Thursday's Tastebuds....

  • chuckieb 8 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! We had a super nice evening with our friends last night and they enjoyed my meal so I deem it a success. :) Weather sure wasn't nice though. Glad we were inside.
    However, the sun has come out this morning and it's just beautiful. Am going to make
    Korean Bulgoki With Beef Short Ribs
    for dinner this evening.
    Thai Shrimp Boats
    as an appy and just have to think of a side. Maybe some steamed jasmine rice and a veg.
    Joce, how is your stomach behaving today?
    That's very fun that Caiden got fish for his birthday Michelle. Benj had fish when he was younger as well and it was neat. Our guppies even had babies at one point which was very fun. They were SO tiny! Enjoy your time with Michael once your Mom picks up the kids. Has Michael started back to work or not for a bit yet?
    Wow on the 40 gallon fish tank Shona! That's huge! Hope the kids had fun at the Water park.
    Tina, did you and Liv end up going out for dinner last night?
    Did you have a nice visit with your Dad yesterday Marie? Did you bake him something special? :)
    How are your ankles feeling today Laurie?
    Karen, what are you up to today?
    The crows are shouting up a storm outside. Not sure what they're talking about! :) Have some work to do on the computer this morning and then once it dries up outside I have more mowing and weeding to do.
    Wishing everyone a great Thursday!
  • NPMarie 8 years ago said:
    Good morning Janet:) What a nice evening you had last night..I'm sure the meal you prepared was absolutely delish!
    Had a nice visit with Dad on his BD, I didn't make him anything, but did find a huge container of Jelly Belly's when I was at Costco the other day:) He was happy:) I also usually get some Lotto Quick Pics for my family on their birthday' hopefully he won something:) You just never know...I don't usually buy Lotto tickets, just once in a while..I never win:(

    I don't know what we'll be having for's been so freakin hot here..Just don't feel like cooking OR grilling! Maybe a nice chef salad with garlic french bread???

    We're waiting for our load of GD's..hope they get here before it gets really hot...We;re supposed to have cooler weather this holiday weekend..90's..LOL

    Hello to all!
  • Cosmicmother 8 years ago said:
    Hi Janet, glad your dinner was great last night, sorry about the weather! I think all of us out West would love to have that weather about now, lol. Those short ribs look great, I don't think I've ever made them at home before! I saved your Philly Fruit Clouds I have leftover whipping cream and lemon curd too! Just need cream cheese and berries. :)
    You know it's been hot when cooler weather is suppose to be in the 90's! lol, That's exactly how our weather is going too, after two more hot days we're suppose to be cooler on the weekend.(but of course we're not as hot as you up here Marie!) We sometimes get my parents lotto tickets for birthdays too, my grandparents always did that in b-day cards, lotto or scratch tickets. I think I won $50 a couple times!
    We finally got the A/C's installed yesterday and did a major house cleaning, it was cooler in the morning and early afternoon to clean finally! I took turkey sausages out of the freezer the other day, I'll cook them this morning before it's hot. Not sure if I'll make them with rice or pasta? Probably use the rice cooker if it gets hot later or we have hoagie buns that I can serve them with sautéed peppers and onions? Hmm, we'll see!
    Have a great day everyone!
  • NPMarie 8 years ago said:
    Hi Shona:) That's right, your on the west coast as well..just above us a ways
    Lotto tickets are fun to receive aren't they!
    Have a nice day..stay cool!
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Jim's very favourite treat are Jelly Belly Jelly beans Marie! :) We never buy Lottery tickets either. I'm not a gambler at all. But when my Grandma was still alive I used to send her some for her birthday or Christmas, whatever as she really enjoyed the thrill of scratching them and seeing if she won anything. And she did on occasion, but never anything big. :) Hope all goes smoothly with your garage door delivery.
    That's great you got the air conditioners installed Shona. Yum on turkey sausages.
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Hi all!! So happy your evening with your friends last night turned out great Janet!Your dinner tonight sounds good as well!! Too cool on the guppies having babies, so cute :) No Michael starts back to work in a week exactly, on the 9th. I know he's ready (and so am I) ;D

    Haha, I bet your dad was in heaven with all those jelly beans Marie! Glad you had a good birthday visit :) Yum on a big chef salad with garlic bread!

