Mandoline Monday

  • Good4U 9 years ago
    Good morning everyone:)
    I have a Mandoline slicer and I use it every once in awhile. You have to watch your fingers when using it though b/c, it is extremely sharp. Mine has an extra attachment to help prevent cutting your fingers which helps.
    History of the Mandoline Slicer
    At the very beginning, the slicer was not yet called the mandoline. But it without any doubt has very old origins. Effectively the first illustrated culinary book was published in 1570 by Bartolomeo Scappi who was pope Pius VI's cook. One of his book's illustrations shows a small board with a central cutting blade and with other small perpendicular blades to cut vegetables into thin sticks. We are not able to give an exact date but, given the details of the drawings, such a slicer had probably existed for a long time. The musical instrument, the Mandoline, was created in Italy near Naples. Its ancestor, called the "Mandorre" was an instrument with stiff strings. This name was probably used for the cooking instrument before the Second World War. However, it was well-known from 1949.

    Then, a man from "Haute-Savoie" born in Morzine, made the first metal version. In this way, a wooden vegetable slicer invented by Mr. Marcel Forelle, from Toulouse in the south of France, in 1930 was modernized. The cooking instrument was given the name of the musical one because cooks "play" their mandoline in the same way as musicians. It is often said that at the beginning, the mandoline didn't have a folding stand. The cook simply held it pressed against his chest to slice the vegetables directly above the dish. It is interesting to notice that in professional cooking, other equipment takes the name of musical instruments such as the piano and the guitar.

    So there you have it! Does anyone else have a Mandoline? I know Laura does. We haven't heard anything from her lately. I hope she and Mr. SuchAFuss (Brian) are doing well. It must be hard for both of them after losing Dad.

    It is still seasonally cool here again today about 52F. I have a dental appointment this afternoon. Just a cleaning, not a biggie for me. After my appointment, I am finally going to bite the bullet and buy something I have always wanted... a Waffle Iron. I noticed it yesterday in a Flyer on sale for a really good price and it has raving reviews. Also, Frankie and Michelle have been experimenting with theirs doing really cool things. Dinner is a repeat of last night's roast pork, mashed potatoes and gravy except tonight we will have it with corn on the cob.

    Wishing everyone a really good day!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Morning Joce! I have always wanted a Mandoline but haven't gotten one yet. I see Laura on FB occasionally and think they're doing well. Miss her coming in here. :( Good luck with your Dental appointment. What kind of waffle iron are you going to buy? I've never owned one myself but my Mom had an old Stainless steel Toastess waffle iron the whole time I was growing up. Big, heavy wonderful thing and I used to LOVE waffles.
    As you say, it's still pretty cool here this morning. I am in a total mood to cook but don't know what to cook! So wish I had someone to bake for. :(
    That was a PIA that you dropped the Salsa yesterday Tina. I hate when I do things like that. Soooo aggravating! But your back up salad with the black eyed peas sounded scrumptious so you turned it around wonderfully. :) How is Lola feeling this morning? Did you find Fred's glasses?
    I wouldn't have paid full price for jumping either Michelle. And I was wondering if there were many mishaps with people accidentally jumping on other people...especially little people. I'm assuming your Texans won in the very end? Those BLT bites look INCREDIBLE! Great game appy for sure!
    Your lunch at Miller's Grill sounded really good Karen.
    I'll have to keep my eye out for Nebraska Marie. Although that Bruce Dern guy always scares me a little bit. :) It got very good ratings on Rotten Tomatoes. I googled the movie and they said that the Director filmed it in black and white as he wanted to create an iconic, archetypal look against Paramount's wishes.
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    It is a Black and Decker Belgium Waffle Iron, Janet. It is on sale at Canadian Tire, for around twenty three dollars. I thought it would be fun to play around with. They also have a Black and Decker Rice Cooker on for twelve dollars and I might be tempted to pick one of those up as well. I also need some energy saving lights, we use them throughout the house but, I don't like those spiral ones. I buy the ones that look like normal light bulbs by Blue Planet. I they give great light and are equivalent to using up something like 5 or 10 watts. I have a bunch of Canadian Tire Money, I can use so my shopping in there won't cost too much today.

