Sunshiny Saturday

  • sparow64 9 years ago
    Good Morning ODD Peeps!

    Hope you all have a nice sunshiny Saturday like we do. We have storms tomorrow, so trying to cram all my running into one day. Thanksgiving groceries, going to Maryville to see the grandboys and grandgirl, then try to do a little Christmas shopping.

    Bryan works, but packing him a
    The Landings Cuban Sandwiches
    from leftover pork tenderloin, chips and veggies and dip for his supper. I will probably grab something on the run.

    Have an awesome day!
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Hi Lori. I was hoping someone would start a thread - had absolutely no ideas. Still don't. Wayne is going out but with the weather we would have to walk thru the woods and i didn't think it would be so great for me to try. Wind is 9 mph but steady -- rain threatens by 11 -- and he would be more concerned about me than where the deer was hiding.

    Plan on going to the wonderful world of WalMart or maybe commissary shopping after the rains come. Need to get sweet potatoes etc. for TG - I have some but want to use fresher ingredients for the holiday.

    Wayne just came in - got to go.
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Good Saturday morning!

    Lori, it's raining here, I'm not complaining one bit! We are in a drought so we take all we can get:) We are also going to pickup some TG groceries this morning along with a 20 lb turkey..I do hope it fits in my roasting pan..I think I had a 19 lb bird last year so we should be fine:) Have a good day:)

    Karen, be careful if you go out with would probably be a good idea to just stay home with the weather your having! I try to wait to buy produce as well tor TG..I guess today is ok for picking up some celery, cranberries etc, don't you think..I hate the mad rush of grocery stores before Thanksgiving..rather have it all on hand the weekend before:)

    OK, here we go again..a 20 lb bird takes 4-5 days to thaw in the if I start today, that's not too soon is it? I remember last year it was totally thawed a day or 2 before TG and I was worried..I MUST have started 6 days early or something..I am such a worry wart with poultry..and I think starting the turkey thaw today might be perfect..I'll rinse and prep the bird Wednesday..stick it back in the fridge get up early TG and stuff it and roast.

    Hope everyone is having a nice relaxing Saturday:)

    Dinner? I don't have a clue!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    What a nice day you have ahead of you Lori! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! That cuban sandwich looks awesome! And I didn't have it bookmarked! Do now! Love that song. I'm afraid we don't have any sunshine here. It's supposed to be cloudy and cool this morning and then starting this afternoon through 'til at least Monday it's supposed to rain and then really warm up so I think our snow will all disappear for a while anyway.
    Hi Karen! Enjoy your jaunt out as well.
    We have a Sens Game on this afternoon so once I get myself in order I'm going to try wrap up Mom's birthday present so I can run over to the Post Office and get it mailed out.
    We have the Hot Tub repairmen coming out Monday so Jim needs to go do some prep work on it so they can access the leak.
    Had poached eggs on toast with fried tomatoes for brekkie which really hit the spot but not sure what to do for dinner. I do have a Prime Rib down in the freezer. Don't think I feel up to trying Yorkshire pudding today but a nice roast with mashed potatoes might be good.
    Sure enjoyed seeing Chris Hadfield at the National Arts Centre last night. Jim and I stopped into our fave Vietnamese restaurant for a little bite on the way in. Colonel Hadfield is a hero of mine and it was magical getting to see him in person. He was the first Canadian to walk in space.
    Wishing everyone a really nice day.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    SP Marie....celery and cranberries would be totally fine to pick up today. I've never cooked a 20 lb. turkey I'm pretty sure but your estimate matches with this link I googled.
    Hurray for the rain. Have a good shop.
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Good morning Janet:) How cool on getting to see Col Hadfield! A hero indeed:)
    OK, thank you, I'll pick up my veggies today as well! Thanks also for the turkey thaw says exactly what the link I found said to do:) That's one of the reasons why ODD is such a great group..when you have a question about something or another..someone will get back to you with the answer:)
    GO SENS!!!!!!!!!!
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Morning! No sunshine here Lori. Awaiting severe thunderstorm warnings supposed to be starting around lunchtime. Argh! When will it end? That Cuban sandwich for Bryan looks delicious! Michael would love something like that. No pork loin here though! Good luck with all your shopping today :)

    I'm with you on avoiding the wind and rain Karen, do watcha gotta do! I just saw purple sweet potatoes in my grocery store last week for the first time. Those would be cool for the holidays but the price for them were triple the price of regular sweets, so forget it!!

