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Messy Monday

  • chuckieb 11 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! Michelle sent me her nasty weather from Saskatchewan! :) Weather Network says Ottawa is getting it's first bout of significant winter weather in the form of freezing rain. We got about an inch of snow last night and then freezing rain started after that. I'd invited my Girlfriend and her daughter out for lunch today. Was planning on making the lettuce,tomato, pumpernickel crouton salad with
    La Feria American Legion Secret Sauce
    and then
    Bacon Gouda Patties
    but if the roads are bad we'll have to postpone for another day as it's just not worth driving anywhere you just don't have to.
    Benjamin and I are having Tacos for dinner tonight. Jim doesn't care for them so it's a treat for us to indulge in when he's not here. :)
    Good to see you pop on last night Tina. Glad you shift was better. Ugh on the fog. That would make things scary alright, not knowing if something was just going to pop out of no where. Your description of the Salmon Wellington was wonderful. I'd never heard of that and now I want some. :)
    Not sure if my Internet will hold with this rain so if I disappear you'll know what happened.
    Good luck today Joce. Sending good thoughts your way.
    To everyone else....have a great day!
    Pic below is of the tree my girlfriend decorated for the Holiday Inn (where we had the Christmas Party Saturday night). She's a florist and gets hired to make places look festive. :)
    Jim landed in California safe and sound. It's supposed to be sunny and 66F there this afternoon. Ottawa's high today is supposed to be 39F.
  • mbelisle 11 years ago said:
    Good morning
    Off to work now at a balmy -17C but we are supposed to make it up to about -8 today. With the warmer temperatures though, comes snow. Janet, hope you don't get too much freezing rain, that is the worst! Would love to be in California instead of here though.
    Tonight is wrestling so we will eat out at Jack Eaton's BBQ before we go. Have a good day.
  • sparow64 11 years ago said:
    Good Morning!

    Wow Janet...I needed to do all that you did at the house yesterday. Freezing rain...YUCK. We have heavy rain with wind advisories. Had a storm this morning. It's in the 60's, so our rain is far from freezing. I think we get a cold front after this...I would like to have some December weather to go with Christmas, please. :) That's a gorgeous tree!! Your lunch plans sound very nice, hope you get to have it soon. Enjoy your tacos tonight, and curling up in your nice clean house today during the cold weather! Poor Jim having to suffer through that CA weather. : )

    Glad you enjoyed the concert Michelle. I have never heard of Valdy, but I like the song Janet posted for us. Very cool that he visited with the audience! Love that! I always have to google your Sooooo cold where you are. Going out for BBQ sounds like an awesome plan. Good luck to the wrestlers.

    Will be thinking of you during your tests, Joce! Hope you get good results back. How long do you think it will take to get them? Mom has tests today to see how the new chemo pill is working.

    UGH Tina! I hate driving in the fog. GOOD GRIEF on playing in the snow with your card in your pocket. Why would it even be IN your pocket? Of course, I haven't seen mine in a few days! Haven't used it since the 3rd. Nothing funky on my account, so, no one has it, thank goodness. Called the bank, and I didn't leave it in the ATM. That's the last place I remember using it...but...I think I drove thru and got lunch that day...I HOPE I didn't stick it in the bag of food...then throw it away. : / I will probably find it when I clean out my nasty car. If not, then, I guess I report it stolen and get a new one. Didn't I just do that a few weeks ago when I drove off and left it in the ATM on a Saturday, and was too scared someone had it to wait til the bank opened on Monday to get it back....? CRAFT is a terrible thing, people. But I am way too ashamed of being so forgetful to take it out on the lady at the bank! Bless your heart. I'm sure you provided some much needed kindness to the widower. So, what do you think about Next Iron Chef??? I DVR every week. LAST week's was pretty wild...and that seems to be the way it goes for the chef that wins that particular "advantage". So sorry to hear the news of your friend's cancer. What an inspriation he is, huh?

    Did any of you see the holiday episode of Iron Chef? Michael Symon, Nadia from Bitchen Kitchen, and some guy from Cooking Channel agains Morimoto, Ted Allen and Robert Irvine. That was a fun show to watch. (Week before last). I wish we had Cooking Channel. Have to pay extra for it with our provider, and we have a pretty big package. : (

    Laura, your Sunday dinner sounded fabulous. LOL on Al Jarreau.

    How were the ribs Marie? Haven't had ribs in a long time. : ) How are your parents doing?

    Happy Hannukah Laurie and Dahlia!

