• lobster 15 years ago
    Hey Lillian and the "create a story" game to keep this moving....

    Chicken little was cooking up a storm in his little "co-op" kitchen when he .......
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ..........suddenly heard a strange noise. Slowly he turned around but nothing was there. He walked quietly towards the window an was surprised by............
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    Thanks Lobster...your a sweetie! I love telling stories! Great idea!

    ....a loud rumble of thunder! Chicken Little does not like rain (he thought to himself, in the third person),because it makes him think about the time when...........
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    his bread and his famous souffle fell during the "big" storm and he had thought the sky was falling..but alas it had only been...
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    his very large Mother in-law, falling out of bed! Thank goodness he thought! Feeling so elated, he...
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    Lillian, you aint making this easy ....

    decided he would keep himself busy and make a big pot of wonderful yummy home made soup with the bounty he had picked from his garden that very day...
  • sparow64 15 years ago said:
    "HA!" He thought to himself. Look at all these veggies. I beat that dumb bunny Peter Cottontail to it this time! About that time Chicken Little heard ......
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ............his mother in law calling him. It was then that he realised that now she would be more of a pain than ever. He put his vegetables down and picked up a bar of soap that he found. He then decided................
  • maureend301 15 years ago said:
    that even though she was very large she really needed a good warm bath. So he helped her to the bathroom and helped her into the tub. The water he put in the tub was way too hot for her delicate feathers so she..
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:

    hauled off and smacked poor Chicken Little in the side of his head, as hard as she could. She yelled "What are you trying to do.........
  • sparow64 15 years ago said:
    to me you bird brain?" Chicken Little resisted the urge to mention his new recipe for Poached Chicken Salad, and instead replied...
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    "Let me add some cold veggies from the fridge." He said with a smirk. " That should cool down the water a bit.".....
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    As he sprinkled the bath water with a combination of spices and oils he explained that this was the "newest" rage for discerning chickens....
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    LOL! LOL! LOL!

    as he mentioned in very technical terms..."The spices and oils contain components in their metabolic base that when combined with the warm water and vegetables, creates a soothing and calming effect on the lower cortex of the left hemisphere of the cerebral brain. This in conjunction with a very over active and hyper sensitive right hemispherical cerebral cortex can cause....
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    (chicken soup!! he said quietly to himself) but to his ex Mother-in-law Dearest he said.......
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    a feeling of euphoria and relaxation rarely experienced by the common fowl species." Then his Mother in - law said "Stop your yakking and close the door behind you!" She then added, as he happily exited the room, " Don't forget to call me when dinner is ready, you chicken s__t!" (no pun intended)
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    The smell of mamma chicken, slowly being cooked , got the attention of a horse that had just moved in across the road. He decided to investigate and rang the doorbell.WELL! When Chicken little saw who was Knocking ,he shouted at him and said: "Leave the crossing of roads to the chickens! Don't you listen to jokes?" The horse >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    ....said "Yes, did you hear the one about the horse that went into a bar...
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ...................The barma looked up and asked: " What's this? Some kind of Joke?"
    Anyway , the horse asks for a beer. ...........................................
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    Wev'e heard that one! Let's get back to the story.

    The horse left chicken little's house and.........................
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    as he was walking away he said, "Your an even bigger horses A$$ than your Mother in - law!!!" So Chicken Little flipped him the bird and went back to check on his...
  • lobster 15 years ago said:

    new "Margarita" machine that he had picked up earlier that was turning out to be a great day to test it out...
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    because once he has a few Margaritas he really lets his feathers down!!! The next thing you know he's doing that crazy little dance that he has made so famous...
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ............The chicken cha cha cha, He suddenly remembers that his mother in law is still in the bath. By now she is probably______________
  • laurakaay 15 years ago said:
    water logged and wrinkled as a prune. Shrugging to himself, he decides to take his dear, old mother-in-law a pitcher of his new margarita recipe. He secretly hopes this will keep her from blistering his ears for forgetting her in the bath for so long.

