Not Monday Again!

  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago
    It is 6:50 A.M. and for some reason I woke up before 6 this morning. Bring on the coffee!
    Joce - Wayne actually enjoyed Dennis' s comment. He usually ignores my "chats" but I think he felt your HB was a kindred spirit. LOL
    Tina - how is the foot? I've also heard going Gluten free helps sometimes. Worth a try.
    All - hello.
    This week is going to be hectic and harried, so I won't be popping in as much. Still thinking of you all.
    A.C. just tried to escape into the great outdoors but was not successful and is pacing the floor. If he would behave and leave my two elderly barn cats alone, he could become an outdoor cat at least during the daytime. Not too keen on the thought of him pouncing on a raccoon at night, however. He would come out the loser.
    My kitchen is now totally functional. The pass thru to the sun room will be the final project to finish, and that includes getting glass for it and the cupboard doors above the sink. The woodworkers are making an island (small, narrow so it will fit in my kitchen). Decided on a maple top to compliment the cordovan stained cherry.
    The sun room is together. It is halfway neat - the first half! Still have stacks of stuff to put away once baseboards are added to the store room.
    I added a potato salad recipe yesterday. Wayne decided he did not like it and it wasn't like I usually made, etc. etc. Too much onion. ???
    The outdoor cats are gathered at the door waiting for breakfast, so I guess if I am going to get anything accomplished this morning, I best finish the now-lukewarm coffee and get moving.
    Have a nice Monday!
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Karen, so sorry that you had the early wake up call. Sounds like you are making great kitchen progress. Can't wait to see the finished pictures. Kitchen islands are cool. hmmm, Wayne does have discerning tastebuds. Too much onion? I make a recipe that I've made before and was Fred approved and then it is suddenly too spicy. I just can't please him at all.
    Love your outdoor kitties and pooh on A.C. stalking and being a bully. I'll join you in a cup of lukewarm coffee.

    I didn't sleep well at all. I woke up at 4:30 am and couldn't not move my arms. Too weak to lift them shoulder height. I went back to bed in protest. Leg swelling is down. I'm going to try the gluten free as soon as I purge some of the kitchen goodies. Crescent roll danish begone!

    We are supposed to have thunder storms all afternoon. I hope the boat captain has enough sense to bring my precious girl in safely. She did stop by Beef's briefly and the manager said he wanted her back and told her to double check with HR. Next is registering for school.

    I have turkey breast defrosting. I'm going to rub it in herbs and roast it. Mashed potatoes. Other sides to be determined.

    Sending virtual hugs and wishes for a beautiful day.
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Here's Janet's post..there were 2 Monday threads..SP!

    Good Morning Everyone! I only learned the term 'Muffineer' recently. Initially it brought to mind a person scaling the heights of a very large muffin. Lilliputian style. :) LOL. But what it actually refers to is a shaker for sifting sugar over muffins. Checked them out on Pinterest and Google Images and they're just gorgeous and so varied. Anyone have one?
    A lovely Monday morning here in Ottawa. Going to get hot for us this afternoon though. (Canadian Hot, not Florida or California hot) :) Up to 28C/82F. I'm going to BBQ tonight. Trying a new Guy Fieri recipe.....
    I mixed up the marinade yesterday (subbed Spicy Clamato Juice for the V-8) and have had it in the fridge overnight. :)
    Luisa's Chicken Satay was good last night. I'll write up an IMI review later this morning.
    I think I'm going to sand the two Adirondack chairs this morning and maybe even paint them. Need to stain the front deck at some point too.
    Jim's going to drop the microwave off at the Service Depot this morning on his way to work. Yay!
    Wishing everyone a super great day.
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Good morning:)

    Karen, so cool you now have full use of your new kitchen!!!! I am so happy for you:) Awww, we will be thinking of you as well...
    I think your Chunky Potato Salad looks delish!!!

    Tina, so sorry to hear you didn't sleep well! At least the swelling in your leg went down..turkey and mashed potatoes are one of my all time favs:)

    Janet, beautiful sugar shakers! I have a small collection of vintage S&P shakers..I also like to collect vintage enamelware coffee pots:) Very small collection, I don't want to get anything else until I get everything done in the garage (yes, I haven't finished yet, I haven't done anything for weeks...I am such a procrastinator:( )..Shame on me:( LOL
    Oh gosh, we NEED to stain our back deck before Winter!!! I'll add that to our on going list of unfun things to do:-D Yea! On Jim dropping off the microwave:)
    The chicken satay looks, love, love your pic!!!