    Glad you got your A.C. Installed Shona, that must be a relief! Mmmm love the hoagie buns idea :)

    My mom came and watched Caidens swim lessons then Chloe and her mom met us back at our house and off they went! We are going to meet up with some friends and play pool for a couple of hours then grab a bite to eat at Nobi then end our night at Molly's Pub to play darts and chit chat. Chloe's parents said that they would probably meet us with us too if they can get a babysitter for their little one. Just relaxing a bit before I need to get ready, may take a short nap too! Hope everyone is having a great day!!!
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Nope, no dinner out. She was too late coming home, but as a peace offering she brought tacos from The Taco Bus. It was okay, until I finish this prescription my stomach has been in revolt. Couldn't make it to Dr. today, twisted my ankle in my sleep. She had to work and Allison went to the ball game. I'm rescheduled in three weeks. I have my walker and can use it to get to the bathroom but I can't carry water and walk. So I parched until I figure out how to get liquid to my room. Liv brought me crackers, peanut butter, hummus and cheese. I should have had her fill a cooler.

    Your supper looked wonderful Janet. Marty St Louis just announced his retirement from hockey.
    Marie, my mom would love Jelly Bellies, her favorite was toasted coconut. HB to your Dad.
    Shona thank goodness you got a.c. in that heat. Phew. I'd be a puddle.
    Have fun on your night out Michelle. Pool and darts sounds like fun.

    US Ladies Soccer team to play in Ladies World Cup. And then we have Wimbledon.
    I love strawberries and cream while watching tennis.

    Have a great day m'friends.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Sounds like you and Michael have a most enjoyable evening planned Michelle. Have fun!
    Sounds like you need a little carrier or packsack attached to your walker Tina. I'm sure you could rig something up. Oh wow on Martin St. Louis. That's too bad. I always liked him.
    Jim stained some of the fascia today and I got the last bit of mowing done. There's a gorgeous cool breeze blowing. Will share with anyone who needs it. :)
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    I got a plastic shopping bag and put a bottled water in it and tied it to the handle. Doncha' know when I got to my bedside, I dropped the bottle and it rolled out of reach under the bed. My reach stick can't reach it and bending over like that makes me very unstable and dizzy. It took me one half hour to get the water to my room and I'm going to have to rest before I try again. Skippy is under the bed licking the bottle, but she sure won't shove it my way. I need to train Charlie to be a St, Bernard and carry a cask. Wait wait a minute, I hear the delivery fellow calling my cell. We have an arrangement, not to knock on the door and drop the food on the porch, call me to let me know it is here. No escaping dogs or beasts charging the door and scaring him. I'll be back.

    Thank goodness I tip the 727Foodnow driver well, bless his heart. He delivered my supper all the way into my house after I got the dogs locked outside. They scare him. He put the cold salad away for me in the frig. Salad is so big you can't close the box, Olivia and I take two days to eat it. Manuel crawled under the bed to get my water. And he filled up the dog water bowls. Set me up at the drop down secretary desk with a glass of ice, my bottled water, a can of diet coke, my hot roast beef with rice and beans and hot sauce. Since Fred died, he has delivered us food at least once a week. I trust him. He even moved the hope chest to the other side of the hall since he saw me struggling to get past it with the walker. I now have a better path through the bed room to the kitchen and front door. He locked my door knob and turned on the security lights on his way out. I'll deadbolt after my supper. Smiley's deli was so nice they sent me a tres leche cake for free when I told them I'm hurt. They are super nice folks. Smiley's is Haitian/Domenica food and very inexpensive. Today is free delivery day and I gave the Manuel a ten for his help. Manuel was not going to take it but I insisted. He spent a good 15 minutes helping me instead of other deliveries. He is a nice fellow. So instead of Liv's snacks which are safely back in the frig, I can eat a hot dinner and then hobble to bed from Fred's chair.

