Wednesday...first day of summer!!

  • chuckieb 6 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! Though Linda, Karen, Michelle, Marie and Kimmer may all feel like summer has been around for a long time already, today is officially the first day of summer! It's going to be relatively cool for us this week by the looks of it with temperatures hovering in the low 20's/70's. Rain is threatening pretty much every day as well which plays havoc with my lawn mowing plans.

    Jim and I will head down for a work out shortly and then after breakfast we're thinking of heading out on a jaunt somewhere although I have no clue where. I've been kind of stuck in the house for over a week now and could use some stimulation. :)

    Saw the most adorable little "Mounted Police" cake pops on Pinterest for Canada Day. No, I'm not going to make them but they do make me smile.

    Have to giggle a little at you sitting on the fence re: the burgandy couch Bren. :) You'll have to live with it for a long time so indeed you should be sure. With all the furniture stores in Ottawa I have a hard time believing you can't find something that both of you like at a decent price. You're SO lucky you can see the Canada Day Fireworks from your patio door! Plumber's tape was a good idea for the leaky hose connection but I ended up going in to the hardware store and buying some of those quick link plastic connections that snap together. I used to have a whole bunch of them and for the life of me don't know what I did with them. Congratulations to your daughter. Good for her graduating with honours. That's wonderful. Where did you go for lunch? LOL @ I have decided I will never catch up with the laundry. Wow on the price of the tenderloin. I may keep my eye out.

    Yum on your Taco salad last night Marie. Love them.

    Oh dear at the peanut butter granola Linda. A shame when a recipe doesn't pan out. My Mom always made her own chocolate syrup and there was ALWAYS a mason jar of it in the fridge my whole life growing up. We used it mainly for pouring over ice cream. Great memory. :) Sounds like you had a super yummy lunch yesterday! Very nice!

    Wow! I didn't realize the Costa Rica trip was coming up so fast Michelle! Fun at the Cub Scout Camp for Caiden. I've never heard of one in the evenings before!

    Fun, fun that Fritz gets to go along on the RV trip Karen. :) How fun that you're going to Wayne's High School Reunion!

    Joce, before I forget, I've been looking for Sweet William seeds and have been unsuccessful. I'm going to write it down in my day book for next year.

    Not sure what to make for dinner this evening. I bought a big pk. of b/s chicken thighs from Costco yesterday and when I got home and started separating them in to manageable meal sized packages I could smell them. They weren't really bad, but I could smell them. I will return them today and froze them in the mean time. HATE when that happens.

    Our beef ribs were awesome last night (crows get the bones today and boy will they be excited). We ended up not doing the shrimp and doing a spinach twice baked potato and the beet salad on the side.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • NPMarie 6 years ago said:
    Hello Janet:) Wow , first day of Summer..I better get ready for the heat...LOL I am sooooooo jealous of your weather!!! 70 sounds perfect! I hear ya on not knowing what to have for dinner..

    Awwww Karen, how cool Fritz gets to go with you! Neat on Wayne's reunion...Have a safe and fun trip:)

    Wow Michelle, Costa Rica!!!!

    Need to read back from yesterday and see who I've missed and make Rick's lunch..I'll be back:)
  • NPMarie 6 years ago said:
    I'm back...Bren, you must be so very proud of your daughter! Congrats on her graduating with honors:)

    Linda, I love chocolate milk! Now I'm craving a big cold glass...I'm going to try Almond chocolate milk like Bren mentioned! We use almond mild and love it, so I'm sure the chocolate would be awesome:)

    Need to get some office work done..have a lovely day all:)
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Morning Marie! Good luck with your office work.

    It's really beautiful outside. My kind of weather for sure.

    Jim and I have decided to head into town and run some errands/go to the mall. We're going to go out for lunch to Bilal's Kebob. I think they have a lunchtime buffet which will be fun to try.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone! And Happy First Day of Summer!

    Cute cake pops Janet! I'll take 70(f) temps anytime you don't want them. Have fun today on your jaunt. Hate when you buy meats and open them and you can smell them ... nothing is worse and then having to drag it back to the store. Uggh.

    Chocolate almond milk (Bren mentioned) Marie is to die for! It is so good. Like dessert. I make my own to better control the sugar and am still satisfied.

    Travel safe Karen and have fun at the reunion. Hope your sitters do well with the critters.

    I agree best to wait on getting another rat Michelle until summer settles down with activities. 4.5 hours a night for cub scout camp is a lot but good because there is time to actually do something. Glad Caiden is having fun with hit. How long does it last, only for the week?

