
How to make it

  • 1--12 inch Dutch Oven
  • a little olive oil
  • If you don't have camp fire coals, use regular
  • store bought charcoal--
  • 8 coals on the bottom-15 on the lid top
  • 12 inch Dutch Oven on top of your
  • bottom coals-rub spices on roast and place in
  • DO - place lid on and pile on top coals.
  • One layer of thick sliced potatoes on the bottom and set roast on top
  • Cook 2 1/2 to 3 hours (add coals as they are used
  • up-then place sliced onions on top roast-add a
  • good sprinkle of spices-then add potatoes-around
  • sides and on top roast-season again. (this recipe is
  • max for a 12 inch DO) Cook about another hour or
  • so, .
  • Always check pork roast with meat thermometer for
  • doneness before serving.
  • When its doneā€¦pour apple sauce around the roast and put the lid back on for about fifteen minutes. roast will come down to a slicing temp and apple sauce will be heated through.

Reviews & Comments 4

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  • httpmom 16 years ago
    Ah...a great camping recipe. The three of us go to Oregon every year for five days to camp, fish, and swim with some car friends. Have to try this one!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • invisiblechef 16 years ago
    This sounds sooo good. Do you know they have a group here for camping? recipes for camping and out doors.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • jenniferbyrdez 16 years ago
    Applesauce? What a cool idea. Must try this, but baby it won't be over a campfire. It's about 45 degrees here-too cooollld. Thanks.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • sheba 16 years ago
    Great recipe. Will be trying this when the weather cooperates.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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