Simply Saturday

  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago
    It is quiet and sunny. The little deer are out looking for the corn (it isn't there yet. Too early.) Mel made a mad dash for the sun room and enjoyed his five minutes of exploration before being removed. The orchid I got last year has decided to bloom again. Well, one of them has four buds. The other is just sitting there debating life. I didn't think they would ever have flowers again, but they decide to fool me.

    Laundry is started. Wayne is on his way to feed horses and let the chickens out. A rather large squirrel is dancing across the yard under a dead mulberry tree. [Needed to be removed last year.] A ton of work a waits. Have to go to the wonderful world of WalMart later to pick up sand paper and cat food and a bag of cat litter - probably will walk out with too much other stuff. Ah well. Such is life.

    Decided to get a tiny start on the one remaining chaotic, over flowing, room. It is in dire need of straightening so I can find the floor to clean!

    Have a good day.
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    The picture is A.C. and Mauser sleeping on Wayne's recliner just before we swept the ashes from the hearth after cleaning out the stove. Usually he and Trouble cuddle together, Mauser is too lively and he ends up tapping her on the head to remind her he is "boss."
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    good morning karen! my big deer were up on their hind legs stretching their tongues into my birdfeeder and slurping up black oil sunflower. i'm going to have to put the pole extension on and make it taller if this continues! nice on your orchid blooming. i'd never really thought too much abput orchids until we went to taiwan. they use them and grow them everywhere! have a fun shop at walmart. your pic is adorable.
    jim and i are going to the library after breakfast and then in town for some groceries. i have a craving for a big,juicy, b.b.q'd steak so will grab a couple of those and am going to serve it with
    Quintessential Quinoa Salad
    no hockey on this weekend because of the all stars game so jim and i will look for a movie to watch.
    benjamin will be done work now for 3 weeks over chinese new year. haven't heard from him since last weekend so am not sure what they're up to. he'll enjoy a break from the school though. he's been going non-stop for months.
    wishing everyone a great day.
  • Good4U 8 years ago said:
    Lol they look like they were playing and just fell asleep in the middle of it, Karen. I have never had much luck with orchids, however a friend of mine does. I think it has something to do with where it is placed in the house. They do continue to bloom and bloom every year which is nice.
    Den has gone to do the grocery shopping and get an oil change for his car etc. at the dealership. He is bringing home McD's for breakfast as we have a coupon for buy one get one free. No sure what I am having for dinner yet but Den will have his cheeseburgers and oven fries. We both woke up with sore throats and the sniffles so we are both sucking on Dequuadin Lozenges to kill our sore throats. I don't know what we would do without it as I always have a couple of boxes of them on hand. I learned about them when my son Chris had tonsillitis when he was a kid and they didn't want to take them out even back then. My doctor at the time recommended them and I have always kept them in the medicine cabinet since then.
    Gotta go my breakfast is here!
    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • Good4U 8 years ago said:
    SP Janet, Enjoy your visit to the library and your nice juicy steak for dinner.
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Second try. I bumped the laptop and away went the post. Grrr.

    Joce, we don't have that brand of cough drops here, but they do sound like they are effective. I could use some at the moment. Ha ha. Enjoy your McD breakfast.

    Janet, I hope you hear from Benjamin soon. It sounds like he really enjoys teaching. The steak sounds good! So funny the deer standing to get at the bird feeder.

    This has been a great year to see deer - there are usually 6 or 7 in the pasture and 4 or 5 in the hay field. Our two young deer watched Wayne head for the barn, then scattered to the "orchard" to hide. After he returned, they waited a few minutes and then came back and snarfed up the corn.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    yum on mcd's for breakfast joce. jim and i are a sucker for that! sorry to hear you guys have the sniffles.
    benjamin does enjoy teaching although his boss is a bit of a flake so it'll be nice for him to get some time away from her.
    forgot to soak the chick peas last night so the quinoa salad will get pushed to tomorrow. jim has requested
    Twice Baked Spinach Potatoes
    instead with maybe sliced tomato and avocado on the side.
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Dishes are put in dishwasher. Kitchen counters are wiped down. Cats are fed - we ran short of dry, so they were "treated" to some canned. They are very happy. They will be happier when I clean the litter boxes. Mauser is "calling" Trouble, who is contentedly purring on my lap -- her lap time is usually limited to few minutes, so I imagine she will be off and running soon. She is such a gentle soul.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    back from errands. can't wait for our steak. sure is freaking expensive these days. i got 2 rib eyes. $39.99/kg. i'm going to savour every bite. :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Yikes on the price of the ribeyes Janet!!

    Hi everyone, just popping in real quick. I'm in the process of making tzatziki to go along with Keni's Citrus Mint Pork Kabobs Over Pineapple Rice, at least I think that is tzatziki sauce in her photo? Surprised she didn't mention what she served them with anywhere on the recipe.

    Just got back from picking up Bri from Softball camp. It was just a one day thing, where the high school Softball girls take on doing the camp. She loved it!! Okay off to get dinner ready early, going to go and get ice cream afterward! Hope everyone is enjoying their day!
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    hi michelle! glad to hear bri had a fun day. i love that we're all from such different places.....cannot fathom going for ice cream in dec, :)
  • gaspesiangal 8 years ago said:
    Hi everyone. Sorry that I haven't been here much, it's been such a stressful week. MIL turned 88, can barely walk and still lives at home. She clearly needs to go to a nursing home but most of the family won't even consider that option. I'v been tasked with the leg work, just in case. I made Keni's Asian Chicken And Dumpling Soup for lunch, really enjoyed it. I took half of the lefties to an elderly neighbour, she loves spicy food. Joe grilled a strip loin, peppers and mushrooms. I had a bite of the steak but really dug into the crab that he bought for me. I hope that things settle down soon because I've had a head ache for a week. Sorry to be such a debbie downer, till next time.
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Lol, I didn't even think twice about it being December and getting ice cream...LOL LOL!!! Actually, I think the air conditioner might kick on any minute, it's getting warm in here!

    Bren, I know what your going through. My Nana upright REFUSED to be put in a nursing home. My Memaw and my great Aunt and Uncle had to take care of her hand and foot, bathing, going to the bathroom, everything. After seeing how hard it was on everyone I swore I would never put my kids through that, EVER! So sweet of you to take the leftovers to your neighbor :) Hope you headache goes away :(

    The ice cream was sooooo good! Good ole' Marble Slab :) Bri hit the sack early, the camp wore her out. I'm am hunkered down watching DVR'd shows with a glass of wine, the perfect ending to the day....goodnight everyone!!

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