    When he gets there, the situation is worse than he could haved ever imagined...____________________
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    His Mother in - law was fine, but all the vegetables that he put in the bathtub, had gotten lodged in every crevice of her body! Now she was more irritated than ever!!! Chicken Little had to think fast....
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    ...first he handed his MIL a large frosty "double Margarita" and said "drink this" I'll be right back...down to the kitchen he went to get his handy dandy high speed double beater mixer, back up to the tub he went, turned his little baby to "turbo force extreme" and the whirlpool started to form and the vegetables started flying and MIL.....
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    screamed and laughed hysterically as the bubbles created by the mixer......
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    swirled all around her in a fierce flurry! This in combination with the effects of the cocktail she was drinking, made her quite a pleasant bird to be around! She was not so miserable anymore. Chicken Little thought this must be a miracle...
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    He realised that this was a great idea for a song so he grabbed his guitar and wrote a piece called "poultry in motion" which later became a great hit. His m.i.l. meantime.................
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    ...screached loundly "bring another one of these yummy drinks big boy"....
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    LOL! LOL! LOL!

    ...became famous in her own right. In her new found happiness, she started a new dance craze, known around the world as "The Chicken Dance!" Remember this one? "I don't want be a duck. I don't want to be a duck. I just want to be a chicken...
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    ..."who doesn't give a flying 'CLUCK".....
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    While all this was going on, neither chicken little nor m.i.l realised that lurking in the garden outside...............................
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    ...was Chicken Littles wife, (whats her face?) who just got back from a trip. She was away for a week because.....
  • whodunitrdr 15 years ago said:
    she crossed the road and the traffic wouldn't let up so she could get back!
  • trigger 15 years ago said:
    so she flew into a near by window and climbed into the refrigerator ...
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    ..where she became "fast B.F.F.'S" (best friends forever) with the glorious pitcher of doulble margaritas and the.....
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    ...Shrimpcargot (by Ambi) Chicken Little had made as a surprise for....
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:

    ...her homecoming! Well now the surprise was ruined. Chicken Little was very upset to find her out cold (literally), with shrimp hanging out of her beak! So he...

  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ___________scratched his head, (for no particular reason), it is just something he does when he does'nt know what else to do. He went back to the fridge just to check that he wasn't imagining things. It was then that he noticed that she had finished all his_____________________
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    .."Cherry tomatoes with basil" (by Ronnymarcus) which he had slaved over to make just right for.....
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    ...his good friend Minitindel! Now Ronny will have tell Mini that...
  • trigger 15 years ago said:
    She will have to eat it all her self with a side of fish ..and you know she hates she will ask someone else to....
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ______ make the cherry tomatoes with basil. Meantime on the other side of town, while all this was going on, ___________
  • trigger 15 years ago said:
    A train with the Wringling Brothers and Barnum and Baileys Circus stopped to unload the elephants when_______
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ___________ they discovered that they had actually left the elephants behind. Instead of the elephants they had loaded a group of dancing hippos and some high-wire chickens. As it happens, one of the chickens was Chicken littles long lost uncle who______
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    ...ran from the slaughter house and joined the circus. Chicken Little never knew what happened to him. Uncle Biggie was now only about a 20 minute walk from his nephews house, but there were many roads to cross, so....
  • trigger 15 years ago said:
    So chicken little made a kite and instead if crossing the road in the usual fashion he flew across them when all of a sudden a lightning storm came just as he was about to fly across the last road and....
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ................. he became a Kentucky flied chicken. That's what happens when you fly through lightning. An old army colonel who was walking along and saw what happened, stroked his white beard and thought that this would be a great name for a product. Anyway! back to the story. The circus people...............................
  • trigger 15 years ago said:
    The circus people got off the train and began to walk on the train tracks like hobos taking swaggering steps and pushing and shoving as they made their way to...
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    LOL! LOL! LOL! Trigger and Ronny! Too funny! Keep going...lets see what you got!