    Marie, I love Bruce Dern:) I will have to look for Nebraska as well. One I forgot to ask you about is "The Butler"? Your sister, I believe bought it or lent it to you? We watched it a couple of weeks ago and we really enjoyed it. Did you?

    Tina, How is Lola today?

    Michelle and Karen, What are you up to today?

  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Black and Decker's a good brand and $23 is a good price indeed Joce. I've always thought a waffle iron would be fun to have but I don't think I'd use it enough. Infact, the panini press I have may have waffle plates. Can't remember. :) That's great you can use your Canadian Tire money. I didn't pay close attention but I saw somewhere that it was going on a card now or something?
    I've decided on dinner....
    I have a couple of cobs of corn left so I saw Luisa's
    Thai Corn Fritters
    that I thought would make a fun side for
    Chicken Satays With Peanut Sauce
    I did get the fridge all nice and clean and checked for expiry dates yesterday but I never did find that fish sauce. :)
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Lola is better, thank you for asking. She is her perky self and is not at all warm. She slept curled up under my arm. I could hear her little snores.

    I have a mandoline. I use it rarely. Mostly potatoes for au gratin or scalloped spuds. I'm sure it would work with beets, fennel and jicama. I would definitely get the waffle maker. I love waffles. I saw some experimenting by using their waffle maker to toast up stuffing, falafel, sandwiches etc. Looks like fun.

    Corn fritters and Chicken satay DOUBLE YUM! Good for you on getting the expiration dates checked. I know I feel better tossing out the old. Wonder where the fish sauce went to? Double check on that panini press, Janet. I love two-for one gadgets.

    Have a good cleaning Joce. I'm off to see the opthamologist. Blurry vision and drooping eyelid.

    We are having a reprieve of last night's meal as well. There is a huge amount of pork left.
    Have a great day everyone.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Janet, we have NOT found his glasses. I've looked everywhere. I even went out to the car and searched there. Even under the sink he was working on. Probably the same place your fish sauce went to? LOL
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    So glad to hear Lola is better Tina. It's always worrisome when our pets are under the weather since they can't tell us exactly what's hurting. LOL and worried me when no fish sauce appeared during the fridge clean up. I have been known to put items in very odd places. I even checked the pantry incase I put it back there by accident but it's not there either. I guess I was just out and didn't realize it. Good luck at the Opthamologist. Pork leftovers sound excellent.
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Hi all:)

    Just back from my dental appt..I made it for 7:30 am in Chico (what the heck was I thinking) so I had to leave here at 6:45 am:)

    Joce, Mandolines scare me..I'm afraid I'd cut a finger off:) that being said, they look like they would be a very useful kitchen tool..I maybe need to just get over worrying about cutting my finger off, cause I would love to have one:)
    We LOVED The Butler! We also watched 12 Years a Slave..that was a hard one to watch..the things that were done to people makes me sick..I'm still waiting for a movie about Native Americans and their plight way back then..and some, even now...

    Tina, I am so glad sweet Lola is feeling better:) Oh dear on Fred losing his glasses! Hope you find them soon!

    Janet, yes, black & white..I don't understand it..they had some road trip scenes and I would have loved to have seen the clouds & mountains in color!!!! Bruce Dern isn't scary in this movie..we really enjoyed it, me more so than Rick..he thinks if there's no action (yawn) it moves too slow and is boring..but, he actually liked this one:)

    Dinner............I don't know yet:)
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Hi! I would love to have a Mandoline slicer, but I don't have anywhere to store it! Plus the one day I decide to skip using the finger guard I'd cut the tip of my finger off! Yay on getting a waffle maker Joce!! You'll love it I promise :)

    Hi Janet! When I'm in the mood to bake and there it's a weird time of the day or the kiddos are gone at my parents house and Michael's at work I bake stuff that I can freeze! That's when I make muffins and pancakes. Cookies and brownies freeze great too! I just load it up lol! The Texans did win! At the trampoline park, you have to sign a thing saying if you or your kids get hurt it is not the parks fault. They do have a staff member that stands right in the middle of the place with a whistle, not much, but it something I guess :) I think the corn cakes would go great with you chicken satay for sure!

