Play off Sunday

  • wynnebaer 14 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone....I hope you're feeling better soon, Tina.

    P7O, I've been taking medication to quit smoking and it's been making me have all kinds of wierd dreams...They effect my sleep horribly.

    Yesterday was a smash...The kids loved everything and there were hardly any leftovers..Tina, you're beans were delicious...Added a little brown sugar at the end. They stayed till midnight...I had already gone to bed and Les fell asleep watching them play video games...LOL...A couple old farts, huh. Not cooking a darned thing today!!!! Pizza for supper.

    GO PATS!!!!!
  • pleclare 14 years ago said:
    Glad your dinner was a success Wynne. Sorry the smoking medication is giving you trouble and hope it gets better. You deserve a break today.

    We are having my buffalo wings and oven fries for dinner. Good football food!

    GO PATS!!!
  • pointsevenout 14 years ago said:
    It's truly not the medication. I had weird dreams about smoking and didn't take any medication. It's your habit clinging on to the ledge of your life that you have kicked it off. PERSEVERE. You will make it. It's been years that I have had those dreams but one creeps up on me every eventuality. Good for you, going down this new path of life.

    This is the last day of sub-freezing weather. Tomorrow should be in the mid to low forties.
    Made biscuits and gravy to start the morning. And have an assortment of beans and peas simmering in a pot for dinner. It's called a freezer grab. S&P with some smoke flavoring. Might even make some mashed 'taters to get all the carbohydrates maxed out.
  • notyourmomma 14 years ago said:
    Black beans and rice here....beans are soaking...will pressure cook later, after I thaw the fingers enough to chop the onions and sweet peppers. Will be good for a week's worth of lunches. Have some yucky fatty hamburger, that I must degrease and it might make it into a bowl of red. Liv got caught by one of those drive-by sell food of the back of a truck hucksters and she ended up with an 18 pack of really gross burger. (That girl needs to grow a backbone, say "no" and mean it) If we weren't so broke, I'd just throw them away...I don't trust the meat, but if I boil it in water and discard the fat and then simmer it all day with lots of chili powder, garlic, onion and tomato...maybe it will be edible and not kill us.

    It was 32 on the porch this a.m. And there isn't enough coffee to help me. The coughing has abated enough that I can tolerate being upright, instead of curled in a ball on my side. I've got a mountain of laundry to drag to the wash and it will probably wear me out completely getting it washed, but one must do what one must do.

    Keep warm my friends, Keep the Faith, Wynne....YOU can do this.

    I'll be thinking of ya'll during the playoffs......Fred's Eagles got their rears kicked to the curb last night and he is grumpier than ever. I'm not well enough to deal with his kind of grumpy. There might be "words" today. I'm not waiting on his fanny all day long every weekend. If I don't do as he wants, he retreats to a bed and sleeps. How nice is that????? Liv told me that last week his therapists were commenting on how nicely he folded laundry and sorted clothes........I give him a fresh basket of warm laundry from the dryer to help me and he says, "I can't do that...I'm too weak." ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH Urge to kill. Forgive me for my supreme lack of patience today. I am normal, not a saint.
  • laurieg 14 years ago said:
    Tina you truly are a saint! good luck with that meat, we don't have any drive by hucksters around here LOL.
    must be a beans sort of day. making turkey chili
    Taking Rachel to the mall to return a sweatshirt. Also on the hunt for a tablecloth. Rachel destroyed my table with nail polish remover and I don't have the patience or know how to sand and re-finish it. I like the way it looks with the tablecloth but the one I have is meant for when the table is fully open and slides all over.
    MIL always had this plastic thing over her tablecloth it never slid anywhere.
  • pointsevenout 14 years ago said:
    If it's a wooden table it will be cheaper to refinish the top as opposed to buying a new one. Let Rachel feel your pain! Lessons have to be learned.
  • pleclare 14 years ago said:
    Tina,it's time to say no to Fred for your own sake. You need to take care of yourself too.