    Hi Marie, I think your good on defrosting now. The bird can sit around 48 hours in the fridge after being thawed too if your a little early. Don't stress, you'll be fine :)

    Go Sens! A roast sound delicious for a Saturday night Janet! Glad you enjoyed last night and seeing Col. Hadfield, and bet the Vietnamese was delicious :)

    I have some things to do today, but with the weather advisories, I'm just going to stay inside. It's already starting to look pretty nasty and I don't want to get caught in it with both kiddos. My Mom is going to take our family Christmas pics for our X-mas cards when she picks up the kids on Monday and Caiden is in need of some shoes other than tennis shoes to go with his nice red plaid button up :) There is always tomorrow. I'm not sure what is for dinner tonight yet, I guess I need to figure something out to get it defrosting! Have a great Saturday everyone!!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    I so totally agree with you Marie. It's awesome to have a group of ladies to pose questions to. It's like our own little 'think tank'. :)
    Ai yi yi on the purple sweet potatoes being three times the price of the regular ones Michelle. That's crazy. Don't blame you for staying in with that bad weather at your doorstep. How fun your Mom is going to take a Christmas pic for you. Do share it at some point with us! :) I adore red plaid. Plaid of any kind really, but red plaid is my favourite.
    Got my parcel mailed off and picked up a bottle of wine for the Hockey game so I'm set. :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    I went out but stayed on our place. Not far from the barn, in what could be one of my favorite spots if the field is ever bush-hogged / saplings cut / cedars thinned / etc. Would not mind a permanent little blind there as it is close to home and I have seen deer there before. Wayne is in the forest - heard 5 or 6 shots from where I think he is. He took the chair blind, which I don't like him to use in the forest -- too many idiots. Will be glad when he comes home. -- Here he is!

    Rain has been pushed back until 1 P.M but I felt light sprinkles so decided I'd been out enough. When he gets back or the rains come, we need to go to WalMart so I will probably get my TG needs there and save a trip. It is about 11 A.M. I have a small venison roast I want to fix for supper. So we best get moving.
    See you later.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    I had placed an order with Chapter's last week using up some Aeroplan points on a Chapter's gift card and got myself two new cookbooks. Soooo excited!
    The Banh Mi Handbook
    and "Dumplings all Day Wong". :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Lol, I think I put Caiden in a red plaid collard shirt every Christmas, and I just can't help it! I always tell myself not to buy another one, but low and behold every store has them and I always end up buying it :)

    Did Wayne get anything Karen?

    Both of those Cookbooks sound AMAZING Janet!! Love the name of the second one, LOL!!!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    A chair blind sounds kind of scary to me but I am not at all familiar with deer blinds of any kind. Glad Wayne got back in safe and sound Karen. Yum on a venison roast.
    Caiden is going to look adorable as will you all Michelle. :)
    Settled on
    Pot Roast
    for dinner.
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Just checking in the say hello quickly. The painter fellow called last night and was here at 8:00 AM this morning. We have been busy taking down pictures and moving things out of the way. I have so much china that has to be packed up and out of the way! UGH! The big china cabinet has to be emptied so they can move it. They will be here on Tuesday and they figure they will be out of here in two days. He left me with the whole colour chart and so far I am down to deciding between two different colours for the walls. One is called "Sea Froth" it is a taupe with grey tones and the other is called "Cedar Key" and it has a bit of brown tone. I am leaning towards "Cedar Key" but, decisions decisions!
    Den is having cheeseburgers and fries tonight LOL Surprise:) I am either going to have salmon or scallops. I better get back to packing up things.

