Mary Berry Monday!

  • chuckieb 9 years ago
    Mary Berry is 79 years old! Or I should say young! Wow! Doesn't she look fantastic. Decided since a lot of us are getting hooked on the "Great British Bake off" that we should learn more about this iron lady. She is an English Food writer and television presenter. She studied catering in college and then went to France at the age of 21 to study at Le Cordon Bleu. She has published more than seventy 'cookery' books.and she's been a judge on the Great British Bake off since it started in 2010. Her Mother lived to the ripe old age of 105 and just passed away in 2011.
    Mary appears on TGBB alongside Paul Hollywood (who comes off as a bit of a Hollywood IMHO) who specializes in bread. In her own kitchen she uses a Kitchen Aid mixer which she says is the one gadget she could not live without. She was appointed Commander of the British Empire in 2012 for services to Culinary arts. She was married in 1966 and had three children. A son who became a tree surgeon, a daughter who went into business with her Mom to market their salad dressings and another son who died in a car accident at the age of 19. She has two dogs Millie and Coco and placed 2nd on a list of the 50 best dressed Over-50's by The Guardian. She published an autobiography in 2013 called "Recipe for Life". Fun eh? :)
    We watched "Downton" last night and I PVR'd GBBO. I started a new thread in the Downton Group for Episode 2.
    Da Season 5 Episode 2 Sa
    Today I plan to make home made perogies to have in the freezer when Benjamin comes go with the cabbagerolls. I used to make them years and years ago but not sure if I even have the recipe I used to use. I think (knock on wood) that they're pretty straight forward though. There used to be a wonderful old Ukranian woman who was a customer at the Hardware store I used to manage. She would cook up 100's of batches to sell at the Ukranian Church around Easter and we used to request some ourselves, so she'd come trundling in with an express bag of perogies fresh from the church. I think they used to sell for $6/dozen or something. They were magnificent. All hail Mrs. White! :)
    Not sure what's on the agenda for dinner this evening.
    Wishing everyone a good Monday!
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Mary Berry does look great for her age Janet!! Holy Cow, published more than 70 cookbooks!!?? What a fun life she has had (besides her son dying in car crash)! I've never made perogies before, but have eaten plenty :) Do you make them with meat in them?

    Bri was ready 5 minutes early this morning and went into the dining room to look out for the bus. The bus is always here between 7:30 and 7:35. Never has it been later than 7:40. At 7:45 I started to think she had missed the bus, which is weird because she was actually ready early today. At 8 I told everyone to get in the car and I was going to drive her. We got all loaded up and the bus pulls up! 35 minutes late! Weird! Anyway, saved me a trip in the freezing cold! Not much on the agenda today. I do need to make a grocery store run to pick up a few things I either forgot to put on my list a couple days ago or forgot off my list :P Tonight I'm going to cook up my kohlrabi...haven't decided which recipe yet, I have quite a few pinned to choose from! Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Pierogies sound yummy. I have had them but never made any. Schwanns carries a basic pierogies line, filled with some sort of mild cheese, that the GSs like, so we get some every so often.

    Today is probably going to spent making phone calls to track down bills, RX, etc. that never made it here. Aargh! We missed the bullet on weather - little ice on the trees and a few slick areas on the road. Unlike Southern MO where they got ice early on. Schools to the south of us are closed.

    Must go. Too much to do. Have a good day.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Hi Karen! Don't do too much today!

    I have a bunch of kohlrabi so I think I can get a couple of different uses out of it. These look good and they have even coconut flour in them! Kohlrabi Patties. Plus I want to make this, Janet, I think you sent this one to me on Pinterest: and for sure making these fries Joce sent to me :) I have 6 pretty good size bulbs so I think I have enough to make them all! Not all in one night though lol, now I gotta pick which one is for tonight :)
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    I had no idea Mary Berry was that old, Janet! Nor did I know she has so many cookbooks etc. She does tend to tone Hollywood down. The American Baking competition was with Paul Hollywood and Jeff Foxworthy. Jeff stole the show with his humour of course:) What kind of perogies are you planning on making for Ben? I like the ones with mashed potatoes and cheddar cheese the best, myself. YUM!

    Weird on Bri's bus being so late this morning. I wonder what happened to make it so late? Sounds like you have quite a lot of kohlrabi to experiment with, Michelle! Good luck with whatever you decide on. I have never tried kohlrab myself. I don't have a clue what it tastes like.

    Karen, You mention Schwanns quite often and I had to Google it, to find out it was an online grocery store! We don't have them here, which is why I had never heard of them before! I gather they will deliver to you out in the country as well? Glad you didn't get hit too hard with your weather. Stay in where it is safe and warm today.

    We are having leftover pork roast, gravy, mashed potatoes and a veg for dinner again tonight so that is easy peasy for me.