    Hope it warms up for you soon. At least at work you are warm.

    Laurie,I don't have youg kids but do keep awater resistant cloth on the dining room table. The table can stain easily. I bought it in Bed,Bath and Beyond and much nicer quality than plain plastic cloths!
  • laurieg 14 years ago said:
    Maybe I will try bed bath and beyone. thanks.
    Points Rachel isn't the only one to take some of the finish off the top, my mom when she was babysitting spilled something that took the finish off. I have no intention of getting a new table. Its not a fancy table but it has a cool feature the leafs are inside so when you have company you pull the table apart and poof there are 2 leafs that pull right up from inside like magic LOL. This is good for me because i do a lot of entertaining and it can turn into a huge table. I have the plastic kind of table cloth but I think it is too big for the table when the leafs are not in use and it kees sliding.
    oh and GO PATS!
  • pleclare 14 years ago said:
    I started a new group for anyone who likes maple syrup as much as me!
  • pointsevenout 14 years ago said:
    An orbital sander with a dust attachment and 3 grits of paper. Sand all the flat top surfaces of stain and varnish 'till it's nice and smooth, 'cause you're never going to get an exact match of stain. This is probably going to be one of the easiest "do-it-yourself" projects to do. Clean the surface to dust free. Re-stain the surface to as close a match as possible.
  • otterpond 14 years ago said:
    Good Freezin' Morning all. There is ICE on my screen porch. I live in ORLANDO! That is just not supposed to be. I'm pumping coffee hoping to get warm enough to go get a shower so that Mr. will take me to the movies. We want to go see Avatar which is a 3 hour movie so much make the 12:30 showing.

    Wynne hang in there on the stop smoking. Tomorrow is my 2 month free and clear date. I didn't use any medications so I'm not sure about the dreams. I have a very active dream life anyway so I'm not sure I would have noticed the difference. All I know is I can smell, taste and breath. It was well worth doing.

    Glad you are on the mend Momma. We are cheering for you and Fred.
  • pointsevenout 14 years ago said:
    Continued congratulations to you too OTTER. You have done it! No reason for you to ever go back. Are your taste buds coming back? Do you still hack any?
  • sparow64 14 years ago said:
    Oh sympathies, hon. This cold spell has wreaked havoc in so many ways on so many. And bless your heart, you are the closest thing to a saint that I know. Folding laundry would be good for Fred. Just like a child that will do things at daycare or school that they "can't" do at home, he will need a firm hand of motivation.

    Wynne, that dinner party for Jess sounds just perfect! Awesome menu, too. Glad it was such a success.

    8 th or 9th straight day of below freezing temps here, too. I lost count. The drainline for the toilet in my apt downstairs has been frozen all week. Bryan is still out of work with is back, and don't want to call a plumber, so I'm limping along with it. Supposed to be in the 40's by the middle of the week, I think. I will be glad to see it!

    Today is Bryan's bday. So I'm gonna cook a big ol meal. Not going anywhere. He hates to be out of work then go out for fun. Doing a slow cooked roast,knox's twiced baked potatoes, baked parmesan tomatoes florentine, (all requests - will post to group), and if the server will cooperate I need to peruse for a cake of some kind. Spent the day on the couch and in bed yesterday with migraine from you=know=where, and it has put me way behind. I hear ya on the laundry, Tina. I am so far behind it's not even funny. Hate having to climb up and down steps for each this cold old arthur is wreaking havoc on my hips. (OK, that's the last of the moaning and groaning)

    HUGS to everyone! Hope you have a fantastic rest of the day, daty warm and dry and safe and happy!!
  • sparow64 14 years ago said:
    ooooops - I lied! The twice baked potatoes are by Rosemary Blue...I forgot...been so long since I made them! I just remember the pic being on Knox's page!! lol
  • sparow64 14 years ago said:
    the tomatoes

    sorry...premature submitting again
  • knoxcop 14 years ago said:
    SPAROW---Happy Birthday to your sweetie and enjoy a great day of cooking and eating! Perfect! :-)