    Oh man, I don't know what to have for dinner......

    Hi Joce:)

    Hi Michelle:)

    Have a great Monday:)
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Hi Everybody! I haven't got to sanding my chairs yet but I did a bunch of work in the garden. Gave everything a good drink since the next couple of days are going to be so oppressive!
    Hurray on your kitchen being fully functional now Karen. :) That's great.
    Sorry to hear you didn't sleep well again Tina. But glad your swelling is down. If you need someone to help make that Danish go away I will be a willing participant! :) That's great Liv will get her job back and that she's registering for another school year. :) Yum on your dinner plans.
    Cool on the vintage salt and pepper shakers and coffee pots Marie. I love stuff like that. The coffee pots would be fun to display in a kitchen.
    I've decided to make
    Corn,avocado And Tomato Salad
    as a side to my flank steak and I have some of the paprika garlic bread leftover that I bought at the Farmer's Market so it's a plan. :) doing okay today? How are those eyelashes doing? :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Hi!! Congrats on your kitchen being useable again Karen!! I bet that's a relief. Your going to love your island when you get it, I couldn't imagine life without mine :) Your potato salad is exactly how I make mine! Sometimes I sub out regular onion for green onion or chives, maybe you should try that with Wayne and see if he likes it better?
    Hi TIna! Stay safe out there Olivia!! Glad to hear you are going to give gluten free a shot, wouldn't hurt to try right? Yum on roasted turkey!!
    Lol at what the word Muffineer brought to your mind Janet :P but nope no muffineer here! I just use my small strainer to sift everything with. Oh yum that Guy recipe looks amazing!! Corn,avocado And Tomato Salad sounds like it would be perfect for it. Yay on getting your microwave fixed Janet! I use mine a lot too.
    Hi Marie, my SIL has a huge collection of S&P shakers, she has some really cool one's too! Let us know what you figure out for dinner :)
    Had a consultation this morning about getting lasik..I have to wait for new glasses to come in (mine are broke) and I have to wear them for a week, then I will be getting the surgery....AACKK!! The doctors office is now nice and make me feel very comfortable, and assured me that I wouldn't feel a thing. Anyway, dinner tonight is
    Have a great day everyone!!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Hi Michelle! I LOVE the look of that Thai beef salad you're going to make. I 'pinned' it. :) The only thing I'm curious about is that it says to cut the lemon grass up into 1" pieces and add it to the sauce which flavours the beef but also gets poured over the salad as a dressing. I always thought lemon grass needed to be picked out as it was quite fibrous.
    Talked to Jim and he said the people at the Microwave Service Depot were very pleasant and said they'd just back date our claim so that it fell within the warranty time. Isn't that nice!
    Got the chairs sanded and now I'm heading out to paint.
    Worried about Joce a little.
    Also saw on FB that Laura's Father in law passed away. I'm so sad for her. I know she was very, very close to him. Sending my sincere condolences.
    Tina, did you ever hear back from your HR regarding your short term disability pay?
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Decided on Ground Beef Stew Over Garlic Mashed for dinner..easy, comfort food. I'll double the recipe so I can take some to my parents tomorrow!
    It's actually sprinkling just a teeny tiny bit here at the moment:)

    Hi Michelle:) Cool on your SIL's S&P collection! I even have a few sets of kitty S&P shakers my gf from MO gave me:) That's cool you're thinking about Lasik..I was thinking about checking into that as well..

    Janet, I have my S&P shakers in an old china type cabinet..a few of the smaller coffee pots as well, then 2 big coffee pots elsewhere around the kitchen..I love my things:)

    Oh no...Laura's Father-In-Law passed? Oh deepest sympathies to Laura and her family...