    Wishing everyone a pleasant Monday!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Mary Berry has had a fun life hasn't she Michelle! No, my perogies don't have meat in them. Cheese and potato. Ugh on the bus being so late! We used to have a "Bus Hot Line" we could call to see if there were any delays. Have a good jaunt to the Grocery store. I'm looking forward to hearing about your Kohlrabi adventures. :)
    Good luck with all your phone calls Karen.
    I didn't realize there was an American Baking Competition Joce! And not to be snotty, but what baking experience does he bring to the table? I googled Kohlrabi the other day and they say it tastes like a blend of cabbage and broccoli. Ohhhhhhh....I didn't know Schwann's was an online store! Mmmmm....your dinner sounds good tonight. How's your pain doing today?
    I gave Jim three dinner possibilities and he chose Tacos which is good by me.
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Good thinking, Janet. I gather Paul Hollywood is a celebrity chef who has been on TV and in a few things? LOL Not to be snotty but, I think he is:) IMHO.
    Oh I didn't know Kohlrabi tasted like cabbage and broccoli either? I haven't had Tacos in ages! Now I am craving them:(
    My chest is still painful in a very different way. It feels creepy as I can feel the wires pulling and crunching around as it is healing together, I guess? I try to take in big breaths of air until it hurts to keep expanding it. Parts are still a painful numbing almost badly bruised feeling too! It is weird I tell ya!
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Here is a better bio on him
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    I was not at all familiar with Paul Hollywood until I saw him on the GBBO Joce. Wikipedia says he worked as a baker since taking up the career at his father's bakery as a teenager and has gone on to become head baker at a number of hotels around Britain. I think he's snotty too. :) Weird on your chest pains. Doesn't sound very fun alright. But healing is good. When you think what they did to you it makes sense that your body parts are complaining. Take good care.
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Hi ladies:)

    We've been busy..I need to make up invoices for tomorrow's jobs in Chico here in a minute..we had 2 calls least we got to see the Packers win before having to go to work:) They are in the playoffs.whoo hoo:) Rick's truck is in the shop today..he needed some rear end seals (or something to go with the rear end) replaced and more than likely new he's not working today..unless they get it done early.

    Dinner will be some sort of a casserole..just need to figure out which one I want to make!

    Hope everyone is well...Tina, thinking of you dear lady. I'll check back in when I get my work done and hopefully catch up! I haven't had a chance to watch any on the new DA..I have the first 2 season 5 episodes taped and ready to watch!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Hi Marie! Congrats on your Packers making it to the Playoffs! It would be important to make sure Rick's brakes are in good order with all those hills you guys drive on! Perhaps once you're done your invoices you can do a Downton Binge watch. :) are you doing today? Is there enough nibblees in the fridge still for dinner tonight? How did you make out with the music and pictures?
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Am having fun (and success) with my perogies. Benjamin is going to be delighted! :) Tina, if I lived in St. Petersburg I'd be totally running some over to you. Hugs.
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Great to hear your perogies have turned out so well, Janet. You are going to freeze a bunch uncooked I would imagine?
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    All done! Mrs. White and the other Church Perogy Ladies would actually boil them, drizzle some butter and cooked onion on them, and then sell them packaged so they were ready to pop out into the frypan with a little additional butter just until warm. So that's what I did and I think it worked quite nicely. I'll put a pic in my avatar in just a bit. Quite proud of myself. :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    It is quiet here. Wayne and I finished most of the fire department reports and I made my phone calls and am now relaxing on the love seat and he is napping on the couch in the sun room. Noticed smoke from the neighbor's, but it was so little we decided he was burning trash again. After all the rain, that was a good time to do so. Smoke around here still makes me nervous and we check on it as soon as possible.

    I think it is nap time. I'm dozing as I type. Hi Joce - Janet - Marie - Michelle and any one else dropping in.
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Yes I have had the ones from those Church Ladies, Janet. I was wondering b/c, I have only made them and eaten them the same day. I have also bought some from the church ladies and the perogies were frozen uncooked and they tasted great just thrown frozen into boiling water until they rose to the top when they were cooked. Served with caramelized onions and butter. They are yummy too! Your avatar looks JUST GREAT!!!
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    Hey everyone!
    Tonight's dinner is shake n bake chicken baked potatoes and I think green beans. We have to go to that selectman meeting tonight to see what they have to say.
    I'm not sure if I have ever had perogies at least not homeade.
    Woke up with a pounding headache not sure if it's he weather or what but it just won't quit. Took extra strength Tylenol and didn't help this morning. When I got home from work I took something called Vanquish which is like Exedren. Hoping it will kick in.
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Here is a thing on freezing perogies
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Oh Janet, your Pierogies look soooo good! Looks like you found the recipe..I have always wanted to make homemade Pierogies..

    Joce, I sure wish you didn't have to deal with the should be getting better soon? Take good care:)

    Karen, I sure wish I could get a nap in today..but right now the season premiere of Downton is calling:) Gosh, if I could just get a chance to watch them..I'm thinking maybe tonight when the DH and kittens all all asleep and QUIET!

    Hi Laurie..too bad on the headache..that sucks..maybe some caffeine would help..or a glass or 2 of water? Feel better...

    We are having grilled burgers for Rick and I'll grill a chicken breast for a sammie.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Yum on Shake n' Bake Chicken Laurie. I love that stuff. Hope your headache is long gone now.
    Thanks for the perogy links Joce. They were interesting.
    Thanks Marie. Your dinner ideas sound scrumptious. GO WATCH DOWNTON! :)

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