    TINA---You have the patience of Job. Sainthood would be in order...try to rest and take care of you! We were worried... (((hugs)))

    POINT---Chantix has been known to cause vivid dreams since it's release. Many people have quit it because of that and other side effects. Rough stuff--but it works with the cravings. I haven't smoked in over a week. I'm more of a "take it or leave it" kind of smoker, ha. Too cold out there to enjoy it much. PLUS---the new stuff they douse 'em in sux out loud. They won't stay lit and that combined with the frigid weather has me saying "no" to smoking right now, haha.

    OTTER---Do let us know how the movie was!

    WYNNE---How was the frosting? :-)

    LAURIE---I too have a table needing a refinish on the top. I have no balls when it comes to trying to refinish it myself. We do have a good friend who does "smaller" jobs, like gun stocks (beautiful, beautiful work he does!) but I haven't approached him about this monster antique table, yet.

    LeCLARE---Wish I were there munching on some wings with you!

    Not sure about tonight's dinner--might just be leftovers from last night. I put the beans & hocks into the crockpot yesterday at 1:45, and was planning to take them out at 8:00 to eat. Well, at 4:45 I looked at the clock and REALIZED (!!!!!) that I'd FORGOTTEN to plug the durned thing in! Grahhh!

    I finished them on the stove top---so that might be dinner again tonight, ha!


  • laurieg 14 years ago said:
    If i could find someone else to re-finish it I would but a table cloth works just as well. LOL If point lived closer I would have him and his sander come on over. I hear he works cheap, wasnt he mowing lawns for practically pennys?
  • tnacndn 14 years ago said:
    Just doing spaghetti here today. Good luck to you guys quitting smoking. I quit Novemeber 5th 1998 and hubby quit April of last year. He used the patches but I quit cold turkey. We are both so glad we did. Especially with the outrageous prices today.
  • justjakesmom 14 years ago said:
    Hey all! Seems like the server is working again.... Let's hope it stays that way!

    Wynne, I'm so glad your dinner party was a success! Incredible menu! Keep up the good work on quitting smoking.....

    Pat, buffalo wings sound good!

    P7O - you and my husband would get along just fine, he's a refinish person too.

    Tina, sainthood doesn't begin to describe what you qualify for! Get well soon and stick to your "guns" with Fred - it won't hurt him....

    Laurie, our dining table is an antique walnut and has about 6 leaves for it. Long story short... Brad was installing a light above it about 15 years ago and dropped the philips head screwdriver and (you got it!) it landed straight in, poked a pretty little deep star pattern right smack dab in the middle of it. LOL We had just had it refinished! I just put a table cloth over it... Glad he did it and not me! LOL (you know how that goes!)

    Otter, enjoy Avatar and let us know how it is... Congrats on the 2 month mark too.

    Lori, your b-day dinner for Bryan sounds really good. Sorry about your hip pain, try to take it easy.

    LOL Judy, sounds like something I would do with the not plugging in the crock - only I'd do it when I was expecting company!

    Spaghetti sounds good too Gem. Congrats to you and hubby too!

    My "experimental" dinner last night didn't do much for me, but Brad didn't have any complaints and he ate it all up, so I guess he liked it. The bars I made on the other hand yesterday are fantastic and easy - gonna post them. I'm thinking I'm might make buffalo wings for dinner. Pat's got me craving 'em.... I feel bad all of you are freezing when it's up to 54 here right now. Strange indeed...
  • wynnebaer 14 years ago said:
    I had a converstaion with my doctor about the medicine I'm taking and she told me the most complained about side effect is the dreams...Combined with the smoking trying to hang on and the meds, I'm a dreaming fool lately......It's definitely worth it as I'm "GOING TO" quit smoking....Thanks for all the encouragement.

