Wednesday's Wine

  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago
    Good morning. Was going to call this Wednesday's Whining but decided there is enough whining in the world already, and wine is much more fun. Ha ha! Will probably have a glass this evening!

    My iPad is losing its mind so forgive any strange wording that I didn't catch.

    I had finished a nice long post yesterday but bumped something somewhere and it vanished into outer space or someplace! Thank you for the offer of shelter Linda :), but you would go insane with our four cats, one dog, and two horses. (We would give the seven chickens to a new home....ha ha. Do not thnk the hoa would appreciate free fertilizer, since they frown on gardens.)

    It is supposed to in the low 90's F today. Have GS to take swimming. Daughter's schedule got changed last minute.

    Mauser is attacking the sofa, well, playing is more accurate. She is feeling wild and woolly this morning. Mel just pounced on her, in spite of his age (14 or 15, we think).hoping Fritz is not wound up when I let him out of his crate....

    Glad your mom is moving into the residential care center Janet. It is hard to know what to take and what to leave or sell or ??

    Hi to all! Good hearing from you again Laurie.

    Pix is the two horses. They normally do not stand upside down but the iPad decided to do its thing again. Sigh.

    Wayne is up so I need to get moving. Have a nice day!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Good Morning Karen! You're up and at 'em early! I'll give your chickens a home if you go to live with Linda! :) I've got plenty of space and I've always liked chickens. :) We're supposed to hit 27C/80F this afternoon which I'll happily take over your 90's!!!! Since we had a garage sale for Mom two summers ago we won't have to sell anything more. In fact.....if we'd known how things would go, we shouldn't have sold one of her big couches and two of her chairs, as Jim and I could have used them when we go visit in the summers. Right now there will be barely any furniture in there at all. At the time she wanted to downsize and was thinking of selling the house, but I guess she came to the conclusion she doesn't need to sell the house. While she was in hospital I totally cleaned and organized everything including her closet and chest of drawers. In her dresser I have one drawer full of socks and underwear, one of spare bedding, one for tablecloths and placemats and one for spare towels and face cloths, so she's pretty self contained. Someone just has to load that up and go. I went through every single item in her closet so everything that is left fits her and is in good shape and she still wears. So again, someone just needs to grab all the hangers and go. The only thing she is left to do is choose which plates and bowls and cooking stuff she's going to bring with her. Knowing Mom she'll probably pack two plates, two forks, two glasses, etc. but hopefully someone will be helping her out and encourage her that there's no need to be so minimalistic. Those are two very nonchalant horses standing upside down Karen. Very talented! LOLOLOL. Beautiful photo.

    Good to hear from you Laurie. So you're still really enjoying your new job then? And how are Becca and Frank and what are they up to? How's your Mom?

    I have my friend and her hubby coming over for a cup of tea this morning. Not sure what I'll do for the rest of the day. I do need to figure out dinner and I do need to do up a menu for the upcoming week.

    I planted Morning Glories from seed this year and one of my planters is doing wonderfully. You should see the flower that bloomed this morning. It is HUGE and it is a GORGEOUS shade of blue. SO pretty!

    Wishing everyone a great Wednesday! Here's to wine! :)
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone.

    It's a beautiful sun shiny day and the crew finally made it down our way to cut the grass and clean up the debri scattered all over. People have been good and cleaned up a lot themselves and made piles that just have to be picked up. Every little bit helps and nice that everyone who could pitched in cleaning up. My palms need to be trimmed but I'm not getting up on a ladder to do it.
    I put a turkey breast in the crock pot last night and when I woke up it was DONE! So I cleaned it up and put it in the fridge and will slice it later, portion, and freeze.
    Something is up with our generator, not sure, but I noticed last night the red light was on and that means something isn't right and to call for service so I did. Of course I'm on the list and because I have power they need to prioritize the people who don't and whose generators are indicating service.
    Builder is also coming out 10/9 to evaluate the problem with so many screws for the hurricane shutters not being functional.

    I love animals Karen so the more the merrier. The most I've had at one time was 3 cockatiels, 2 bunnies, and LD the dog. We were like the Brady Bunch!! LOL!
    Great picture of the horses even upside down. What are their names?

