We are the Champions Wednesday

  • notyourmomma 9 years ago
    No, not really. We got beat badly. We came in 6th place out of 10 teams. But it was fun. We did have a good time. The trivia host was very funny. His questions were a fair mix of almost easy to very hard. It did not drag and we were home by 10:00. Nice evening.

    I'm going to make gazpacho....simply because Janet did and now I crave it. And I'm going to fix
    Celery Vinaigrette. Sounds very summery. Now for the entree. That will require some thinking. A nice thick piece of white fish would be lovely. But I have cube steaks, hamburger, chicken breasts and Boston pork butt or meatballs. This requires some thought.

    Bruce Springsteen wrote a hit song that was NOT performed by the E-street Band. It was a huge hit. The clue lyric is "Blinded by the Light". Who performed this mega-hit?

    Name the Director of the "Lord of the Rings" Trilogy. Not the writer, the movie director.

    What current US State still has the British flag represented on their state flag?

    These were our stumper questions and we couldn't buy a vowel from Vanna.

    Have a wonderful day....time to see what trouble I can get into today!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    6th place is pretty darn good Tina. I'd have scored no where near that. :) Yay on the Gazpacho. Goodness I love that stuff. I bookmarked your Celery Vinaigrette awhile ago and really, really want to try it.
    I too am not sure what I'm going to make for dinner. I'm pretty sure I want to make Luisa's
    Roasted Golden Beet Goat Cheese Napoleons With Citrus Vinaigrette
    as I picked up some beets at the Farmer's Market Saturday. I don't have goat cheese but I'd think I could sub ricotta? I have some veal scallopini in the freezer that is starting to look a bit burned around the edges so I might pull that out and just do a Veal Scallopini over noodles and pesto. I also used to make a recipe called Veal Lovebirds. If I remember correctly it was stuffed with cheese and ham? Maybe I'll go track that down and see if that might be better.
    Gorgeous, gorgeous day here again. First task is to clean the floors. I'm having a girlfriend over tomorrow for lunch and a Hot Tub. So I also need to finalize my menu for that.
    Ugh on your dead fridge Laurie. We had that happen one year shortly after we'd moved into this house. The fridge had come with the house and it was verra old. It died a few days before Christmas just AFTER I had gone and done a huge holiday grocery shop. Neighbours helped us out and we used coolers, etc. Luckily for us we were able to get a replacement within a couple of days and it arrived before Christmas did so all was well. :)
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Tina, I am so glad you had such a good time last night:) We would really enjoy an evening like that! I keep telling Den, he should go for a tryout on Jeopardy. He is very good at it. We watch it all the time and keep score of how we do as well. You have a multitude of things to pick from for dinner. Let us know what you decide to do. I had bookmarked your Celery Vinaigrette LOL How come I didn't remember that?

    Laurie, Big bummer on your fridge compressor going! A good thing you were able to save some things in the freezer and it it didn't crap out when you were in Florida! Then you would have been it a worse mess. LOL Just trying to add a bit of positive to it! As Pat would say "this too shall pass".

    I am making a big pot of spaghetti meat sauce today. Then we can have spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner. The rest will be divided up and frozen for later use. I also want to hit a couple of stores today, before the Labour Day Long Weekend crowds and rush. After Monday we will start seeing our nice quiet little town back:) Cottagers, boaters, tourists, school kids and Snowbirds will all be almost gone by the end of September:)
    Yeah! Just another reason why I love Fall the best!

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Oops! Janet! Luisa's Roasted Golden Beet Goat Cheese Napoleons With Citrus Vinaigrette is such a lovely recipe! Oh how I wish Den liked beets! I am sure you will figure out something good with the veal scallopini. Even doing Wiener Schnitzel with it would be good. Let us know what you eventually decide to make with it and what is on your menu, for your lunch with your GF tomorrow.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Yum on Spaghetti, meat sauce and garlic bread for dinner Joce. Sounds totally yummy. Good luck errand running.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    I pulled out the cube steaks. I'll pan fry and then smother them in a somekindof sauce and cook on low until tender.

    Laurie, oh no on the broken frig. Joce said it best, better now than when you were on vacay! The cost of a new one is a shock. That is why I love my Sears Scratch and Dent store. I can tolerate a ding on the side next to the wall if I get a big discount.