    Hoping everyone has a great day!
  • mbelisle 9 years ago said:
    We were out early today for Jason to get his blood work before his diabetes check next week. The day started out nice, then it started to rain and then the temperature started to drop and the wind picked up. After we finished all the errands it's now time to curl up with my electric throw and a warm drink to spend the rest of the day.
    We ended up going out last night to one of my new favourite places - - where we had Lobster Nachos to start and then I had English Style Beef Stew. They have a really cool selection of beers and it's one of the few places here that serves Strongbow cider on tap.
    The next few days are going to be an adventure in cleaning out the freezers before the holiday season starts. It seems like there is nothing around to cook and yet I have zero space left in the freezer over the fridge or the big chest freezer in the basement. There has to be something there taking up all the space!
    Sean is in Saskatoon today for the last University wrestling tournament before they break for final exams and Christmas. Laura didn't go because she is still not cleared to compete after getting a concussion at the Winnipeg tournament two weeks ago. Desarie is still recovering from her knee surgery so she didn't go either but once January comes it will be a crazy time trying to watch three kids competing on separate mats at the tournaments.
    Janet, how great to have the opportunity to hear Chris Hadfield speak. I have been tempted to buy his book in Chapters but I am trying to stick to ebooks and borrowing from the library. I can get it there but it just means waiting a bit.
    I cooked a 19 lb turkey for our Thanksgiving last month. I was lucky in that the covered deck was about refrigerator temperature at that time of year (it is my monster freezer for December through March) and so I was able to thaw it there. It did take about four days as I recall but I was really worried it would thaw too soon and be spoiled by the time Thanksgiving Monday rolled around. It was worry for nothing - it turned out great.
    Based on the cold and wet weather and the upcoming freezer foraging, I think supper will end up being soup. That's generally my go-to solution for using things up and it generally tastes good but never the same twice.
    Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend,
    Michelle B.
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Hi Michelle:) OK, I'll be stress free this TG! Thanks:)

    Joce, good luck with everything today..Love the sound of "Sea Froth"..I have a fav color I want to paint my kitchen and a few other rooms ..It;s called 'Sea Foam Green";jsessionid=875505B7D97A4B7423935A84F33EEFCC?photoId=105114
    That would certainly brighten everything up:)

    Hi Michelle B:) That's the plan here as well, all the errands are done, now time to just cuddle up and enjoy the foggy, rainy day:)

    Dinner will be White Bean, Kale And Kielbasa Soup
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Wow Joce! You're going to be even busier than usual! I vote for "Cedar Key". I'm a definite brown person and I love the name! :) I'll please have a little of both yours and Den's dinners. :) Don't work too hard!
    Hi Michelle! A throw and a hot drink. Sounds like a perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon. LOBSTER NACHOS! Yes please! I checked out their menu. Giggled when I saw "Poutine du Jour!" :) Jim would totally be all over the Mussels. And Garlic, lime and Black pepper wings. Swoon! And all that's just on the Starter Menu. Nice place! I love Strongbow but Magner's is my actual favourite cider.Glad to hear the kids are still involved in wrestling. Poor Laura and a concussion! Goodness! I've been a lot better the last year or so checking books out of the library as opposed to buying them myself. Jim gave me "The Astronaut's guide of life on earth" for either Christmas last year or my birthday. His new one out "You are Here" has all the proceeds going to the Canadian Red Cross. Soup sounds excellent. It has started to rain here too!
    Sea Foam Green is very pretty Marie. It actually makes me think of California. :) Soup for you as well. Excellent!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Had bought some Fleur de sel with white truffles a while ago in Costco and hadn't really known what to do with it (all suggestions welcome). But saw recently on a foodie site that someone used it to season any roasts they make whether it be beef or pork, etc. So I sprinkled some with pepper on my pot roast before searing. Oh my goodness it smells awesome.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    I've only had truffle oil on some french fries and the truffle cream on the mushroom soup from Cafe Ponte. The aroma is intoxicating, indeed. I can't imagine how a real truffle tastes, except the Mario Batali recipes make it look so fabulous.