    Glad to hear Lola is doing better Tina. Oh you just reminded me I want to make
    and I bet a Mandoline would be perfect for that. Oh well I guess I'll test my knife skills :) Hope you find Fred's glasses soon! Did you check the cushions? The shower? :)

    Went to Sam's, HEB and to the pet store. Just finished lunch and I have to clean up the kitchen, clean Tim's cage, do school stuff with Caiden and have dinner ready before we have to leave at 4:45 for Bri's dance classes. We will reheat it when we get home at 7:15, SO my day is packed full, and I already need a break! I am going to make Maple Glazed Pork Chops along with mashed sweet potatoes and green beans. The glaze I will make before I leave and I will quickly sear up the chops when I get home. Have a good one everybody!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    LOL @ making the Dentist's appointment for 7:30 Marie. I do that sometimes too and have the exact reaction as you as well. ROFL!
    That's a good idea to bake and freeze something Michelle. Yay for the Texans! :) Tim's name still makes me chuckle. LOL. Such a good name for a Hamster. You have a lot on your plate today but you're very organized so it should go off without a hitch. Your dinner sounds excellent. Those Beet chips look very cool.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Hi - time for hi and bye and then I have to work on some reports for tonight.

    I have a plastic slicer "thingy" that looks similar to the mandoline, have used it and do have to watch fingers because there is NO guard. t is time to replace it. Or maybe I donated it to the last yard sale? Haven't seen it for a bit. Needs replacing anyhow. I usually pull out my trusty metal grater and use that.

    Hope Fred's glasses show up and the waffle iron meets all expectations. The cord on the one we had from 1943 or thereabouts frayed so we elected to get a temporary el cheapo replacement until we find a reliable one. Wayne really liked the "antique" one we had which was a wedding present for my parents. It worked better than many newer ones.

    Too much going on to do any cleaning but believe me, it is piling up! Now I must scoot. See ya later.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Hi Karen! Good luck with your reports and cleaning. I've been thinking if it might be in my best interest to grab my Mom's old waffle iron and get it functioning again. And it's the cord as well that I think might be in bad shape. I wonder if an appliance place might put a new cord on it?
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    My mom bought me a waffle iron at a yard sale it is also a panini maker for like $2.00 pretty much never been used.
    My sister gave me her mandolin but I never use it. Too clumsy and dangerous lol
    The kids used to have a fish named Chris. The hamsters name was peanut butter. Cute little thing that would come right up for a treat.
    Tonight is chicken sausages with potatoes and onions
    I premade some turkey chili to throw in the crock pot for tomorrow
    I'm off to Becca's soccer game
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Back from happy report land!. It is the Fire Dept. monthly board meeting and I am still fussing over the minutes. Had to take a break and get away for a bit.

    I don't know if a new cord will work on those old appliances, but it is probably worth a try to find out. The worse thing that could happen would be a "NO" answer.

    I still have to get a hair cut. Will probably try J.C. Penny or else call for an appt. in WalMart.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    I loved my grandma's old waffle maker. The cord frayed too. I got a shock from it one time too many and it ended up in the give away pile. I tried to find another cord for it but to no avail. It was so heavy, it made marvelous waffles. I want waffles. Mom used to separate her egg whites from the yolks, beat the whites and fold them in the batter. It made the fluffiest waffles. And we loved it when she would par cook bacon and then add the bacon to waffle iron and top with batter. YUMMY!

