
How to make it

  • In a large frypan cook the ground beef until done take off any excess grease. Add salt, pepper and curry powder making sure it is all mixed in. Put into a large cassarole dish or roasting pan or two smaller ones whatever you have.
  • Cook macaroni as per directions drain etc. Put the macaroni over the beef. Take a wooden spoon and mix beef and macaroni a bit.
  • Add tomatoes and mix around again with wooden spoon you can add a bit of water when you rinse the cans out one half cup of water or so.
  • Take the cheese and poke it in everywhere. Reserve 2 cups or more for the top.
  • Crunch the crackers with your hands into small bits. Or put into a plastic bag and pound with a rolling pin to crush. Place on top of the cassarole as evenly as you can. Add the remaining cheese evenly on top. Dot with dabs of butter over the top.
  • Cover with a top if you have one or cover with aluminum foil, shinny side down. You might want to remove the cover about 10 minutes before taking out of the oven to brown it a bit.
  • Bake at 350 F for 30 to 40 minutes. Remove from oven and serve. I freeze what is left over usually the next day if I can.

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    " It was excellent "
    NPMarie ate it and said...
    LOL on deleting my pic Joce! I'll be sure to post a pic when I make this again!!! We had this last night and I didn't take a picture:) was just delicious:)
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • Good4U 10 years ago
    I was making some changes and OOPS! I deleted my other pic and yours too, Marie!!! When I make it again I must remember to take some new pics. Once again sorry about that:(
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • otterpond 12 years ago
    This has all the earmarks of a proper family favorite.
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  • Good4U 12 years ago
    Marie, No you did it correctly. Just add the remaining cheese on top or more if you wish. You could shred the cheese but I never do. It looks like you could have crushed the crackers a bit more though from your picture though and maybe use a bit more tomatoes and browned it more. Just a suggestion. Thanks a bunch again and very pleased you liked it:-)
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    NPMarie ate it and said...
    Made this last night using penne pasta, the addition of curry powder was so very tasty! We loved this and will be making it often...thanks Joce:)
    *I'm afraid the pic didn't turn out well at all, I guess i didn't add the cheese correctly, I just pushed the cheese cubes into the casserole..should I have shredded some cheese for the top???
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    NPMarie ate it and said...
    This is pretty close to what I make except I've never used curry ...sounds so good Joce!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • chuckieb 12 years ago
    This looks yummy Joce! I've only made Home made Mac n' Cheese once. I like the addition of the curry powder in this.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • cookwithfeeling 12 years ago
    sounds good....... gonna try it !!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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