Sunny Snowy Sunday

  • sparow64 11 years ago
    Good Morning!

    I woke up to beautiful snowfall, huge flakes, ground covered, and looked like it had set in for the day. Ten minutes later it had the sun is out and the snow is gone! lol We have snow all around, just not in Sweetwater. What's up with that? lol

    Tina, lol at the woman who thought her neighbors were stealing her money. :) And a big kudos to you for the walking and the healthy eating. It really does pay off. I really enjoyed it when I was walking every day. I need to get back to it.

    Hope you all have a fantastic day! Can't wait to see what everyone is fixing for the Super Bowl. I have missed planning party foods this year. We are going out with Gary and Donna, but, that will be fun too. Off to see Mom and Dad, then Jason and the kids. So no cooking today.

    Hey to everyone! Have a fantastic day!!
  • chuckieb 11 years ago said:
    Morning Lori! What a fun day you have ahead of you! :) Have a wonderful visit with your parents, Jason and the grandkids. Yay on no cooking!
    We too had some nice soft snowflakes fall overnight and this morning. Our BBQ rib eyes were delectable last night. For some reason they taste even better in the winter time than in the summer. I think it's because we have to work harder for them traipsing out in the snow and ice. :)
    Kimmer, sorry to hear both you and your hubby are still under the weather. Yum on your Brats and taters.
    Sounds like a weird shift alright Tina but I think that's pretty much the norm right? :) Good for you on the walking. That's awesome!
    We have a Sens Game on at 2 p.m. Then the Superbowl on tonight. I think I'm just going to do appetizers.
    As per Jim's request I picked up one of those little tinfoil containers with the Escargot stuffed with garlic butter and then I'll make
    Sauteed Scallops With Dijon Mustard Sauce
    Frankieanne had made my Chili recipe recently and she'd used some of it over Nachos with grated cheese and chopped green onion. I've never thought to do that and I do have some chili frozen downstairs so I just may do a platter of those, and I have some nice double smoked sausage, crackers, cheese, hot pepper jelly, etc. I can put out if there's any room left in our stomachs. :)
    Have a great day everyone!
  • NPMarie 11 years ago said:
    Lori, your snow must be so beautiful..have a fun day with your friends! We will be watching the Super Bowl, it comes on at 3:30 here..We will be making meatballs with cranberry sauce & chili sauce in a crock pot, chicken wings, asian egg rolls, and a veggie and dip tray..snacks for the game and dinner as well! Who knows if a friend or more will stop by, we are prepared:) Might make a green salad as well, something healthy so we don't feel bad! LOL

    Janet, do you guys watch the Superbowl? That's about the only football game we watch..unless we catch Green Bay playing.. I saw the nachos Frankieanne made with your chili, it sure looked good..and pretty creative of her!!!
  • chuckieb 11 years ago said:
    Morning Marie! Mmmm...on all your Superbowl snacks. Sounds wonderful! Jim watches the Superbowl but I don't. :) I just got a new book "A Cook's Tour" by Anthony Bourdain so am quite content to sit and keep Jim company, read my book, snack and enjoy the fire. :)
  • notyourmomma 11 years ago said:
    Did you know that Super Bowl Sunday is second only to Thanksgiving on food consumption? Most of it pizza, wings, and guacamole!

    I'm going to miss the game and commercials. Taking my Pork Larb for my lunch, spiced fruit, low fat cheese stick, and strawberries for snack. More low fat broccoli/spinach soup. It is emerald green and yummy.

    Fred is eating sloppy joes, creamed corn, and minced cole slaw for his game time pleasure. He has healed a bit from the fiasco at Ed White and he is not in so much pain. Lowfat chocolate icecream bars (WW) for his dessert.

    Lovely day you have planned, Lori. Hope you have a GREAT visit with you parents and friends. Careful driving in the snow!! Walking does a body good. You would laugh at me. I lap my house three times before I pour the second cup of coffee and the dogs follow me like the Pied Piper.

    WOW on that lovely menu, Janet. What time should I send Fred? LOL Nachos, escargot and scallops would be eclectic and delicious! Go SENS!!! Have fun!.

    Kimmer and Laurie's Frank, get better soon. Sending hugs and good health wishes to all. I have to get my shower and war paint on. Plus lap the house for more coffee.
  • notyourmomma 11 years ago said:
    SP Marie, Fred will hit your house after he visits Janet!! Nice menu you have going there....I'll have the salad! Hope you have a relaxing day with friends. you n33d to have a day off after your many trips to Sacramento!