  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ................look for the lost elephants. They swaggerred and walked and pushed and shoved but the tracks never seemed to end. The fat-man eventually turned to the ringmaster and asked,: How many more of these stairs are there? The ringmaster said that the stairs would have been OK if the bannister wasn't so low. They carried on until........................................
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    ...heard a loud whistle. They looked at each other in a very puzzled way and...
  • trigger 15 years ago said:
    They saw a train heading toward them. They all scattered off the tracks except a clown with extra long stilts . He opened his legs wide enough and the train passed through them!

    A trapeze attest then jumped through the air and passed through between the moving train as it passed then tumbled on the ground on the other side, amazingly unharmed !

    The loins tigers and bears all ran away to............
  • lobster 15 years ago said: the local playground where they played on the swings, slide, merry-go-round, teeter-totter,.....
  • trigger 15 years ago said:
    A monkey was on a teeter toter when along came one of the elephants and sat on the opposite end sending the monkey soaring through the air! The monkey sailed like a foot ball for a good hundred yards and landed........
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    .................... in the hands of uncle chicken. He said to him that when he, (the monkey , not the chicken), was in the air, he could see uncles little nephew hanging from a kite. He suggested that.............................
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    ...they "wing it" over there right quick and rescue poor chicken litle who by all rights would have "scorched buns" and a "seared" look about him around the edges from.....
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ............ the lightning. Who is brave enough and strong enough to attempt such a dangerous task? OH who can hear the cries of the poor bird , hanging halfway between heavan and earth ? Who is the one ? SUDDENLY! Screeching through the clouds comes the one and only "CAPTAIN CHICKEN" with his........................
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    When is this going to be published ? I think wev'e got real Spielberg material here.
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    LOL! Ronny! I'm sending a copy to Spielberg right now! Stay by your phone incase he calls!
  • whodunitrdr 15 years ago said:
    .... faithful sidekick - NUGGET BOY! Suddenly, Nugget Boy begins to slide and slither on the ground. On no, he spilled his bbq sauce and can't get his footing! He's fallen and can't get up because nuggets don't have any bones so he ain't got no legs to stand on. Who will help Captain Chicken now?.....
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    ...well you can always depend on "Old Wing Nut" he can hobble along with the best of them and is always there in a "crunch"....come lard, or slaw, or napkins flying high....
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    "Wing nut" is the fowl for Captain Chicken and Wing nut set off to rescue poor Chicken Little who is now .......
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    ...flying high like the little nut job with Captain Chicken who really has not idea what he is doing as he sqwacks out orders to his invisible ninja turtle army to ....
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    .............. divide into four groups. Group "A" , You all go and save chicken little.
    Group "B" . You all go to the house and get mother in law out of the bath.
    Group " the one after B". Bring back all the elephants.
    Everyone now knows what he has to do. (He couldn't realy count that well).
    Meantime............................ !
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:

    I can't wait to see what happens next!!!
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    Lillian ! Why don't you tell us what happens next ?
  • lilliancooks 15 years ago said:
    ....back at the house, Chicken Little's Mother in law and his wife were wondering where he went. His Mother in law was up to 10 margaritas a day and Mrs Little was spending alot of time....
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    atta girl Lillian ! Your'e in. What happens next ? Spielberg needs the next chapter
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    ...clucking away to herself, and wondering where her dear chicken little had gone and was he alright, it felt like the "sky was falling" in and she didn't know what to do without her dear sweet "chicken little" to......
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ........... keep the sky in place. She had heard somewhere about three little pigs who had done some construction work on the other side of town and had built three houses in a new housing developement. Maybe they could build a scaffold which would ...........................................
  • frodo 15 years ago said:
    bring them and there buddies out of the flooding are . but first they had to get they put an add in the local paper , and it was answered by the big bad
  • trigger 15 years ago said:
    ....ugly wolf who then disguised himself as a pig and went to one of the three pigs homes to make a bid and materials list when all of a sudden.....
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ................he was recognised by a young girl in a red hood carrying a basket as the guy who ate her grandmother. She tried to calll for help but........
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    ...she felt like she had a furball stuck in her throat and nothing was coming out when she opened her mouth, in the meantime the wolf jumped at the opportunity......

