took her a little longer to answer the phone than usual so I said "Sorry Mom, did I wake you from a nap?" and she said "No, I was just carrying the guns up from the basement". Gave me a little giggle to picture it. My Dad was a hunter and had I'm gonna guess four shot-guns maybe. Mom saw an ad in the local paper that someone was looking to buy guns so she called him, he came over, offered her $600 and off he went. She has no clue what they were truly worth and she may have got ripped off, but she is quite happy to be rid of them since she's moving house and to pocket the extra cash. :) Have fun at your auction. I'm steaming some spinach as a side to my Game Hen too.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    And'd be nice if a Tampa player also pasted Gallagher on the boards. He's very annoying. :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    HI, Janet. If those were shotguns, Janet, the value varies. He could very well have got a bargain. But she is rid of them and I can understand needing the extra money. The shotguns at the last auction we attended went for anywhere from $175 to $1,200 each, but the $1,200 one had silver engraving on the receiver and was highly collectable. Bass Pro has rifles in its behind-glass, special gun room, that can range from $10,000 - $20,000; these are, however, not in my budget unless I would win the 400 million dollar powerball -- LOLOL!

    The oven roast pork loin was quite tender. I served it with boiled sweet potatoes, and threw together a spinach and strawberry salad because the roast was cooked early and I decided to be lazy. I am stuffed.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Thanks for the info on the teams. I don't like Subban at all.

    The moms-to-be asked for baby books too. I certainly like this trend of baby book gifts. I bought three copies of "Chicka-boom" Tyler loved it. The other one that made him laugh and laugh was "My Little Sister Ate One Hare". It is funny.

    Glad your mom got rid of the guns satisfactorily. We still haven't found Fred's. He hid them well.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Sounds like guns can fetch a crazy price Karen! Mom had absolutely no use for hers. She'll use the money to buy some flowers to plant. It being her last spring to do that. That makes me sad, but. Your dinner sounds awesome. I've made a similar salad and very much enjoyed it. Jim not so much.
    Subban is a show boat Tina. Rolling eyes. That's cool that your Mom's to be asked for baby books too. What a great trend! I'm going to check out your books as I've not heard of either of them. LOL @ Fred hiding the guns. I have stories of Mom and the guns too but.....sometimes they give me nightmares. :)
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    I have massive heartburn in this game. Bishop has done well. That goal was hard.

    Chicka boom is alphabet related, My little sister is counting,

    I may need a drink tonight. LOL
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Bishop has done very well Tina! There's only one good thing that comes out of nolt making it on to the next's WAY LESS PRESSURE! :) We are far more relaxed than when we were in it. :)
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Good evening ladies:)

    We left around 6:30 am for Sac (it was over 90F today!)..they had a seminar and we had to pick up some GD's and springs among other things..they had Jimboy's Tacos catering the event.,.we had 2 service calls on the way back home in Paradise..we arrived at home sweet home around 4:30..I am soooooo pooped..Rick has a door install and another call in Chico tomorrow near my parents house, so I'm having him drop me off there so I can mow their back 40..Dad started mowing using his riding lawn mower the other day and got too close to a tree branch (it was broken off and jagged) he cut his head pretty bad, I was there, so I took him to the ER,..they put in 5 staples to close the wound..sigh.....he;s doing well...thank God. Then Sunday Rick has to install a new gear & sprocket assy on a RV door for the woman who owns Skyway Feed ( we buy our cat food there so looks like we'll be getting some catfood $$ back..hahaha)..then Monday he's installing 4 GD openers on a house..yes, on ONE house..oy vey I couldn't imagine having that much space:) Anyhoo, just wanted to check in, I do hope everyone is well & happy:) Oh yeah,we had pizza for dinner! Hope I didn't ramble on & on..I'll be sleeping very well tonight, we both will..:)

    Sleep sweet....
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    argh 2nd overtime. I'm sleepy, people.

    Marie, 4 GD openers??? Did they build an Aaron Spelling castle? I did see a mansion in Franklin NC with 4 bays, they owned a farm of aquatic plants. It was acre after acre of lily ponds. Tyler hated that visit, boring plants that mommy likes. LOL Sleep sweet dear lady.

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