    I love beets and I'm in the minority. I'd sub ricotta with herbs if you don't have goat cheese.

    Spaghetti sauce is a favorite to have in the freezer. One of those emergency defrost meals for when I'm too tired to think. Good plan, Joce.

    Okay, the sink hose hot water line broke in Fred's bathroom and we have a flood.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Tina can I come to your house for dinner? LOL.

    Janet - the tales of defunct refrigerators carry on.

    It is HOT outside, still, no breeze, feels much worse than actual temperature (79 ?). I don't know if any of the forecast scattered storms will go by us but they are badly needed if only to drop the temperature. If it ever cools down I need to mow the yard, at least around back or the neighbors will want to hay it - ha ha.

    I fed the horses and they were crabby and miserable even with shade. Will have to fill their water tonight as they are still on strike from drinking out of the pond. I threatened to hose them down beforehand - they would cool down and be more comfortable.

    Wayne threw his back out last night - badly - and ended up sleeping in his recliner. He had to cancel an appt. in Columbia today because the 3 hour commute would have killed his back. They were very understanding and rescheduled for later in September.

    I should can some more, but first need to check ingredients - my vinegar is expired, although I don't think that is a problem in regular cooking, using it in canning it might be.
    With Wayne's back out, trekking heavy groceries inside might be fun.

    I guess sitting here watching reruns of the Property Brothers is not being productive. Will check in later.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    AHA! Another Property Brothers watcher in the group. I love the brothers Scott. I think they are so darn cute. And personable and talented and nice to look at.

    Dinner is at 6:30 or so...come on down. I doubt the 94 degrees would be much of a treat for you.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    So I have decided on Veal Lovebirds (veal scallopini stuffed with Asiago and ham) over noodles and pesto and Luisa's beet salad on the side. Lunch tomorrow will be another Luisa favourite of mine....
    Heirloom Tomatoes With Panko Crusted Goat Cheese
    with Dahlia's
    Sliders White Castle Style
    Sangria and Chardonnay on the side. :)
    OH NO on the flood Tina. Hope it's not a bad one.
    Aw on the horses being so hot and miserable Karen. I saw a video online of a horse in a blow up swimming pool. It was hilarious. Sorry to hear about Wayne's back. Hope the pain recedes quickly. I didn't know that vinegar did expire. Wow. Better go look at mine. :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Janet - I am going to make your Banana Bread With Honey Nut Butter later on today. The bananas on my counter are screaming to be used before they keel over.

    No fun on the water break, Tina. We had 97 degree heat yesterday and it is fixing to be the same today. I hate hot weather.

    Joce - great minds think alike. We had spaghetti yesterday - it was supposed to be a long-simmering, home recipe sort of deal. BUT I had to turn off the burner while we ran a quick errand that lasted FOREVER. So the sauce got heated quickly to finish it up, and I threw the pasta on to cook, and it was OK, just prefer to let flavors mingle longer.

    Hi to all.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Sorry to hear Wayne hurt his back. I hope it is better soon.
    Poor horses. do they like getting a hose down? I am not schooled on horse care, Karen.
    I like spaghetti sauce the second day myself. I probably should start prepping more freezer meals to help me out with the upcoming schedule.

    Nice lunch menu, Janet. I saw somebody have shrimp sliders and now I can't remember where I saw it. But you can't go wrong with Dahlia's sliders.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Hope you enjoy the banana bread Karen. :)
    There's all sorts of sliders I've seen that I'd love to make Tina. But Jim doesn't like to eat white bread and I've only been able to find white slider buns, not whole wheat and I've been too lazy to make some myself. Here's three more I have bookmarked for someday. :)
    Pork Tenderloin Sliders
    Satay Pork Sliders W Peanut Sauce
    Crab Cake Sliders With Avocado
    Got the floors done and just have to do a couple more things and then I can do fun things like set the table and pretty things up. :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Janet - banana bread is in the oven as we speak / write / whatever. It smells wonderful. Pork sliders with peanut sauce does sound especially great, even on white bread / buns. Enjoy your luncheon. Wayne would love the hot tub.