    That's great your mom is ready to go Janet. I'm sure she will be happy because she is willing and wants to be there. The Manitoba Mukluks site has beautiful footwear! Wow, such nice stuff I'd be afraid to wear them outside and ruin them. Can the planter with the morning glories be moved inside for the winter?
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    That's great your stores are restocking Kimmer. Let's hope Maria stays far away, she the next one we have to worry about. The islands are taking such a beating.

    Great to see you pop in Laurie. Awesome on being "cool".

    Anyone heard anything from Bren?

    Hi Joce ... missed you yesterday. Hoping everything is all right and you were just busy.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    I love America's Got Talent and last night the last 10 acts performed and tonight the winner will be announced.
    This girl who is a ventriloquist is amazing!! She is so talented!! Here is the u-tube video of her act last night. I have a feeling she will win the million dollars and her life will be changed forever. This season was the BEST! So many talented acts and so many will be picked up to do shows professionally. Enjoy!
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Morning! That’s nice of you to help you daughter out with GS’s swimming Karen. Beautiful horses, even if upside down :)

    Sounds like you got everything figured out for your Mom Janet. Maybe you can find a few second hand furniture pieces or something? Enjoy your visit with you friends!

    Hopefully you get your generator figured out soon as well as the shutter screws Linda. I’ve watched a few episodes of America’s Got Talent. The ventriloquist girl sounds neat, Caiden would love to see that :)

    Dropped Caiden off at school and Bri just left for the bus. Wednesday’s are “late start” days for the Junior High and High School kids. Instead of having a couple of Monday’s off for teacher work days, they have started “late start” and the kids go to school at 9:30a instead of 7:30a on Wednesdays. It’s interesting and wondering how it’s going to go over with all the parent’s, parent’s complain about everything, so I won’t be surprised if they complain about this lol.

    Caiden’s first soccer game went well, it was hot as heck though, the kids were sweaty and beat at the end of the game. It was fun though :)

    Need to eat some breakfast and then get on with the day. Have a ton of laundry and cleaning to do. Dusting, vacuuming, and I may clean out the rats cage for Bri if I feel nice :P Oreo is doing okay, she is losing weight, so I really think her age is getting to her. I’m still sprinkling D-Mannose on a small piece of fruit for her everyday, not sure if it’s helping, but we haven’t seen any blood in her urine since and from what I read, it won’t hurt her if she doesn’t need it.

    Ended up just making some taco’s with the leftover chicken last night. Chopped it up, threw it in a pan with salsa, green chilies and some seasoning. Turned out really good! I’m going to pull out some ground beef and plan on making some sweet and sour meatballs for dinner over rice, maybe some sauteed carrots on the side. Caiden has his Ninja Warrior class tonight, so dinner will be early once again and probably for the whole week!

    Hope everyone has a fantastic Wednesday!!
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Hi Janet. We had morning glories alongside the fence until they took it down! I like them and they are perennial here. With your cold weather they may take special care. They do overwinter here quite well. Hope your mom has a smooth transition and your cousin can help her move in. I would have a time deciding what to take. We need to downsize....with a keep-it-because-I -may-need-it-someday oriented husband, it is a slow process.

    Hi Linda. Yes, the priority would be those without electricity first. We have benefitted even from a smaller one that kept refrig and freezer going. The whole house generator is fantastic. I don't do ladders either! By the third step my knees are shaking! Hate heights!

    Bren has had problems getting thrown off / locked out of GR too many times. She has been on the FB group and has been too disgusted with this site to try again. Can't blame her. It sometimes tells me I don't exist, so I have to wait and try later. If you try too soon to get back it loses its mind. Ha ha. I have noticed GR asks for businesses to look into their site, so that may explain the Dubai escorts that keep popping up.
  • NPMarie 6 years ago said:
    Good morning:)

    Just dropping in, I have to meet Rick in Chico to help him install weatherseal on 2 doors here shortly...he's supposed to call if he needs my help..I have to pull the W/S thru at the bottom of the door as he feeds it I feed it in and he pulls it through? I's kindof a PIA..there are probably hundreds of different types of W/S and sometimes hard to match the correct one..real interesting, huh..sigh......then he has 3 more calls, 2 in Chico and last one in Magalia.

