Collard Greens By Lexisone

  • pointsevenout 10 years ago
    Good flavor albiet modified: Collard Greens
    Recipe by Lexisone
    Decided to use only 1Tbsp hot sauce as opposed to 2lbs. And at that they were plenty hot for me. I hope to God this is some type of finger dyslexia! Has Keni been reincarnated?
    Only used 1/2c water as opposed to "fill to cover". That would have left everything swimming in water once the collards wilted.
    Six to Eight hours on HI in a crock is WAY excessive, as everything is already cooked except for the collards which only need a couple of hours on LO to wilt up and become soft.
    I crocked for 3.5 hours and the meat fell off the bone. Might have been done earlier, as I was out playing in my garden for a while.
    It was easy to see through all the impending errors in this recipe.
  • frankieanne 10 years ago said:
    2 lbs of hot sauce sure does sound like something Keni would like. :) Was 1 Tbs hot enough for you?
    I still haven't looked to see if we have collard greens here out west. I'll have to put them on the shopping list so I remember to look.
  • NPMarie 10 years ago said:
    Good job Sherlock:) I read your comment on the recipe page! I have always wanted to try collards with a smoked turkey leg, but never think to actually look for a smoked turkey leg when I do my grocery shopping..I'll have to remember to add to my list next time..looks delish!

    P.S. I LOVE Lexisone's avatar:)
  • mommyluvs2cook 10 years ago said:
    Hehe, 2 lbs!!! I have never bought a smoked turkey leg, but have them at the rodeo every year and they are SO GOOD!! This looks yummy and glad I tried collard greens recently since they are delicious!!
  • lexisone 9 years ago said:
    Why yes 2lb of hot sauce was a fat finger mistake! I usually use 2 tlbs, maybe more only because I like them spicy! And yes I cook the greens much past wilted. For my taste preference, I prefer a long cooked collard green, much past the wilted stage. I cover them with water as some will evaporate and when I didn't cover them, some leaves kind of crisped up so to say along the edge of the pot. With the left over pot liquor try making a gravy out of it. By all means if you prefer your greens with some crunch or al dente, cool accordingly.
  • lexisone 9 years ago said:
    Oh! And I usually use at least 2 pounds of greens.
  • pointsevenout 9 years ago said:
    Good to hear from you Lexisone. Thanks for modifying the recipe.

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