    Janet, sorry to hear of Jim's layoff, but you guys seem to be in a good place. The traveling since you retired is the 'icing on the cake.' How nice to have those memories. Far be it for me to comment on his contentment to be in a retired state. It took Fred forever to adjust to his leisure, and it gave me a few grey hairs along the way. Nice on getting your Mom shopping all done. How is she feeling? No more kidney troubles? Super cool on the talk by the astronaut. Isn't it neat to hear from a hero? Go Sens Go!

    Michelle B. so sorry to hear about Laura's concussion. No small injury, there. So nice to see you back with the ODD peeps. I'm glad to hear the okay on the 5 day thaw on the bird. Our bird is in the cold drawer in a disposable pan and it is thawing. Lobster Nachos!!! Wowser.

    Joce, I've never washed a bird, too afraid of those food police that tell me I'm transferring salmonella all over the kitchen. I do plan to season the bird (dry), no brine (Yes, I changed my mind) shove some herb butter under the skin and roast with the 'cheesecloth' method ala Michael Symon. I'd vote 'Sea Froth' just because the grey/beige "greige" is the new 'it' color for the next neutral. Good luck and wow on being so flexible with such short notice.

    Marie, the kale and kielbasa soup is one of our favorite. I like the seafoam green. I like it, Fred has a visceral hate for the color. Green is not his favorite. Give him blue and he will smile. Nice to hear that Rick is making his pies again this year. I can count on Fred on rolling out the crescent rolls. LOL

    Michelle, you dress Caiden in red plaid....We get red plaid jammies! One of my favorite X-mas photos was Olivia and Tyler in plaid jammies, resting their heads on pillows, waiting for Santa. Bruce had to climb a step ladder to take a shot looking down at my kids to make it look like they were getting ready for sleep. Bruce took so many photos of Tyler eliminating the wheelchair, they are my most cherished photos. RIP, Bruce.

    Karen, you are the better woman. Icy. wet. drippy, cold deer blind would not make me a happy camper. I'm glad you had a venison roast for your supper. And equally happy that Wayne made it home safely.

    Lori, sorry that Hil can't get enough time to make it home. Work can be inconvenient at times, right. I'm glad you no longer have to deal with the Dragon Lady boss and that must make the commute tolerable, just for the mental ease alone. Bryan still has the kind of schedule to make me cringe. He must have great fortitude to adjust as much as he does. Just because of you, we are making deviled eggs for our appetizer on T-day. I told Allison about your tradition and she has declared that is our new tradition.

    Fred is making burgers for our dinner. I'm not feeling too well and he is taking good care of me. I had all kinds of plans to cook today, but the spirit was willing and the body was not.
    Tomorrow is another day, Scarlett.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Glad to see you Tina. Mom's actually in a lot of pain at the moment. I called her mid-week. She was supposed to be sent to Winnipeg to have her stent changed in September. The body recognizes the stent as a foreign entity and the longer it is in there the more bothersome and painful it becomes. Her Dr. dropped the football and didn't get her an appointment until mid-Dec. (I sent him an email voicing my concerns and dismay). She was doing 'okay' until last week. Her blood clot in her leg has disappeared now thank goodness but she is on medication now to help with the pain of her stent. She has to take it every 4 hours and she can't drive while taking it so apart from a neighbour bringing her in to town on occasion she's basically stuck at home and not feeling great. :( Sens lost. :( Love the red plaid jammies for Liv and Tyler. You make a good point about Lori's Bryan and his schedule. it's exactly like a time change when you travel and that's hard on one's body! Yum on burgers. Rest up my friend.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Janet, I'm sorry to hear your mom is not well. The long distance care can not be easy on you. I simply don't know how you will resolve that situation. I know your mom is stubborn and not knowing must make it worse. I had the worst stomach pain yesterday, that it just knocked me out. Bummer on the Sens loss.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Hi Tina. I was wondering how you were doing. So cool that Fred is making burgers for supper. Wayne would die of happiness if we had them every other night.