    So, I'll check back this afternoon, have a most wonderful Wednesday:)

    Dinner? :-D
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    I can see parents complaining about the late start day Michelle especially if they work and an employer is not understanding. Teacher work days, IMO, be on the teacher's time ... not the kids/parents.
    Happy to hear Oreo is holding her own. How old is she?

    I too Karen don't like heights and don't do well. It amazes me to see people that have no fear and climb up and on stuff like it's nothing.

    That's too bad Bren is having so many problems with GR. Wish someone though would take control of the site and resolve the problems.
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    SP Michelle.

    You can't please everyone veryone, I guess. LOL!

    I would not like late starts either. Rural areas have it hard....if your kids are in volleyball here you drive to school go back later to pick them up because you can not stay on the grounds during practice, three times a week, which is mandatory or they are off the team. Here that is 2 50 mile trips per day, 300 miles a week. Granted, gas has dropped to 2.29 a gallon but it still adds up, esp. in lower income districts.

    How old is Oreo? Glad she is better.

    Hi Marie. Hi again, Linda.

    Must go make spaghetti salad for lunch. Guys are going to be hungry!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    How nice to wake up to a cooked turkey breast waiting for you in the crock pot Linda. I think I'd have been tempted to have a little for breakfast. :) A shame something is wrong with the generator but I'm sure you'll have it all fixed up again before you need it. Good the builder is coming around to check out the shutter situation. I could move the planter with the morning glories inside but I won't. It's awfully big and I'm not one for bringing outdoor plants in over the winter. My Mom used to have tons of geraniums inside in the winter time dropping leaves and looking deathly ill and I always thought it looked like one big mess. The seeds were cheap so I'll just replant some next spring again. Goodness that little girl Ventriloquist is awesome isn't she. I don't watch that show but I can see how it'd be quite entertaining. :) She's quite amazing.

    The amusing thing Michelle is that Jim and I have plenty of extra furniture pieces here in Ottawa that we could use to furnish Mom's house with once she moves out. We've kept our old kitchen table and chairs and livingroom furniture, coffee tables, etc. over the years incase Benjamin ever wanted them to start up a home but of course that doesn't look like it's going to happen. But we really don't want to tow a trailer or pay to rent one to bring all of it from Ottawa to RR. Like you say, we could always buy something there. No biggy for now. Glad Caiden's Soccer game went well last night. Good luck with all your housework. Glad to hear Oreo seems to be doing okay. A Ninja Warrior class! How fun is that?

    Oh I'm sad to hear about Bren getting locked out of GR Karen. :( Boo.

    Sounds like Rick has a busy day today Marie. Indeed, I know from my Hardware store years that there's a zillion types of weather stripping especially for garage doors and they're all different.

    Had a nice visit with my girlfriend and her hubby and they really enjoyed your squares Shona. I'll do up an IMIII review shortly.

    What to do for dinner???'s going on noon and I haven't even thawed anything. Don't have any ideas for lunch either. :(
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    I never saw Bren on the Group Recipes Facebook site? What's spaghetti salad Karen?
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Karen, thanks for letting us know about Bren, that's too bad :( I've never had a problem with logging into this site (knock on wood), and I even log in and out as Reviews2 also, which had me worried at first. Yum on spaghetti salad!

    Good luck today with the garage door issues Marie, hopefully it's not too much of a PIA!!

    I too can see parent's complaining about it Linda, teacher work Monday's seemed to go just fine and not sure why they had to change it. I guess they figure that the kids are old enough to stay at home alone if the parent has to be at work early? Oreo is somewhere between 2 1/2-3 yrs old. Which puts her at about 75-80 yrs human age. Average life span of a rat is 2 yrs, so she is managing pretty well :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Have these in the oven and they smell GOOD!!
    Bacon Apple Cheese Muffins
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    I also have never had any troubles logging into or out of GR Knock on Wood Michelle. Oreo is a Senior Citizen then for sure. :) Very cool on those muffins. I'd not seen that before I don't think. I bookmarked it. They'd be great to put out as part of a Brunch wouldn't they!