    Tina - Wayne is coming along slowly - it takes a while for the muscle spasms to settle down. He is on pain pills, which is helping. He is off the call list for the fire department, so I sincerely hope there are no calls. ;
    Our horses like to be hosed off, because they are used to it, and understand the benefits. We owned one who exited immediately if we tried it, because he had been raised running free from human interference, and one who absolutely loved it.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    I have one dog who loves her bath time (Lola) and three that HATE the water. Charlie has webbed feet of a labrador and is afraid of water. Silly dog.

    Muscle spasms are the pits. I know them too well. Never fun. I hope there are no calls either.

    Our bathroom required a nine towel mop up. Neither of us had the hand strength to turn off the water supply to the sink. Now I have a big load of towels in the wash.

    Oh, so it is the bun that is the culprit. Well, thinking outside of the bun, why not get whole wheat hot dog buns and cut them in half crosswise? Do you get Arnold Breads in Ottawa? I know I can get their whole wheat in our Publix.

    I may be making a trip to the ER, precipitous drop in vision. Everything has gone blurry. No one is here to drive me. Dr. Bullington wants to check the glaucoma pressure, so whoever gets home first, needs to get me over to his office. And Dr. Bell is on call at the ER, so he can address the persistent weakness in legs from yesterday. I think I have shingles blisters down my spine...of course I can't see them, but I can feel the flaming burning pain. Could it be related? Fred says "I can't believe you can't dress yourself!!! I just can't believe it." Well, honey, I can't lift my arms over my head, I can't navigate my legs into pants without falling down, now I can't see the doggone numbers on the phone. And he chose this time to drive to Largo for the dog license. Liv is at the Navy office. Okay, breathe, just breathe. This too shall pass.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Did you look up the answers to the trivia? Or did you know them already?
    Evil questions. I am going to name our team "Trivia Newton John" next time we go.
    Last night we were Larry, Moe, Curley and Shep. Our trivia host got a laugh out of that name.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Hi! Lol Tina, I would have done worse at the trivia, I just know it! I am HORRIBLE at that kind of stuff! I love the sound of Celery Vinaigrette I can do all but the cheese! I really need to look for some raw cheese, I wonder if Trader Joe's has some? Smothered cube steak sounds delicious, I would do some mushrooms on there too!

    So jealous of your beets Janet, our Farmers Market didn't have them the other day :( I refuse to pay the grocery stores outrageous price for them though, so I'll just wait :) I think veal and ham scallopini would go wonderful with the beet recipe. Sounds like you and your girlfriend will have a nice lunch tomorrow as well :)

    Hi Joce! Your big pot of spaghetti sauce sounds delicious!! I need to do that, make a bunch and freeze. I so have portioned out bags of peeled tomatoes from our Spring garden, so I'm halfway there lol! Enjoy shopping today :)

    Karen, I'm with you on the heat. It's 89 here, but it feels like 100 at least! It's just SO DRY and HUMID, no breeze at all! That is so funny that your horses are on “strike”! They just one day decided they didn't want to drink from the pond, and now refuse? Sorry to hear about Wayne's back :( I had no idea about vinegar expiring either? It doesn't seem like it would, weird.

    Got some running around done today, made a trip to Sam's and yay they carry almond butter now, half the price of the grocery store!! I did make my own but now I don't have too. Now if only they carried Avocado oil, and ghee I'd be a happy lady :) Dinner tonight is chicken legs for sure..just can't decide on which of these 2 recipes to use:
    along with bacon wrapped shrimp jalapenos and green beans! Have a fantastic day everyone!!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    That'd be really bad if Wayne got a call to go fight a fire. :(
    The W/W Hot dog bun idea for the sliders is a good one Tina. I'll have to remember that. Not heard of Arnold Breads. DO GO TO ER. Blurry's not good. :( That'd be good if you could get your legs assessed as well. Ouch on your spine. Manfred Mann/Peter Jackson/Hawaii. Had to google them. No way in heck I would have got those. Jim might have got the first and third. I'll test him when he gets home. :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Here is the shrimp recipe
    I may do some wrapped in prosciutto as well since I have some :)
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Argh....SP Michelle! :) I was wondering where you were! :) (MARIEEEEEE?????) Wow on Bacon wrapped Shrimp jalapeños! And I vote for the first chicken recipe (even though I know I truly don't get a vote) :) LOL.
    Got supper prepped and the table set for tomorrow. The squirrels are chomping down sooooo many leaves on the back deck and patios to get at the acorns on the Oak trees that they're causing me a heck of a lot more work!
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Tina - go to the ER! Call a cab - ambulance - whatever - and get moving.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    OK how do I change the title of an IMI post? I hit the wrong line and now the URL is on it instead of a title?
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Don't think you can change the title of a post once it's done Karen. Frankieanne is the moderator (is that the right word.....head boss woman anyway) of IMI and she might be able to delete it for you but I really wouldn't worry about it. A lot worse than that has been posted by mistake in the past. :)
    Jim just called and he's heading home way early. I'm very tickled. :) He never comes home early, at least rarely. But they've wrapped up their meetings at the Chateau Laurier, and he's feeling a little tired, so......:) My win.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    I hope you choose to get to that ER any way possible Tina!!