    I was busy all day yesterday, and seems like I just spun my wheels. I did get the laundry done and groceries bought, did some paperwork I had been putting off. Went to the Flea Market in Sweetwater because one of the booths has brand new books way cheap. I got books for all the grandkids, at the low price of 3 for $10! (Like Dr Seuss and other books that are $8 or more a piece, even at Walmart!). I needed one more, since we have 5 grandkids, so, I bought my boys a copy of The Night Before Christmas. Looked in a couple of other stores for a bedset for Hil and found nothing. I guess that's what took so long. lol Lunch with Donna was fun, as always, Janet. : ) We knocked around the mall together for a little while. Then went our seperate ways so we could do what we each needed to do. We do a gift swap with the friends every year, and I have NO IDEA what I'm giving this year. And the party is Saturday. Oy Vey. No clue what I will get Bryan this year, either. *sigh* After all my work on the party food, last night he tells me he doesn't like tortilla rollups. *Rolling Eyes* probably depens on what's IN them, Dear. So...I have to think of something to replace that. THEN he says "Lets have chicken wings". Ummmmm....NO. Maybe for the Super Bowl. Not for Christmas. We are having buffalo chicken dip. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
    We're smiling...we're smiling... lol

    Supper tonight will be a big ol salad with the leftover lemon / caper chicken incorporated. And maybe a sandwich. THEN I have to get my butt in gear and wrap those presents I meant to get wrapped yesterday.

    HEY to everyone not here yet. Have a great day!
  • NPMarie 11 years ago said:
    Janet, what a beautiful tree! Yuk on your safe if you do drive today:) tacos sound so good, we haven't had them in a while:)

    Michelle, I cannot believe how cold it gets there!!! We think when it gets to 28 degrees or so, it's cold as heck...supposed to be near 70 today, wish you were here to enjoy our weather!

    Lori, Mom & Dad are doing fine! After the wind storms I said I'd be down to rake ALL THE leaves for them, but dad went ahead and raked them...they also had a Poplar tree in their back 40 fall during the storms, told them we would be down to move the wood (Dad already used his chain saw and cut the fallen tree up) , but Mom said he already took care of it..everytime I say we'll be down to help him do stuff he shouldn't be doing, he goes ahead and does it...he doesn't like the idea he's older and cannot do what he used to do...well, should not do what he used to do...Rick said the ribs were OK, he had BBQ'ed them about a month ago, and we froze them..he likes them better right after BBQ'ing them I guess...How's your Mom & Dad?

    I don't know what will be for dinner, I really need to go major grocery shopping, I will do that tomorrow...have to run some errands this morning and ask our tax guy exactly what is needed for taxes...being self employed and all:) How fun does my day sound? :D
  • notyourmomma 11 years ago said:
    Beautiful Tree indeed.
    In a hurry. Today is my last two hours of Thursday and Friday combined.
    Dinner is peanut butter and jelly ssndwiches. I did not cook ahead and I've been up trying to get my medical equipment straightened out. Insurance a necessary evil.

    Hugs to all. Have a great day. It is going to the 70's for our high, cooler and stormy o'er night.
  • sparow64 11 years ago said:
    Marie, that sounds like my dad. Won't let us help him do anything. We have to just show up and say "we're doing this today". That doesn't always get a positive reaction, though. lol It's good that they still try to beat us to it in some ways, I guess, huh? : ) You have had your fair share of bad weather recently...hope it stays calm for a while.

    PB and J soundes excellent, Tina. I wouldn't mind one of those myself. Hope you have a good day, girlfriend.
  • NPMarie 11 years ago said:
    Tina, love PB & jelly...also PB & sliced bananas...