    Joce....please chime in dearest....
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    That Ground Beef stew sounds pretty good Marie. Let us know how you like it. So nice of you to bring some for your parents. Hope the 'sprinkling' turns into a downpour for you. :)
    All done re-painting the chairs and they look so much better. Am now just putting some wood epoxy putty on one of the steps on the front steps. It's starting to rot a bit and this will hold it for a year or two. I want to do some patch up staining later this week.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Phew! Just got done making a meat market and grocery store run and it's HOTTTT!!
    Janet, I may just chop the lemon grass up small then, don't want to take any chances! Also, I thought it was cool that you cook the steak FIRST and THEN marinate it! Never done it that way, but it has rave reviews, so whatever lol! Cool on the microwave! So glad they worked with y'all :)
    Sorry Laura about your FIL :( :( My condolences to you and your family....
    Yum on the ground beef stew Marie! Are you going to use potato flakes, or make the real stuff? I've never used potato flakes to make mashed potatoes, but have used them for other things lol!
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    It's raining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Janet, I bet the chairs look beautiful!!! I'll be sure to let you all know how we liked it..I adore easy recipes:)

    Michelle, I only have a couple of small potatoes..I don't think that will be enough, cause I just love mashed I will probably use potato flakes..I actually think using real potatoes is easier! When I use potato flakes I don't measure..just eyeball it. Maybe that's why I'm not really into baking..I dislike having to measure ingredients:)
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Either that Michelle, or if it were me, I'd just remove the lemon grass out of the sauce before pouring it over the salad. Leave it in until the beef absorbs the flavour and then pull it out at the last minute. I could be wrong. :) Let me know if you do eat it. :)
    Hurray on the rain Marie! :) The chairs certainly don't look beautiful but they do look better. They are old chairs and have lots of cracks and gouges in them and many layers of paint! :) But from a distance they look quite nice. :)
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    Hello all
    Back to work again. Not loving the work every day thing lol
    Frank got a text from another soccer coach this morning saying there is a rumor Frank's assistant coach killed herself over the weekend. I don't believe she would do that to her daughter but we haven't been able to find out anything. Ugh so frustrating. She told frank at the soccer party that her husband was divorcing her. Frank texted her but no response. No obit and a contact at police dept came up empty.
    Baked macaroni and cheese for dinner. I winged it on the recipe but it if gf. Becca is back on the bandwagon of gluten free.
    Cicada killers are back in full force. Got a phone message from a neighbor that they swarmed her and her dog (no stings luckily) exterminator is coming back out tomorrow morning.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Goodness Laurie. That's horrible about the soccer coach. Sure hope she's okay but a rumour like that doesn't bode well. Yum on your Mac n' Cheese. Ugh on the Cicada killers. Nasty.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Yay on the rain Marie, it's fixing to pour down here too :D
    Janet, I went through the reviews and a couple of people mentioned that they chopped up the lemon grass very fine and that it worked out great, so that's what I did. Hope it works, I'll let you know.
    Oh my gosh Laurie! That is a scary story about the soccer coach, I hope that the rumor is not true, but who would just make up something like that? Crazy! Let us know what you find out.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Oh no on Laura's FIL. I know she mentioned he was failing. So sad. Sending heartfelt condolences to our dear friend and her family.

    Marie, the rain dance worked!! Hurrah! The ground beef over mashed is one of Fred's all time favorite foods.

    Yes, I did get my disability pay. Phew. Now, I need to find out about how long they have it available.

    Laurie, what a horrible news or rumor. Either way, the girls are going to be upset and need someone to talk too. GF mac and cheese. I'll have to find a recipe. Ugh on cicada killers...they are so scary looking.

    We are not having turkey. I opened the wrapper and it looked freezer burned/mis-colored/smelly and I tossed it. (looked at the tag and it was from 12/12, oopsies)
    Pulled out a pork roast and roasted it in a rub of oil, rosemary, thyme, garlic powder. Served it with stewed tomatoes, mashed potatoes, collard greens, corn bread.

    Michelle, please do mince the lemon grass very small, or if it is in big pieces discard is very fibrous. I use it in my soup and fish it out at the end.

    Janet, have you heard of that new porch deck paint that seals and smooths out big splinters and cracks? Of course, I can't remember the name of it.

    Joce, hope you are well. Sending you healing wishes.

    I have our pistachio cranberry ice cream curing in two small containers. I have simmered some fresh peaches in balsamic vinegar, brown sugar, fresh basil leaves and ginger. I'm going to strain/puree peaches, add a bit of bourbon and make another ice cream. Boozy Basil Ginger Peach Ice Cream. Absolutely an experimental flavor.

