Thursday's Thoughts....

  • chuckieb 8 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone. I've just come back from getting my hair done. Feels so much better. It was getting REALLY long (for me) :)
    Did you end up going to the Hofbrauhaus Tina. Even thinking about German food makes me crave sauerkraut. I LOVE "Romaine calm all is well". Goodness! :) Your dream the other night was un-nerving. Our brains way of working through things. Is the chicken still there this morning?
    Joce, how did you make out with the picture framing?
    I got a small Turkey as well Shona. Going to cook it up Sunday night I think. I got a Butterball for $15 and it's almost a perfect size for us. Quite looking forward to it. The leaves are really starting to change now so it's very pretty. And I bought the coolest flower thingys from my girlfriend's shop yesterday. She always brings them in in Oct. I put a pic of what they look like in my avatar.How did your crockpot chicken thighs turn out?
    Congrats with your new job at Macy's Laurie!
    Glad to hear the Dr. thinks the problem was just an inner ear infection Karen!
    Benjamin is in Hong Kong now but didn't get into the city in time to get to the Embassy so he will try again tomorrow morning. That being said, it's a holiday in Taiwan Oct.10th so the Embassy may very well be closed until Monday. I put four Guatemalan worry dolls under my pillow last night. I must have bought the slow-acting kind.
    No idea what to make for dinner. Comfort food is definitely in order. :) Today Jim and I are going to bring in enough firewood from where it is drying, into the garage so our supply is in place for winter.
    Wishing everyone a great day.
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Good Morning!

    Janet, nice on the hair cut. How is your tooth/mouth feeling? I do hope it straightens out for Benjamin. "Romaine Calm" I know, easier said than done.

    Olivia brought home barbecue ribs, pulled pork, beans and potato salad from Deuces BBQ. She was tired and a 2 hour wait at Hofbrauhaus was not on her agenda. The restaurant has been so busy, they had to put in an extra freezer and beer cooler. They tried reservations and within 15 minutes they had 450 people reserved for drinking, eating and a polka band. We will try again when the frenzy dies down.

    I woke up with a fever of 101 and aching all over. How I caught a bug without being in contact with anyone for a week, I don't know? We didn't catch the chicken, it got too dark last night. Olivia walked the neighborhood this morning and she couldn't find her.

    She is off to South Bend for five days. I said: "Have fun, don't come home engaged."

    Have a great day, m'friends.
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Too bad about not feeling well, Tina. Hope you are better. Bugs are no fun! ?? what to say about the missing hen. Either she left the scene or was someone / something's lunch. Hopefully she will show up. We had a rooster that was inadvertently left behind. After hiding in the woods for several weeks he strolled up one day and introduced himself. He ruled the barnyard, even the dogs ran. He was here several years until (we think) a raccoon nabbed him.

    Hoping Benjamin's situation improves. It can't be much fun trying to deal with all the legal stuff. Maybe you need to pound those worry dolls into submission - LOL! The pix are cute.

    Our wildlife has multiplied - guess all the dry weather has made food harder to find so they are camping out near people. A possum, and two young "stranger" type raccoons showed up checking for cat food. Geezer arrived and I fed him, but stayed on lookout until he was done. He is a BIG cat, about the size of one of the smaller 'coons. Blondie did not show, or else I did not happen to see him. We will probably have to live trap the two new raccoons and send them elsewhere - no wishes to add more little bandits to the mix. So far the chicken fortress has held.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    My mouth/tooth feels totally A-okay thanks Tina! I last took Advil around 7:30 last night and I've been fine since. Nice on the take out from Liv last night. Sounds deelicious! Take something for the fever and aches. Feel better. Best travel wishes to Liv.
    I've only seen one possum in my whole life Karen. They are odd looking creatures for sure! Glad your chickens are all good.
    We're almost done with the firewood. One more load to go...two tops. Pulled some chicken wings out of the freezer for dinner.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Just saw Paul Prudhomme passed away. I'm really not familiar with him but I do know the name.
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Hi! I bet you are totally looking forward to your Thanksgiving Janet! I'm looking forward to ours but it still a month and a half a way :( Cool on the little pumpkin bouquet, cute! What a predicament Benjamin is in, you should go ahead and put all your worry dolls under your pillow and see what happens :)

    I don't blame getting the food to go, that sounds crazy! Sorry your not feeling well Tina, that is weird you caught a bug no being around anyone. When I got a kidney infection I spiked a fever, wonder if it could be anything internal?

    Wow you just have forest animals visiting you Karen :)

    Had a busy day yesterday! I went to the gym and ran a few errands. Then my Mom called and said she had a doctors appt. near me and asked if she could stop by to say hi. So I thought I would whip up an appy for us to snack on and made this Sweet And Salty Stuffed Figs :) That evening got crazy, had to pick up both kids from school, go to an eye appt. take Bri to batting practice then Caiden to T-ball practice. Then came home to this in the slow cooker My Favorite Tortilla Soup and it was SOOOO good! We were so hungry by the time we got there, that I didn't even think of getting a pic. but I will when we eat the leftovers for lunch this weekend, then I'll post it in the IMI.