    Not too sure about being the better woman. If I want to do something I tend to go all out. Jennie and I took horseback riding lesson (in the late 1970s) in bitter cold weather in New Jersey because we are both addicted to horses. We had the heater on full blast on the way home. I'm not quite that fanatical at this stage of the game, though.

    No deer seen for either of us this morning although he heard 3 in the woods. They are elusive little demons. I sat on COLD ground (forgot the cushion) and got situated with rifle ready. Squirrels, birds, whatever, chattered and chirped and generally had a good time. I felt something on my hand and jumped, then I realized it was only a granddaddy long legs - just tossed him / her away so he / she could go on his / her merry way.
    It started sprinkling after an hour or so -- I came back home! Put my glove over the barrel of my Circuit Judge to keep it from getting wet.

    I stopped at the commissary on the way to WaMart and bought the pie crusts (no I gave up making my own after Marie Calendar and / or Slice of Pie started making them.) - pumpkin puree -- eggs just in case I didn't have enough - fresh sweet potatoes - cranberries and extra sugar - and a zillion other things. We already have brown sugar / obligatory marshmallows for GSs sweet potatoes - etc. Hams were $8.00 and $5.00 off with coupons and we bought 2. One is in the freezer and the other sitting in my needing-to-be-cleaned refrigerator.

    We had lunch at Panerra Bread Co., (French onion soup) was good, although it is better earlier in the day. They gave me the almond-chicken sandwich half instead of the salad, but I elected to not worry about it and specify more clearly next time. I got my 99 cent birthday pastry for my panerra specil-card-selection. Wayne had bacon-turkey sandwich and autumn squash soup combination. Oh, I had forgotten how great that soup tastes.

    Having avoided the dreaded WalMart shopping trip and only forgetting one item -- ground beef for making meatloaf sometime after TG. - we came home.

    When Wayne got back from feeding the horses, we decided to take the Gator in the rain to see what we could see and look for his range finder, which has been hiding for a couple of days. As we turned down the trail to the lower hay field, a deer leaped into the woods in front of us, followed by another that jumped over the fence at few yards beyond. They were in a hurry - would not have tried shooting even if we had brought our rifles along, which we didn't, although the rapid succession shots I heard earlier were probably someone doing just that. Silly! Only an expert can hit a running deer and bring it down. He looked in every tent he had been using, and found it in the final, last tent. He is happy..

    Janet, I hope your Mom feels better. Sorry she feels bad. Wayne has a stent from about 4 years ago but hasn't had much problem adjusting to it.

    We are in the sun room. A major victory over the useless TV set with nothing new and nothing but FOOTBALL - BOO! on the main networks. Yippee! I turned the heater up to 70 and covered up with the fluffy purple throw we got at Sams. No blaring TV. Just quiet and calm and a book waiting to be read after I finish chatting.

    I relayed the Go Bambi messages to Wayne and he laughed and said maybe that is why he has not gotten one yet! At least we are seeing them, now. Rain coming in through tomorrow turning cold Monday so it will be a chilly hunt. Speaking of rain, I hear the drops hitting the metal roof as we speak. No severe stuff is expected but we may have thunderstorms.

    Hi to everyone - Michelle B, Michelle, Joce, Marie, Lori, and anyone I missed mentioning. See you later.
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    Hey all. Went out to dinner with friends (the one that one the Justin Timberlake tix). They had a gift card to a newer restaraunt. I had lobster ravioli. So delish. Frank and mike had bolegnase which they said was the best. And Kim had filet which she also said was very good. The place had mixed reviews but we thought it was one of the better places we have been to. Both Frank and Kim said they will write them a favorable review on yelp.

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