    Not much planned for today other than the usual. Will visit with DH this afternoon. And yet again still have to get his speech therapy straightened out. It's always something and I so wish for a normal routine.
    No idea what I'll make for myself for dinner later. I pulled out a package of ground beef so it will be something with that.
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    Morning everyone!
    I'm just eating my cereal as I type. Gotta run to the doctor in a few minutes. The dreaded physical and pap test!
    We had a crazy storm come through last night. It was a hot day, and the house was scorching, we cooked the steaks outside and had dinner. I went about closing the house up, curtains etc to keep the hot sun away from the inside of the house. I am relaxing when I hear these strange noises outside, thinking it was a quieter train going through. But the sounds never ended. Opened the curtains, and oh my gosh!! It looked as though Armageddon was coming!! Black clouds and we were engulfed by a massive dark dust storm. Winds were clocked at 110 km. Roofs, fences, tree limbs flying everywhere!! Our neighbours huge spruce tree came right out of the ground and blocked the road. Some of our trees came down in the back blocking the back lane. Most of the town is still out of power, a state of emergency was declared! Driving the kids to school this morning I saw how bad others had it. Massive trees split in half, fences mangled and gone, siding off of homes, and many people lost shingles. Just crazy! The news said this is going to be the norm this season, with these wind storms and thunderstorms. We will have to cut down a whole bunch of trees this weekend :(
    Well I have to go, so I'll read back later!
    Have a good day everyone!
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Hi all.

    Have a fun jaunt, Janet. I also get cabin fever sometimes, sort of a restless feeling! Cute picture! Temp's here hover around 90 F, more or less. Hot but not humid. The reunion has cooler weather - temps in the 70's - YAY! I got brave and am wearing capri's while traveling. Comfort, comfort, comfort. When we get there (2 days travel) we plan on sitting back and munching potato salad and burgers, proppinfgour feet up and relaxing for the evening. The shindig is the following day.

    Hope your office work day is productive, Marie.

    The cats are usually contented for a day or maybe two, then they get rambunctious, Linda. It is good Fritz is not there to harass them. A.C. will be a brat, I'm sure. Hope your day with DH is a good one. Sooner or later a routine will set in. It is 90 - ish here but it is not humid today.

    Shona, your weather sounds like it may have had some rotation or even a tornado, like our storms / tornadoes a couple weeks back. 70 - 80 mph winds, trees ripped out of the ground, twisted in two, roofs out, windows blown out, the whole bit! Oh yes, the dreaded pap test is one we all have to face. We changed to a new family doctor and meet with him when we get back. I am sure he will want me to get one and a mammogram as well. Sigh - such is life. He will probably want me to lose weight also.

    We finished most of the packing as far as clothes are concerned. Still have to take the lot to the RV and hang it up. Then off to the rest of the "stuff" that you have to carry whether or not you ever need it. Hopefully Wayne turned on the air con so it is cooler inside. It should cool down today, so food etc. doesn't spoil.

    Oh yes, must make potato salad this afternoon so we will either have it and burgers tomorrow evening or Friday for supper. Maybe saute ground beef and have sloppy jo's whichever day we decide not to do potato salad. I am keeping it very simple and non-gourmet -- ha ha! Or we may grab a bite out if the mood hits.

    Wayne's buddy stopped by for coffee. (So funny, he just texts or calls and says hey, he might stop by for coffee.) One of his dogs, which we noticed was not doing well the last couple of days we were there, has a bad case of worms. She lost weight and is quite lethargic. He wormed both of them altho the other one shows no signs of a problem. Both are nice dogs, pit bulls but quite gentle. He is concerned about her.

    Time to get back to work. Much to do today! Have a good day.
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Morning! Yay (I think) for the first day of summer! Only gonna get hotter here but that's ok :) Good luck with your workout and enjoy your day out..that kabob place sounds fun! Those cake pops are adorable. I would return the chicken too, don't want to take any chances!

    Marie, I'm pretty sure out weather is pretty similar lol, just plain hot! Good luck with office work :)

    Hi Linda! The cub scout camp goes all the way through Friday evening. Have a good visit with DH and hopefully your schedule will settle down some, or at least you can find a routine that works for you. Lol at Armageddon coming!! Sounds like your weather was crazy!! Too bad on the damage it did though :(

    Wow Karen, that is a LONG drive!! Sounds like it will be pretty relaxing once you get there though. Sounds like you have a good meal plan for the rest of the week. Too bad on your friends dog, hope she gets better quick!