    Went back to the gym today and then to the bank. Think I am finally going to get around to making that dessert here soon. No plans for tonight, yay! We can calmly do homework and I can take my time making dinner, which is something with shrimp :) Have a great day everyone!
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    I think I will go with your advice and put ALL the worry dolls under my pillow tonight and see if that helps Michelle! Power in numbers? :) That fig recipe sounds wonderful. (I've never had them). Hope your eye appointment went well. Nice on the soup. I LOVE soup. Good for you being a regular at the gym. Shrimp for tonight sounds yummy.
    We have our first season Hockey game tonight.
    Am going to do the wings like so
    Buffalo Wings
    and maybe a tossed salad on the side. Covered my tomatoes last night and we did get a bit of frost. Brought in a lot of cherry tomatoes and the last of the lettuce last night as well.
    Gonna go mow the lawn to keep from worrying. :(
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Hockey tonight. Yeah, Lightning home opener.

    Michelle, I love figs. Congrats on sticking to the exercise routine. What is the name of your Paleo cookbook?

    Karen, I hope Blondie is okay. You are certainly getting visitors to nibble the cat food. Glad to hear an inner ear infection is the culprit.

    Joce, how are you feeling?

    Marie, Sending you good wishes.

    Shona, I hope all is well.

    Laurie, when does the Macy job start? And I hope you treated yourself to a sundae.

    My lower back hurts and the temp is still elevated. My foot is so swollen and walking hurts horribly. The 20th can't get here quick enough. My toe hurts so bad, I think I might have gout.

    I am going to get to the Hofbrauhaus eventually. The newspaper gave it a positive review except for the noise. All the stein pounding, spanking, singing, music and people shouting to be heard is loud. I'm not sure I could handle all that commotion. It seats 750 guests, I have no doubt at capacity, it would be a zoo.

    Liv is on her way, their plane disembarked an hour ago. I'll be on pins and needles until they safely land.

    Have a good evening my friends.
  • laurieg 8 years ago said:
    Hi everyone
    Tonight's dinner is meatball subs. I made peanut butter blossom cookies so Rachel could take them to her friends house.
    The macys job starts the 26th but I haven't gotten any training schedule or anything yet. I have to train on Macys procedures and how to use the register not that I will just to punch in and punch put.
    I love figs too. When I was in Italy they had the huge black figs the size of baseballs. I ate myself sick lol
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Sounds like everyone is busy. Daughter was going to stop by but Wayne accidentally disconnected the phone in back so she wasn't sure we were home. Her Saturn doesn't do well on our road so we go pick her up at the end of the lane.

    We are having chicken strips and potato salad tonight -- I put bacon in it this time, never make it the same way twice.
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Yum on those buffalo wings and good luck to the Sens :)

    Hi Tina! Well it was actually 2 Paleo authors who went on a book tour together, so I got both books, didn't want to be rude :) It was Juli Bauer from the blog "PaleOMG", and Vanessa Barahas from the blog "Clean Eating With A Dirty Mind" both have just released cook books and both are fantastic! 750 people seating, that does sound like a zoo! I'm sure Liv will be just fine :)

    Oh gosh I love meatball subs Laurie. The cookies sound good too though :) These figs were not near that big lol. Not sure what kind they were, they were just labeled figs at the farmers market. They were purplish with hints of green.

    The kiddos would have loved your dinner Karen, as long as there was not mustard in the potato salad lol. Picky!!

    Dinner was good, made and added chopped asparagus. Caiden is grounded from all electronics for the whole weekend. Plus desserts after dinner. He cannot seem to stay out of trouble at school. He is also about to get kicked off the bus. He just really can't control himself. He's not being mean, he just doesn't follow directions mainly. Not sure what to do, but the teacher wants to meet with us next week, not sure what we are going to talk about. Yes, my kid doesn't listen, yes we punish him appropriately when he doesn't listen, no we don't let him get away with everything. He's just a BOY, he can't control his non stop little mind and yes if a kid tells him he's a baby and wears diapers, then he will pull his pants down to show them his underwear. ESPECIALLY when they tell him to prove he's not wearing diapers. TRUE story btw, happened a couple days ago. Hope all sleeps well, good night!
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Oh, Michelle, poor Caiden. I understand your frustration, you can only do so much with a kid full of imagination and a strong sense of self. I remember someone telling me that Olivia's short attention span and jumping from one task to another made her a poster child for Ritalin. I nearly bit his head off. Don't squash my child in your pigeonholed mind set.

    I'll have to look for the books on Amazon. I got a new coloring book for myself. It has puzzles hidden in the pages. Should be fun and not mind numbing.
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Oh Tina, I'm so glad you told me about that story about Liv, because that's another concern of mine is that the teacher might mention something about medication. I can promise you he needs no medication, he's just busy and does things before he thinks. I hope in this day they wouldn't mention to a parent that a kid should get checked for meds. He is sweet and caring and there is nothing wrong with him :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    OH dear, Michelle. I recall the parent-teacher comments so well. Deep breath. You do seem to be handling it - discipline, grounding, etc. etc. etc.

    When our daughter was about 5 or 6 she came inside very indignant and said her (boy) friend tried to get her to take down her pants, so she hit him WHERE IT HURTS. I imagined extensive surgeries to restore his reproductive capabilities when she stomped her foot and said - right in the knee! Aargh! There is a reason God gave children to YOUNG PEOPLE!

    The small raccoon was back - Geezer meowed and yowled at it and when I tapped the door it left. However, tonight we have seen NO MICE! Not one! No rushing to latch on to it and remove / dispatch it. No following Trouble around to get the critter away from her. No squeaking mouse hopping thru the living room. Hmmm. Guess we better check the mouse trap Wayne set under the curio cabinet last night..

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