  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ..................... opened the little girls basket and downed a bottle of Tequila that the little girl was saving for her uncle, (or so she thought), but..........................
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ........................... he was really a wizard who had taken the little prince and changed him into a chicken, (hence the name: chicken little). The little girl had no idea that..............

    Cmo'n you guys! Where are you? We will never get this published if you don't write something real quick.
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    ...the sky wasn't falling as her head was just spinning and spinning and she felt so sleepy suddenly after looking into the wolf's eyes, which didn't really look like wolf's eyes strangely enough, but all she wanted to do was to lie down and have a nap ...

    (thanks Ronnymarcus, great story)

  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    Her eys were closing and she felt herself dozing off when she suddenly became aware of...............................
  • justjakesmom 15 years ago said:
    the empty tequila bottle and reached for it and bonked the wolf/wizard on the head really hard. He fell on the ground, writhing, and she took the opportunity to . . . . . .
  • lobster 15 years ago said: like "he...ll" this little house nearby where she had seen a "little chicken" out pecking in the garden last week .....
  • lobster 15 years ago said:

    ...She knocked, and knocked on the door but nobody answered, she was so afraid the wolf would wake up and come after her, that she tried the door and lo and behold it opened, she entered quickly and quietly and closed the door behind her, but when she turned around, she was surprised to see......
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ..........................a huge cauldron in wich someone had been brewing a special magic potion. Somehow she couldn't stop herself a nd walked towards the cauldron. She felt that she just had to taste the potion but no sooner than it touched her lips................
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    ...that she felt a sudden glow engulf her mind and body, a slow burn that radiated from her head to her toes and made her feel......
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    ..abandoned and alone in the dark of night with nothing but the sound of the steam rising from the cauldron for company, on shaky knees, she knew she now would be alone forever.....
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ............! Her thoughts were the only thing that she could still calll her owm. Her mind raced back to the time in her life when.........................
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    .... at a very young age, she was left for dead, abandoned on the side of the road like some garbage tossed from a passing vehicle. The rage and pain started slowly burning behind her eyes again, she could fee it welling up from the pit of her stomach, the acids churning with every passing minute...
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ...................... until a farmer ,passing by on a mule driven cart just happenned to notice her half naked body lying among the trash. He lifted her onto his cart and took her home where his daughter nursed her back to her former strength. She never forgot...................
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    .. the kindness and patience they showed her, the warmth and love she felt with them..until that fateful day when the sky turned black as night....
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    ........................and her life changed forever. Nothing could prepare her for what was to come next. Fear filled her heart as she tried to....................................
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    Hey Ronny, I think Lillian has jumped ship!!! I thought the Captain was supposed to go down with their ship???
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    I think wer'e alone in here
  • lobster 15 years ago said: is getting a little creeeeppy in here..... like stumbling into an old abandoned house...(with skeletons in the closet, big fat noisy mice in the walls, something banging in the basement, scraping noises from the attic.....)......
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    Who's there? what was that/
  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    OMG.......I hear that door slam too.!!!...Is someone there or was it the wind do you think???....
  • ronnymarcus 15 years ago said:
    Slowly I turned, step by step, inch by inch, and there it was right in front of me
  • lobster 15 years ago said:

  • lobster 15 years ago said:
    ....BANG!!!!..... "Girl shot dead by a mass murderer" screamed the headlines on the local paper the next day, followed by extensive coverage on the local and national news..."fugitive hunted" it read....

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