    Am thawing some tenderloin chunks to use as Shishkebob for dinner. Am going to make
    Thai Shrimp Boats
    as an appy and
    Twice Baked Spinach Potatoes
    as the side.

    Wrapping Benjamin's Christmas presents up to mail off since it takes three months if I don't want to pay outrageous amounts of postage. I just bought him some books and magazines, one Christmas ornament and a pkg. of gummies, an old favourite of his. :)

    Jim's out painting the garage wall.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    SP Marie. Hi!
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Janet, Bren is on AR Refugees FB page.
  • Good4U 6 years ago said:
    Nice pic of your horses, Karen. Too bad your daughter's schedule got changed at the last minute. Too bad Bren is having a hard time logging in. I didn't know she was on FB. I thought she was not on b/c they were at the cottage with the dog who she said would be better off there while recovering from surgery.

    It is nice to hear your Mom is getting ready to move into her new home. I hope she really likes it. I didn't realize she will have a kitchen and everything which will be very nice. Your dinner sounds awesome!

    Your crockpot turkey sounds yummy, Linda. I hope there isn't too much wrong with your generator. Maybe it just needs to be reset? Are you still considering getting those wind resistant windows? I am sure they would elevate the value of your home.

    Gee didn't know your kids started school at 7:30 A.M., Michelle. The kids here start normally at 9:00 A.M. and some schools start at 8:00 A.M. It will be interesting to hear the complaints. Glad to hear Oreo is doing better wow she is getting up there in age. Good luck with your housework.

    You sound very busy, Marie.

    Glad to hear more products are starting to show up on your store shelves, Kimmer. I will probably take some time to get things back to normal.

    Good to hear you found a pair of shoes Shona.

    Den is having past withdrawal so I am making a big pot of spaghetti sauce. Now that there is enough room in the freezer to freeze the leftover sauce. So obviously we are having spaghetti with garlic bread dinner.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    P.S. Janet, spaghetti salad is made with spaghetti, diced veggies....bacon....spinach....cheese....etc. and a vinegar OR creamy dressing. I made one but used noodles (low on spaghetti noodles) and diced green pepper, sliced ham, cherry tomatoes, celery, cut up fresh mozzarella cheese balls, with a creamy dressing I throw together with mayo and a vinegarett dressing combined. If I were not so lazy today I would have added hard boiled eggs, onion, bacon pieces, etc. The ingredients can vary, mine is never the same! I Gogled it and got a zillion different recipes.

    Oreo is certainly holding up well for a senior citizen rat, Michelle! Mel is somewhere around 14 a 15 y/o, more or less, he should have several more years to go but he is definitely elderly. The longest lived cat we had was our outside cat Butterscotch, 19 y/o with Miss Kitty (outside) and Mary (transferred inside about age 5 or 6) somewhere around 17. 12 seems to be the average for us....What survived a new cat disease but died at 12 of diabetes, Rescue was 12 but had been severely abused when we got her at about age 2. Now that is probably more than you ever wanted to know about my cats....LOL!

    So far I have had some problems logging in but nothing permanent. GR does have technological problems and whoever is in charge evidently allows questionable business practices, to put it mildly. If it kicks me out for good I guess I would have to try another screen name, which several people have had to do. Just a little bit confusing but it makes my followers list look great....ha ha! It may be password related which is why I stay logged in except for the rare times when it kicks me out and I have to find or try to remember the stupid pw!

    Guys are later than usual for lunch. The propane guy just came and filled the tank for the generator. Now we are set for quite a while if the winter weather gets bad.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Ohhhhhhh that explains it Karen. :) LOL. If you see her again, please extend my 'hello' and best wishes. Hope her dog Annie made out really well with it's surgery.

    Yes Joce, Mom's apartment is really very nice. It's assisted living not extended care so everyone has their own little apartment with their own little balcony. Mom is on the ground floor facing the main street in Rainy River so she has space outside to put some flowers in come spring. There is a care worker on hand 12 hours a day IF you need a hand with something, but if you don't want to see them, you don't have to call them. :) Spaghetti with garlic bread sounds awesome!