    At swim lessons right now then we are going to the main pool here for a couple hours. We have a tropical storm Cindy heading our way and it's supposed to be BAD. I've loaded up on waters and candles and am hoping for the best. We have a generater if the power goes out for too long. Supposed to storm for 3 days straight.

    Still debating dinner tonight. Caiden's camp for the rest of the week will probably be cancelled due to the weather so I'm not sure how they will make it up considering we paid a good chunk of money for it. Will check back in a bit..have a great day everyone!!
  • laurieg 6 years ago said:
    Hi Everyone!
    We had a big storm the other night and boy Joy was not happy! Frank sent me a link about dogs and fears and that it isn't just that she is afraid its an actual phobia. I put the thunder vest on her but she is still nervous. It does help because she used to shake and foam at the mouth now she just paces. I had to take her collar off because it makes so much noise and she paced all night.
    My inlaws are here from Florida so I will be busy. we are having a 50th wedding anniversary party for them on Sunday.
    My foot is still really bad, I had an ex ray and today I am going for an MRI. I will probably have surgery since I have tried everything else. I am so jealous of everyone in my running club all getting together and running and I feel left out and sorry for myself :(
    When I started PT again it aggravated the ankle that I sprained so that is all swollen on top of the Plantar Faciatis. They gave me pain cream but I am thinking it is a placebo since it feels exactly the same.
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    Cute cake pops Janet! Bummer about the chicken, I hate that when it happens. At least you can take it back. Have fun on your jaunt today!

    Hi Marie, you'll love the chocolate almond milk! It's my guilty pleasure, that with a peanut butter sandwich, yum! Now if they ever make chocolate cashew milk, then I'd be in heaven! Good luck with office work!

    Hi Linda, I hope you have a nice visit and get the Speech Therapy worked out. I'm sure whatever you make with the ground beef will be delicious :)

    Hi Karen, my first thought was we were in a tornado! I'd never seen anything like it so up close. I briefly heard on the radio that we had hurricane force winds but no funnel clouds were reported as of it. Our county is assessing the damages and will report the
    findings shortly. Good luck getting everything ready for your rv trip. Are you going for a long trip?

    Hi Michelle, I heard about the storm coming your way! Wow, 3 days long! That's great you have a small generator. I hope you don't get any major damage near you!!

    Back from the doctor, my blood and hormone tests all came back normal. He checked my C-section area as I could swear I might have a hernia. But he said all is ok. The numbness on the side of my thighs is from a pinched nerve in my hip/back. I'll have to do more physio for that too and we'll see by the Fall if it gets better. I also have a fatty tumor on my back, not sure if I mentioned that before. I want it out but he said it's fine as long as I don't lose my bladder or have severe back pain, ugh.
    I took the dogs for a nice long walk. It's a prefect sunny day with a cool breeze 17C/63F. I wish everyday was this cool! Dinner is leftover everything--cleaning out the fridge! If they don't like it, too bad...LOL! ;)
    I have to go for one last teacher meeting after school today then we all have to pitch in and clean up the yard debris. The County is calling on citizens with trucks go out and help clean up streets and neighbours yards. They can't keep up as crews are super busy, the lights and signals are still out in the city and police have to work all the major intersections. Words do not describe the extreme amount of damage I witnessed everywhere today! It seems the storms are bad all across our continent this year!
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Ugh on the Texas storms, Michelle. Three dYs is too many! Maybe the camp will postpone due to bad weather. Oops -- just saw your comment about it postponing!

    Sounds like you need a vacation from running, Laurie! Wayne used to run while in the army but the Dr. Informed him that if he wanted to walk When he was seventy, that was his last run!

    We took my clothes for the trip out and hung up, have a bunch of odds and ends and Wayne's clothes to take out. A friend has her RV clothes and her non-RV clothes, the first in their motor home and the second in the house. I don't have that many things to divide them between the two. Ha ha. Potatoes are cooked and eggs boiled. Will mix ithe potato salad and take it to the RV on one of our next trips.

    Made biscuits and sausage gravy for lunch. Will take the leftover biscuits along. Wayne's idea, he must have a plan for them. Fritz's food is packed and we have a throw to put in his crate. Have to pack water from home or he won't drink. Plus some for us, we are not able to handle chlorinated city water! Coffee is made with distilled water.