    Lori, I know it's because he's 82 and used to work very hard in his younger just is hard for him to admit he can't be working like that any longer..he's a tough ol' boot...I just love him so...yes, it's beautiful & sunny here, supposed to rain weds..I'm dreaming of a WHITE CHRISTMAS though..................
  • chuckieb 11 years ago said:
    Have a fun time at Jack Eaton's tonight Michelle. I don't mind snow. Send it my way if you have too much. :)
    It does sure feel good when all the housework is done and you get to bask in that for a couple of days until it needs to be done again! My lunch guests did brave the bad roads after all and just left now. We had a really lovely time. They loved both the salad and the burgers. My friend's daughter brought her camera along incase she'd see a deer and none showed up so just as they were about to head off I told her to put on her boots and I'd bring her for a little walk in the woods to see if we could see one. So we're just walking past the garage and standing not 12 feet away is a yearling all puzzled and cute as a button. She got a few good pictures and was pleased as punch.
    Keep us tuned on your Mom's tests results Lori. Sending prayers her way.
    I've been mulling over this losing your credit card in the snow problem and I can only think of one plausible reason. Often times, especially at the beginning of winter when you're not quite prepared with your snow brush in your car yet, people use their credit card to scrape their car windows off with. That's all I got. :)
    I feel for you losing yours Lori. And I totally know the feeling. LOL. What a great deal you got on the books! I love giving and receiving books at Christmas. It's my favourite present. And I love "The Night before Christmas". I so remember reading it to Benjamin with him all cuddled up on my lap in his jammies. THE BEST thing! :) I do also know how frustrating it is to 'need' to find something for a gift and just not have a clue what to get. It's hard. Love that Carpenter's song. It's very dreary and gray here.
    I'm going to give you the "Not the nicest way to spend a Monday" award Marie. Mind you , now that I say that I think Joce may have you beat, but're runner up. :) I know your Dad isn't supposed to do some stuff but it is comforting that he can. :)
    I don't know what that means Tina..."Today is my last two hours of Thursday and Friday combined." Does that mean you are off again as of tomorrow? Have a good shift!
  • NPMarie 11 years ago said:
    Yes Janet, it is comforting he still can...I still just wish he wouldn't lift anything heavy!
  • otterpond 11 years ago said:
    Such an elegant tree Janet, your friend did a wonderful job. Tonight I made Otterpond Cuban Sandwich's for dinner. We had left over baked ham and the roast pork perfect opportunity to celebrate the pig. I thought Mr. would be all pleased about a simple sandwich dinner. NOOOOOO MR. SUCHAFUSS waltzed into the kitchen and stripped of the pickles and Swiss cheese unceremoniously dumping said ingredients in the trash. I was aghast. He said have you ever seen me order a Cuban sandwich when we go out. I said, "No we were in a restaurant -- AND THIS ISN'T ONE!" He wisely had no retort to that. I let him know he was going on report to the cooking ladies.

    It was a fabulous Cuban made even better by the spicey pickles I picked up at the Farmer's Market. In deference to my need to lose some pounds I only had half the sandwich but still it is reasonably low calorie even if I had had the whole thing. But the stern calorie tracker says I have 268 calories remaing for today. That means I may have a snack after a bit.
  • otterpond 11 years ago said:
    Hugs Marie. I have a real understanding of where you are at. I'm not sure which is harder to adjust to, them doing more that they should or when they just give up trying to do anything at all because everything is too hard. Either way it is tough working through the wind down with our old folks.
  • chuckieb 11 years ago said:
    LOL Laura. Oh no Mr. Suchafuss! (Shaking head) :) The sandwich looks fantastic and it's a crying shame the pickles and the cheese met with a sad end. :( Eloquently put with the aging parents discussion.
    Benjamin has put more wood on the fire and there's a show I've never seen on in a few minutes called "Come Dine with me Canada". I've got the tacos prepped. My easy chair is calling! :)
  • laurieg 11 years ago said:
    hey all just checking in
    had a party at my crazy co-workers house with all the Macy's sprayers. Lots of Lebenese food but can't tell you what other than the hummus lol
    I brought my Kaluha cake and even in the table of desserts it was a big hit.
    Catch up with you later!
  • NPMarie 11 years ago said:
    Thank you for the hug Laura...I needed that! <<<HUGS>>> to you as well:)
  • notyourmomma 11 years ago said:
    Hugs to Marie...and Lori...and are special caregivers and ya'll deserve some special karma for giving back to those in need.
    Fred is reacting badly to the new version of meds. I'm not so sure I like him drugged this heavily with no one home. I should have gone to the doctor to argue his case,
    Yes, Janet...I work four 10 1/2 hours days with a half hour commute each way, so basically 11 1/2 hours or more with overtime in a day. Four on, three off. So, I'm always off kilter. My weekend starts Tuesday.
    Have a crock pot of Boston Butt braise in ginger beer, cider and garlic started...should be ready around 9 a.m. LOL I'm even cooking upside down.
    Best wishes Joce...hope you get good news.,
    Hey Laurie, glad you had fun. I love a good hummus.
    Laura, I'd have to bite my tongue and mind my words very carefully, if Fred did a Mr. SuchaFuss on a perfectly fine sandwich. HMMMMMMMM, Patience.
    Good for you on the portion control. Liv has lost 14 lbs in 3 weeks . I'm down 19 since the middle of August,. Slow and steady.
    Okay, it is 1:30.....time to get my jzmmires and brush my teeth. I have to find a new oxygen provider in the morning.

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