    Ooh, Janet let me know how the Bourdain book is? I love his snarky take on life....sounds like a good read!
  • chuckieb 11 years ago said:
    ROFL on Superbowl being second to Thanksgiving in food consumption Tina. That surprised me actually. I would have thought Christmas would be number two. Infact, here in Canada I would say Christmas is number one and then Thanksgiving number two. I'm going to have to look and see if there are any stats for us. :) Too fun! Mmmmm...on your Pork Larb. I was craving some more of that recently myself. Wonderful and fun menu for Fred. You're so sweet. Yay for you and your laps. Here's a song to hum as you go around.
  • NPMarie 11 years ago said:
    Janet, let us know how you like his book! We always watch him on the travel channel, No Reservations..I don't think there will be any new episodes though..

    Tina, Fred is all set in the snack/food dept for the game!!! Too bad you won't be able to join him....The trips to Sac do tend to wear me out a bit, but I do enjoy going with Rick, and it has to be done! I asked the manager at the garage door wholesalers why they didn't have a place closer to Even if we had the bankroll to rent a shop and have doors etc galore, someone would want something special, or an odd size etc!!! There are so many different options these days for garage doors..Rick wishes there was one size, one color, no glass LOL!!!!! Have a wonderful day!!!
  • Good4U 11 years ago said:
    Lori, Have a great time seeing everyone and enjoy your no cooking night.

    Janet, I don't watch the Super Bowl either but I will watch Downton Abby tonight for sure. Sounds like you have quite a nice feast for Jim. I will take any of the scallops he doesn't eat off your hands too! A good day to cuddle up by the fire and watch the Sens too! Go Sens Go! Is that a pic of the Temple Ben went to see in your avatar? It looks amazing!

    Marie, Have fun watching the game and enjoy your lovely snacks.

    Tina, You are doing excellent with your exercise and diet! It is indeed a great feeling when people start noticing things like that. Keep up the good work you can do it! I like the Superbowl commercial too! I guess they have to be good b/c they charge an absolute fortune per second or minute? Hoping you have a good smooth day at work free from moronic calls.

    Laundry today and Den hasn't requested anything special yet for the games knowing him he will certainly want chips and peanuts with his beer but that will probably be it as he won't want to spoil his dinner... knowing him. We are having pork chops, applesauce, tators and probably glazed carrots for dinner. Soon I will be making brunch which will be most likely grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. Mine will have some avocado and tomatoes in it as well. I picked up some nice juicy seedless Navel oranges yesterday and for a little dessert I will cut them up like a kids treat to have as well.

    Hoping everyone has a good day!!!
  • chuckieb 11 years ago said:
    They do make the coolest garage doors these days Marie. We just had ours replaced not that long ago and I loved the selection. I'll totally let you guys know how the book is.
    We'll PVR Downton Abbey. Not missing that that's for sure Joce! :) Yes, that's the Songshan Temple that Benj went to in my Avatar. Oh ya...I forgot about the Superbowl commercials and the half time show. Who's doing it this year? Your dinner sounds yummy. A good choice for a Sunday night meal.
  • laurieg 11 years ago said:
    Hey everyone! Last night was fun. Rachel was so enthralled by franks cousin OMG. It was crazy. He has traveled the world many times over and knows a lot about everything. It was awesome for us because Rachel has been kind of floundering in HS her grades really slipped and she just didn't try as hard. She tried harder once we took her cellphone and laptop away but not because she really was into it like before. He talked to her about her love for history and geography and brainstormed about careers she could have with those a things. She has a new idol.
    Becca is on a lose weight health kick and the veggie hater actually asked to go to whole foods and pick out veggies. We just made a huge platter of cut up veggies and she ate it?...she has been doing myfitnesspal app she doesn't want to do WW. So she is counting calories. At first I was nervous about her not eating enough but she has her splurges so I'm gonna let it go. She asked frank so sweetly this morning if there was any way he could eat all the leftover Chinese food for breakfast so it would be gone that he actually did it! He was stuffed lol while we ate yogurt :)
    So tonight's dinner is Cheesy chicken and yellow rice. I know I have tales about BzzzAgent before. You try stuff and buzz about it and give a review. They sent me Goya products. Black beans, Adobe seasoning and yellow rice with a bunch of coupons and a recipe booklet. Gonna try that recipe out of it. Consider yourselves Buzzed! I'll buzz more after we eat it.
    Another box they sent me was coupons for Morning Star products they are meatless procducts so that will be sometime this week too. We got Asian burgers and grilled burgers.
    Gotta ate Rachel to field hockey then I'm gonna chill out.
  • NPMarie 11 years ago said:
    OMG..Joce, I live for Downton!!! Did you see last Sunday's program?????

    Janet, what kind of a door did you get? I'll bet a beautiful carriage house style:) That's what i would like to have, but door hangers can't afford those!! LOL
  • Good4U 11 years ago said:
    Yes Marie, I wouldn't miss it for the world!