    The big 4th celebration starts tomorrow at The Toasted Monkey. At 1 p.m. there is a crawfish boil along with corn on the cob, sausages, boiled new potatoes on the beach buffet, toes in the sand, cold beer by the bucket, through after sunset on Sunday. I won't see Olivia at all.

    Talk to you later m'friends.
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Janet, your choices for entertaining sound great. I will have to look into the Philly Fruit Clouds recipe - don't have the ingredients so would have to put them on the grocery list.
    Hi Marie - glad you have the GD's and I agree Lotto tickets are fun to get -- we never won anything big, but once in a while it is fun to do the scratchers. Isn't A/C great, Shona! Glad Michael is back to work, Michelle. Tina, can you get a "basket" like they have on bicycles? My Dad had one on his walker and kept all kinds of things in it. A small cooler would keep cook water for you on your bed stand (maybe freeze some and let it thaw in the cooler).

    The hay from last week is now in the loft. GS came over and helped. Trim pieces are painted for the guest room, next week they can cut and install it. Then I can get my guest room in order and decide what to put in it for sleeping - possibly a futon unless the hide-a-bed fits. (Weird door setup so that is debatable.)

    We had just under 5 inches of rain. Rivers are flooded and flash flood warnings are out. At least there was no severe weather, as my tractor was outside because of the hay trailer in the barn. The hail went elsewhere. It is supposed to rain the next 5 or 6 days, off and on.

    Another chicken died. We don't know what is going on. Is it a disease? Roof leaks? Genetic? This was one of the larger ones.

    Must go. We have to check chickies and lock the hen door. Glad you had a good Canada Day and hope the rest of you have a happy 4th!
  • laurieg 8 years ago said:
    How many chickens do you have left? Are they expensive can you add to the flock if it isn't illness?
    I like to buy a scratch ticket and play a number when I go grocery shopping. Not every week but every few weeks. Not sure if I told you guys this but when I was younger my mother was a single parent on welfare and she hit the daily number. It wasn't a ton of money I think about 5 or 6 thousand. She was working as a waitress. She bought a three family house and used that as the down payment. The two rents paid the mortgage and we got off welfare. 20 years later she sold that house for $500,000. So in essence she turned 5k into 500k and lived rent free for 20 years.
    We had pasta for dinner. I called the town about the job. He was very nice but said they wouldn't have a decision til the end of next week. Ugh!
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Wow Laurie! Your Mom did great! Our daughter is a single parent also. She has a part time job and intermittent (at best) child support from her ex. Long story.

    We have 7 chickies left. No, it is not expensive to add to them but we would get newly hatched chicks and keep them away from the others. Also I want to be sure they do not have some disease before trying to add more. I need to research what it could be. We put the warming light on even tho they are older chicks. They seem to like to huddle under it. At least it is not a weasel or raccoon!

    We had spaghetti for dinner - fast fix, quick spaghetti, not the good, long simmering kind. Plus the wine we bought at Mama Jean's. It was not bad, definitely a dinner wine but pretty good.
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Karen. I'm sipping on a bottle of Full Sleeve,,,,,took me a few minutes to get the tattoo reference. I'm pleasantly sipping while I let the roast beef supper settle. I put over 3/4 back. It sits nicely on the walker seat, no tipping over unless a dog nose gets to close. So it is a learning curve. Food in box okay, bottle or can, not okay.

    Laurie, I will say your Mom parlayed her winnings into a win win for the family. Fantastic! Much better story than sudden winnings getting squandered or stolen from the lucky winner. Best I've won is five dollars. I did better in blackjack in Vegas in 1980, $500 walkaway.

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