    Congrats, Otter....I can't wait to say I have 2 months smoke free..Hooray for you!!!

    Knox, I didn't get a chance to try the cake with the frosting as it was gone when I went to get a piece....LOL..Did try it when I was making it though and it was yum yum good.....essica told me it was the best white cake with white frosting she ever had....Thanks again, my friend.
  • pleclare 14 years ago said:
    Happy Birthday to Bryan and Lori ,hope the hip feels better.
  • mrtnzangel8 14 years ago said:
    What a pain in the butt this site has been. Hopefully I can post this...

    Tina, was worried about you girl...hang in there. Sending warm ♥♥♥ your way.
    You hang in there too, Wynne. You can do it! I'd hate to think what my dreams would be like on Chantix. They are already very full and strange...could be the chapter or two of S.K. I read before bed every night. ;-P

    Was so excited about this pork loin I've been wanting to pull out and cook. Got it out day before yesterday, let it thaw, go to open it this morning and it had the most putrid smell. Very slimy, gross. Broke my heart to throw 4 1/2 pounds of meat in the trash...Had to have been that way when he bought it. I guess the markdown bin isn't always the best place to get your meat.

    So now I am trying to get some pork loin chops thawed. They are about halfway there so I went ahead and put them in the marinade, balsamic vinaigrette. (Can't believe I spelled that right, first try!) Hope that will be ok.... Fried potatoes to go with.
  • pleclare 14 years ago said:
    Ang,dinner sounds good. Shame about the meat,you are probably right. If you froze right away,it was probably bad!
  • knoxcop 14 years ago said:
    Shoo! I am glad the icing was good--I did a couple outdoor weddings with that one last summer. You have to add a bit of crisco into a butter recipe in hot weather---to get the icing stable. An all butter frosting will fall slap off a cake above 85 farenheit....a good chance of it, anyway. Glad to help, Wynne! Thanks for letting me know!

    ANG---Girl, I've thrown out my share of bad meat, too. I finally started getting mad about it and taking the whole smelly mess back to the store. Of course, if it was frozen for a while, therein lies the rub. Sorry about the loss. I hate throwing money away too!

    The site has been a royal pain in the bumpkus today! Grr...

  • pointsevenout 14 years ago said:
    I have always been an advocate of repackaging anything I freeze, just to catch any bad meat. Have already had a couple of run-ins on discounted meat sealed in large quantity being putrified. Stores didn't have a problem taking the meat back, even though they were re-bagged and marked in my storage containers.

    Apparently my knowledge on quit smoking pills is lacking.
  • tnacndn 14 years ago said:
    Oh this place can be a pain in the butt that's for sure. My spaghetti turned out good but just as I was finishing the meal I heard water running somehere and I assumed my washer had thawed and something had went wrong in the laundry room.So I go out there and nothing is wrong, come back in the house and still hear the water so I yell for someone to come in the kitchen and son hears it so he goes outside then comes back in and says it is under the house. I call the landlord that lives next door and he comes on over. There was a pipe burst under the house. He got it all fixed before dark though, thank God!!
  • otterpond 14 years ago said:
    Loved Avatar! It was soooo beautiful in the forest! Before I saw the movie I had started to get swayed by all of the foolish poltical commentary junk. Please ignore all that and just enjoy the move for what it is. Entertainment and okay it has a message.. they mostly do. But really its amazing what they have done.

    Thanks everyone for the encouragement on the no more smoking. I really think it all has to do with just being done with that now. And yes the taste buds are back and I'm not over seasoning like I have.
  • mrtnzangel8 14 years ago said:
    I so want to see Avatar in the theater. Don't see it happening. Hope it will be just as good on DVD. I agree with you on ignoring all the commentary. I prefer to make my own judgment.

    I think I will take PSO's advice and repackage as soon as it comes home. Will be a chance of getting money back with a recent receipt. Thanks for the advice. :)

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