    Lol Jane I chose option 2 chicken recipe, just got it in the marinade. Recipe says it needs at least 6 hrs in the marinade but mine will only be in there 3-4 hrs. Oh well!

    No way to change the title Karen, I know it's a pain in the butt and something this site needs to work on letting us do! It's okay though, we all get it in the IMI :)
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Hi all:) So sorry I haven't here for a few days..my kitty Lennon wasn't doing well this last weekend..he was barely walking , didn't eat or drink water (I had a kitten feeding syringe I used to give him water)..it was scary! I took him to his Vet Monday morning and she said she didn't have a name for what she thought it was, but something is going around...maybe Tippi gave it to him since she's an inside/outside cat? I don't know..then again, she didn't think it was contagious..so she gave him fluids, antibiotics, and a pain med..he's doing better, but still not 100%...I'm keeping my eye on him, I think he'll be just fine...

    I just got back from a friend's house way up the hill from us (she worked with Rick years ago) to help her clean their huge RV...I only got lost 2 times:)

    Tina! Call a cab to get you to the ER!!! Please keep us posted!

    I am going to go and take a break:) I might have a cup of coffee to get me going:)

    Dinner will be pasta something:)
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    I PM'd Frankieanne so we shall see what happens. If she has to delete it I will repost. No problem.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Oh goodness Marie. I'm so sorry to hear about Lennon. I just assumed you were busy with Rick's paperwork. :( Wish that would have been the case. It's great you got him to the Vet asap though and it sounds like they have it under control. Do keep us tuned please. Nice of you to go help your friend clean their RV.
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Karen, you might want to leave a message on Frankieanne's profile page stating you PM'ed her:) It's hard to tell if you have mail sometimes..the little mail box is hard to read:)
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Tina, GO TO THE ER!

    Hi Marie, Poor Lennon:( I hope he is going to be O.K.

    I can't catch up right now. My passengers side window won't go up or down. I stopped at my Mechanic and I have an appointment for a new motor or switch or something for it. Now I have to go cover the window as it looks like rain and I don't want everything inside the car to get wet!

    I will catch up tomorrow. Spaghetti sauce didn't happen so pork tenderloin something will be for dinner instead.
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    Wow chatty Cathy's here today!
    I hate beets! Yuck!
    I worked at Macy's after sutton for the new givinchy fragrance Dahlia Divin smells nice but pretty slow at Macy's.
    Frank made me some turkey tips and baked beans. Tips were good but for some reason the beans tasted like the can to me.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Janet - the bottle of vinegar had an expiration date, but I didn't think it ever expired. So either the expiration-date-police insist on one or ???? I tend to disbelieve the dates, anyhow, unless they are really past.

    Joce - Boo on the window. I would gladly take the rain if you want to send it this way. Grass is brown, ground is all dust, flowers I just watered this morning are droopy. Even the pond has a green scum on it that was not there yesterday.

    Marie - how is the kitty? Poor baby. It sounds like it is under control, though. I did leave a message on Frankieanne's profile page, as you suggested. Thanks.

    Laurie - I love baked beans. Good supper!

    Fed horses and drove up to get the mail. Fortunately they still had water, so I will ask Wayne's buddy to help fill the tank tomorrow. They are restless with the heat. When it cools down they do need to switch fields. The hilly slopes will exercise them and work on their hooves until we can get them done. They are due for shots but not in this heat. Need worming, too, but it will have to wait until Wayne can help.

    Wayne was able to walk up to the barn and back, but no way he could tolerate the trip over the pot holes and rocks. He seems to be improving. Slowly but surely.

    Tina - are you at the ER?

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