    The spaghetti salad sounds very cool Karen. Especially the bacon part. LOL! Glad your generator is at the ready.

    Had a good spin into town. Got my Mom a house warming card and got a birthday card for Benjamin who turns 27 next month! I popped in to Star Buck's and got some little single serving packages of premixed Pumpkin Spice Latte. Benj was bemoaning the fact Taiwan didn't do 'pumpkin spice' and Mom loves anything sweet from Starbucks so I'll put two packages each in both their cards. Got a big padded envelope to parcel up Benjamin's Christmas present so I can mail that off tomorrow.
  • kimmer 6 years ago said:
    Good afternoon and hello to all. Well the grocery venture was at least better than the last one. Did get some more meat for the freezer but the frozen food sections were still pretty empty. But that's ok. That kind of stuff can wait a while. I just mainly like to keep frozen pizzas and other snacks on hand for the boys. Not to mention, on occasion, a frozen pizza fits the bill for us when I don't feel like cooking, lol. Plus I like to have a variety of bread rolls and some frozen veggies when fresh it's convenient. And I finally got some EGGS!! Feel like a Queen now, lol!

    Will have to read back a bit better for the day. Tonight is BBQ chicken, mac & cheese and some corn on the cob that I scored today. One of Ben's fav meals. Cayce is quite sick so not sure if he will feel like eating much. He's got the creeping crud that's been going around. Daughter has it too and has been without AC for the last 4 days. Told her it's time to start screaming at her landlord................or I will.

    Hope all enjoy the rest of the day!!
  • Good4U 6 years ago said:
    Glad to hear you scored more things today and EGGS, Kimmer! Poor Cayce and your daughter as well. I hope Cayce feels better soon as well as your daughter and gee I hope she gets her AC back soon too!

    Karen, you should add Bren to our group on FB. Then we might get to know what is going on with her.
  • NPMarie 6 years ago said:
    Turned out to be one crazy day..I can't catch up right now..we also just heard our supplier is delivering Friday, so been scrambling to get order together...after they told us they wouldn't be delivering Friday ..they don't have set days for deliveries so we have to keep on top of THEIR schedule! Wednesday's Wine fits for today's thread Karen..I plan on having a few glasses later! LOL

    I do hope everyone is doing well today! Hump day! Whoo Hoo

    Chicken and rice burritos for dinner!
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Hi Kimmer and Joce. Hi Marie.

    I will suggest the group to Bren. We are also in an IP group which deals with with the Instant Pot pressure cooker, have one in my kitchen and really have to start using it!

    Watching GS atswimming....they are doing floor exercises.

    Am not on wifi so best get moving. See you later.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Divided up my slow cooked turkey breast and got 4 meals for 2 out of it. All portioned and bagged and popped in the freezer.

    I still really want to move away from Florida Joce ... Hoping to move to Pennsylvania maybe next year. It's a dream but I'm not cut out to ride out hurricanes and deal with all the problems associated with them. I'm sticking with the shutters we have. Putting anymore money into this house won't give me a better resale value. If I was staying then I would get permanent shutters.
    Hurricane Marie destroyed Puerto Rico ... The entire island has no power.
    Yum on your spaghetti sauce. Labor of Love meals, as I call them, are great to make lots and then freeze.

    Wow on a package taking almost 3 months to get to your son Janet.

    Bummer on Cayce getting sick and too your daughter Kimmer. Hoping it passes soon and that DD gets AIR CONDITIONING!! Does she have electric? Window units are cheap enough to buy, buy a small one and put it in to at least cool one room and make it tolerable. I call them "insurance policies". We have a floor unit incase our air breaks to plug something in till we get it repaired. Sometimes these guys take several days to get to you and you just can't be without air in Florida in the summer.

    DH is starting to make different speech sounds and now soft words come out every now and then that I can understand. After the gym we went out to get something to eat and I was talking about how much I love America's Got Talent and he said "I know".

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