    Have a nice day!
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    Sp Laurie!
    Our dog Roxy is petrified of storms too! We put on the thunder vest as well. I have an anti anxity spray (mostly lavender oil) that we put on the "patch" of the vest. (it's a round black circle on the thunder shirt) That helps a lot more I find. How nice on the 50th wedding anniversary party, fun! I hope you can get surgery on your foot so you'll feel better soon!! Good luck with all the tests :)
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Hope you have a good visit with your DH Linda. Good luck with the speech therapy stuff.

    Good luck at the Dr.'s office Shona. Holy smokes on the dark clouds and dust storm!!! And all the trees getting pulled out of the ground. That's SO scary. And you never lost power? Amazing.

    I hope your friend's dog is okay and gets better fast Karen. He's had enough sadness to do him for a while. :( Sounds like you are well organized for your trip.

    Cindy is a very innocent name for a tropical storm Michelle! Stay safe!

    Poor Joy Joy and the storms Laurie. :( Enjoy your time with your in-laws. The party should be a blast. And poor you and your sore foot as well. Hopefully the MRI will show something that might be fixed without surgery but if you have to go that way at least it'll be better than being in so much pain all the time.

    So it turns out it's Ramadan so the Kabab place wasn't open for lunches until the 26th so then we tried to go to Topkapi, a Turkish restaurant and they too weren't open for lunch like normal although it said they would be on Friday. I don't know if that is Ramadan related or not. So.....we then went to Mongolian Village. One of those places where you take a bowl and put whatever meat, veggies, noodles, sauces, etc. you want, they weigh it and then stir fry it and bring it to your table.
    We've been numerous times before but it's been a while. The soup, carrot ginger, was horrible (looked like it had been thickened with corn starch) but the main meal was good. I had bean sprouts, onions, chicken, salmon and then three sauces for mine.

    I've decided to make
    Oven Fried Panko Chicken
    for dinner this evening with a plate of avocado and tomato slices on the side.

    It's a gorgeous afternoon here. I got what I wanted at the mall so was pleased and we found a great deal (60% off) on some really nice bath sheets at The Bay so picked up a couple of those as well.
  • kimmer 6 years ago said:
    Good afternoon and hello to all. The cake pops are adorable Janet. Hope you enjoyed your outing today. It's a rather warm and humid 90F right now. Would love some 70's! I have made the Oven Fried Panko Chicken before and it is delightful. Must put that on the short list for soon. And, ok, all this potato salad talk of late has me with a major craving!! I have to agree too Michelle with waiting on another rat. What a nice trip coming up!! Speaking of trips I envy your upcoming RV one Karen. Sounds soooo relaxing! Hope Wayne's buddy's doggie is ok. I hate seeing poor little doggies so scared of thunderstorms. Whoever invented that thunder vest was a genius! Charlie was never afraid of storms but he did not like the thunder. Would usually bark at it. They don't seem to bother Chloe, of course she is a cat, but she does look up when it thunders loud but it's more of an annoying look because it woke her up, lol. Sorry about your ankle and foot Laurie. I know you do enjoy running. Tell Cindy to go home Michelle. Yes, it is that time of year again. I always cringe every year and wonder if the Tampa Bay area will get hit. Have been thru a few nasty ones here. Wow, Shona! Sounds like one nasty storm you had! Good that your tests came back ok.

    Need to get busy on some laundry too in prep for St. Augustine. Don't need much but everything I want to take appears to be.............dirty, lol!

    Making bourbon salmon fillets with some rice tonight. Will make Benny a couple french bread cheese pizzas as he is not a fan of salmon or any other kind of fish for that matter. And he has tried, I have to say, numerous fish recipes but nope not for him really.

    Hope all enjoy the rest of the day!!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Major SP's. :)

    So glad your Dr.'s appointment went well Shona. A little un-nerving with the fatty tumour. :( Is it big? Wow on the debris and mess from the storm. So devastating! Thankfully it doesn't sound like anyone got hurt.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    And another SP Kimmer! :) LOL. Good luck with your laundry. Goodness your dinner sounds awesome. French bread cheese pizza sounds nummy too.

    Joce, have you been to your Farm kids stand yet this year? Jim and I are going to go to the Carp Farmer's Market on Saturday. I haven't been since their Easter Market! It's a Herb Fest this Sat. so that will be fun.

    Did a bit of decorating for Canada Day. One of my Aunt's is turning 89 next week so I sat down and wrote her a letter to stick inside her birthday card. She is a really awesome lady. VERY upbeat and very active. She still mows her own lawn and it's big!
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:

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