
How to make it

  • In a large pot add ham, onion, garlic, salt and pepper
  • Cover with water and bring to boil
  • Lower heat and simmer for at least 1 1/2 hours
  • Add potatoes and green beans
  • Cook until the green beans an potatoes are done
  • Serve with hot corn bread and lots of butter...
  • Turns out better if lots of black pepper is used..I don' t wait for New Years...
  • Enjoy!

Reviews & Comments 5

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  • linebb956 16 years ago
    Ha.. no I keep my liquor for my Margaritas! The liquor is what my grandma always called the sauce, juice in the pot with the beans... Love that stuff.. it is what gives the beans flavor.
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  • miyaspot 16 years ago
    When you say the "liquor in the pot is so good" are you just speaking metaphorically, or is there supposed to be some real liquor in there?
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  • krumkake 16 years ago
    This is exactly the kind of "pots" of food I like during the cold months! I have to try this next time we have a crowd...
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  • coffeebean53 16 years ago
    Sounds out of this world good. Bookmarked
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  • rosemaryblue 16 years ago
    I know this is good!!! :) Love that black pepper, cornbread, and butter! Oh, my.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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