    Laurie, Chinese food for breakfast? I have heard of people having pizza for breakfast but I just couldn't do it! How is Frank feeling today?
  • chuckieb 11 years ago said:
    Glad to hear you had another fun evening Laurie! :) And it's lovely that Rachel has someone in her family that she can aspire too that will give her motivation for the future. We as parents don't always get listened to. :) Good luck to Becca on getting a healthier regime going. Good for her. I'd totally eat Chinese food for breakfast! :) Bzzz Agent sounds fun. I think I've bought Morning Star things for Benjamin before.
    Our house is not fancy enough for a Carriage house style garage door Marie. :) We just live in a regular house, wood siding, bungalow. But the garage doors that were on the house when we bought it were old,old, old and faded and even had a dent in them. Someone must have backed the car in too close. :) We just got classic steel doors with a Colonial style panel, in brown (my favourite colour) :) and with Stockton style windows up above, which I love as it actually lets some light in the garage. We have no other windows in there.
    Sens are losing by 1. :(
  • kimmer 11 years ago said:
    Good afternoon all. Everyone's menus sound delish!

    I will watch the Super Bowl, well at least have it on, lol. Not teams I necessarily like.

    Feeling better today so have been doing a bit of investment cooking myself. (Tina will be so proud of me, lol) She had mentioned having 2 crock pots going and I just never really thought about that. I have a big one and a small one and have used both at the same time for parties and such but never thought about for cooking for the week. Duh...........lightbulb brightening up the brain! Actually I also have an 18qt Nesco roaster oven gathering dust in a closet that I should break out and start using again. It's a nice one and was quite expensive back in the day when I bought it. Used to use it a lot when we would have the huge family dinners but not so much now. Holey can even bake a cake in that thing, lol! And you can also slow cook. I suppose if I had a convienient place to keep it handy in my kitchen I would use it more. But I really don't and have no unused counter space that would accommodate it. Anyway...........on with my story...........
    I have beef stoup cooking away in my large crock pot. It is smelling sooooo good, will be hard not to have some. But want to save that for Tuesday night. Cayce has baseball practice that night and I think it's still suppose to be a bit on the cooler side for us so that will taste good to him when he gets home. All I will need to do is bake some bisquits and will be good to go. Heck of a lot easier than trying to put it all together before work! In the smaller crock I have some chicken breasts cooking. Will make "something" with them this week. Probably chicken tacos or enchiladas. Also, browned up some ground beef with onions to make.......again "something" with. Thinking since sloppy joes were mentioned........mmmmmmm, just might be it or my version of hambuger helper. Have enough to probably divide into 2 "somethings" or freeze. Bought a small, yet delightful, pork roast today that is somewhat slowcooking in the oven right now. Acutually, better check it. Probably bout done. Will use that for some shredded BBQ sammies tomorrow night with some oven fries. Chopped up all my veggie and salad stuff for quicky salads, also to have tonight and this week at work. As soon as the roast comes out of the oven I will put my honey dijon wings in just in time for the game. Smaller version of my recipe. Got them ready, just need to cook. Will try to link that here but have to admit I am challenged in that department, lol. So that's been my day. Just really felt like being all to myself in my kitchen today, which did me some good. I have still been disappointed and a bit put out by hubs behavior this week, I needed some time to myself. I know I needed to get over it and pretty much have. Amazing what cooking does for the soul! Now, if I just get all my "somethings" together I'll have a weeks worth of dinners!

    Tonight is just an appetizer sort of night. Will have the wings, nachos, some veggies with dip, potato salad and coleslaw. It's just hubs and I so no big deal.
    Honey Dijon Wings

    Hope all enjoy the rest of Sunday!
  • kimmer 11 years ago said:
    Yea.............I did it!
  • NPMarie 11 years ago said:
    Glad your feeling better Kimmer..we are having an appetizer night here as well!

    Janet, ohhh, nice door:) You would be amazed at the number of people who do drive or back into their doors:) I can at least say I am not one of far,,lol Go Sens!!!

    Joce..what are we going to do when Downton ends this season??? I will be so sad
  • chuckieb 11 years ago said:
    Glad you're feeling better Kimmer. That's good to hear. Yum on the Beef Soup and go you for all that Investment Cooking. Tina will be impressed for sure. :) Your menu for this evening is great. Very fun.
    Sens lost. :( Jim's already starting to yawn. (Jet Lag still) There's no way he's going to make it through the whole Superbowl. :)
  • chuckieb 11 years ago said:
    SP Marie! :) With me being a fairly newbie driver, I'm not so concerned about backing up into the garage door as I am taking the side mirror off when I go into the garage. :) LOL!
    It will be horrible when Downton ends this season. A close second to when the Hockey season ends. :)
    So what about this Superbowl power outage hey? And what did you think of the Half-time show? Personally it didn't do anything for me.
  • NPMarie 11 years ago said:
    Yeah, the halftime show didn't do anything for me either...not a big fan:) Did you see the Ravens run the ball 109 yds for a touchdown? That was awesome! Not a Niner's fan either! LOL
    Sorry your Sens didn't win:(

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