    To make the pistachio ice cream, you had to steep the ground pistachios in hot half and half, cool and strain. That left all the pistachios rather soggy and soaked in half and half, I'm adding them to a banana bread batter and bake it for our breakfast toast.
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    Unfortunately it is true that she passed away. Not sure if she killed herself though. She was a second grade teacher and it was posted on the school website. Frank is really upset, crying and feels ill over it. They have coached together for the last three or four years.
    Tina I just did the regular recipe minus the flour and subbed gluten free pasta.
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    On dear Laurie..I'm so sorry. Let Frank know we send our condolences...

    Michelle, the rain didn't last long, but it sure was nice..are you getting any yet?

    Janet, I think it's cool on the old chairs, they have character! I also kindof collect old chairs believe it or not..I have 2 smaller oak chairs with a cool design on the back that Mom bought at a yard sale years ago for me..$5 each..and another that's maple, I believe, with a little drawer underneath the seat ..maybe a sewing chair? That was given to me from Rick's Mom..and another old chair from the military, dated in the 1940's..I don't have a clue where that one came was Rick's, now it's mine..LOL

    Tina, it was pretty good, next time I'm make some homemade gravy and "real" mashed's a good weeknight quickie meal for sure! Awww, too bad on the turkey:(
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Oh, dear. Laurie, how sad. Give my regards to Frank. I'm sure he is affected by her death. It is hard indeed. When bad things happen to good people, it has to hurt.

    Marie, love your chair collection. I like chairs too, it is that not many old ones aren't sturdy enough for my fanny. LOL Or wide enough. I like real potatoes, mine were watery today. I should have drained them better or at least pan dried them before adding butter. My greens were watery too. The stewed tomatoes were my favorite.

    The banana bread is in the oven. Fred will be the happy eater of banana toast. I don't really like banana bread, so no worries about me eating it.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Wow Laurie, that's just too bad :( I'm so sorry about how Frank is so sad for her. Sorry for her family and students as well.
    Marie, it trickled for 15 seconds then stopped lol!!
    Omg all of your great ice cream creations are making me want to pull out my maker and start experimenting!
    My lemon grass being chopped up worked great! I wonder if it sitting in the marinade for a couple hours helps out as well, but I didn't have anything fibrous. Just FYI that recipe I made was fantastic, definitely a keeper :)
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Great review Michelle, I'll have to get a sharper knife to mince my lemon grass fine enough. The recipe sounds delicious I would definitely enjoy the recipe, Fred maybe not so much.

    It is so flipping hot here, Fred can eat a LOT of ice cream. I'm happy he is willing to try some of my concoctions. The basil and peach worked in a fresh salad, so I had to give it a whirl in the churn. The bourbon balsamic flavor was very mild...I didn't taste any ginger. My jar of powdered organic ginger is new too, so I don't know why it isn't zippy? The basil flavor added just a bit of sweet herbal notes to the sweet peach. It is good.

    I've altered Paula Deen's basic ice cream mix to include some of the tips from Jeni's Ice Cream basic mix. Jeni's is egg free, but she adds just a bit of corn syrup and some cream cheese to add to the heavy cream to make the base smoother and the ice cream creamier. No ice crystals like churned ice cream with the egg or junket base.

    Next effort is going to be blood orange sorbet with a pinch of cayenne. (For me!)
    And we both saw the Chuck Eats the Street show where the ice cream engineer made ice cream with Earl Grey Tea...I want to try it with bit of chopped candied ginger and candied lemon zest. I love Earl Grey and I hope it works out. I limit my consumption to one tiny bowl for tasting purposes.
    And of course, we need to replicate the Queen City Ice cream, dark semi sweet chocolate with black pepper and cayenne undertones. Sweet heat chocolate. Stuff is addictive.
    I was seriously looking at a ripe avocado and a bunch of limes and contemplating an ice cream but my more sensible self prevailed and we had a guacamole appy tonight instead. LOL
    Oh, another idea....grilled fresh pineapple blended with a bit of serrano chili, ginger and coconut milk ice cream.
    Okay I'll admit I'm tired and the steroids/headache have made me KuKoo!
    At least I'm not doing an Iron Chef trout ice cream or eel ice cream. EWWWWWW

    I did read that you can add chia seeds to your steeping liquid and it will add fiber, Omega-3
    and other health benefits from the seeds. If I can convince Fred the seeds are vanilla seeds it might be a go, win win situation.

    Legs are driving me nuts.
    I've stood up more tonight to do cooking and my legs are paying the price. My heels hurt and the skin is shedding off my feet and hands. There isn't enough moisturizer to repair the skin.....argh. I hate auto immune diseases.

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