    My eyes are finally getting back to semi-normal. Glaucoma pressure still high but down a bit from before. I'm ready for a nap. He thinks the double vision was from a TIA. The dreaded high blood pressure causing brain attacks. Yikes. More tests of course are ordered.

    Karen, Congrats on taking a break from report land. Taking and transcribing minutes would make me cray cray. I believe breaks are good for the soul.
    I need a hair cut as well. It is getting way to shaggy and I don't think bangs to your nose tip is good for seeing.

    I might just make a batch of buttermilk pancakes for supper and leave the pork for tomorrow. Oh dear, no buttermilk here. Hmm whatever should I do? Just kidding. I know what to do and it doesn't involve churning my own butter. Thanks my ODD friends for defending my cooking skills. I appreciate it.

    Olivia went paddle boarding today off Sunset Beach and then the gang of girls are going to Painting with a Twist. A birthday party, the picture they are painting is a 'Waterfall'. She should have fun. I'd like to go to PWAT again, but there isn't any wall space in this house for a painting, unless I start hanging stuff on the ceiling. LOL
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Decided on Tamale Pie for dinner..I added some kidney beans & olives to the mix...I'm always changing up recipes..wonder if I should rate it and all if I didn't make it as written...also 1/2 the

    Tina, hope your eyesight gets back in focus soon..a nap sounds like a very good idea:) I love your buttermilk tip, because I NEVER have buttermilk on hand! You are a wealth of knowledge dear lady and I appreciate your input..always:)

    Karen, awww, don't ya love paperwork! Hope you get your haircut! It always makes you feel so much better:) It does for me anyway:)

    Janet, haha yeah, I was falling asleep in the chair waiting for my dentist...the appt was for 7:30 where are you Mr. Dentist??? LOL

    Laurie! I know! I'm way too clumsy for a super sharp slicer:)

    Michelle, busy Mom today! Sounds like you have everything handled like a mommy pro!!!
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    OK so I lost the post. My bad.

    I was not hungry so had a banana and yogurt for supper. Wayne had toasted banana bread with butter. A.C. discovered the opened butter on the island and helped himself. I heard him crashing about and saw the tattle-tale tongue marks on the butter. Brat.

    Tina, I never have buttermilk on hand either. Don't use it for much and hate to waste the rest of the container. Can it be frozen, thawed and used in a recipe or does that not work? Hope your eyes are better.

    Wayne is off to feed the horses and give Homer an outing. When we leave I will feed the outdoor kitties. The old ones are next to each other on the porch. We need to find a nicer shelter for them to sleep in at night so they get off the concrete.

    I guess I best get moving. It is getting later and I need to gather my reports and get ready.
  • Cosmicmother 9 years ago said:
    Good Evening Everyone!! :)
    I'm scared of Mandolins too! I use the slicer attachment on my food processor instead :) I need to make appt's for teeth cleaning, thanks for the reminder Joce!! ;)
    I just made Italian Turkey Sausage And Rice with pork sausages, the kids favorite! LOVE my Rice Cooker, LOVE it. Can't live without it! You can steam veggies and do all kinds of stuff with it too! I went through a couple cheap waffle irons that I didn't like, my Mil's really old one is the best! I need to look out for an old one at the thrift stores.
    I'm just getting over a cold I got from the kids. Thankfully the snow has disappeared for now so I finally got out today and trimmed some shrubs and trees. The yard is extremely over grown! I also found a huge salamander (we live near a large duck reserve pond) I took pictures for the kids. The salamanders on Vancouver Island are so tiny, this thing was the size of my whole hand, lol. Hopefully I don't find any other large critters in the bushes...
    Is the Laura you're mentioning Otterpond on here? Have you heard from JoeyJoan or Connie recently? I hope everyone is doing well!
    Have a great evening everyone, I must get dinner all cleaned up and feed the dogs :)

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