
How to make it

  • Blend in bowl with a wire pastry blender until dough forms together.
  • Roll out like pie crust on a lightly floured surface. Cut in 2 X 2 inch squares.
  • Put a dab of Apricot or Prune Lekvar in the middle of square.
  • Take up two of the opposite corners and bring the two corners together with a squeeze over the dab of Lekvar.
  • Note: If you have a pie crust trimmer with a crimped wheel, you can use this to cut all the 2 X 2 squares.
  • It makes a beautiful presentation. All the pastry edges have serrated edges.
  • Bake on a buttered and floured cookie sheet at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Do not let burn.
  • Dust with Powdered Sugar.

Reviews & Comments 25

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  • CorinneO 4 years ago
    Do you use salted or unsalted butter, please?
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  • GrammieMona 12 years ago
    is there really 16 oz of cream cheese? Just wondering cause the dough mixture seems odd
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  • minasmom 14 years ago
    I just made these and they all opened up. When I went to roll out the dough I found that it was sticking too much so I added extra flour to the board and the rolling pin - could this have caused it? I pinched and they still opened.
    Would really like some advice on this since the dough is delicious and want to make again!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • MagicPixel 14 years ago
    Thank You for this recipe! I've been scouring my Mom's old cookbook for it (she passed 4 months ago) and I was so sad I couldn't find it! Now I can make them again! Hooray! They are my favourites.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • MsGrape 14 years ago
    May i know how many pieces per person plsss
    I wanna make it so badly :)
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    abuela ate it and said...
    Love them! have been making them for over 40 years
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    " It was excellent "
    hunnee ate it and said...
    very good thanks for this wonderful post 55555
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  • 2302817 15 years ago
    sounds good and simple. ^5
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • cinnamonbear 15 years ago
    Made these for a Hungarian dance event. They disappeared like magic! However, the dough is pretty unusual and lots of the cookies flopped open while baking. I folded them shut (ouch! hot dough!) and cooled them face-down and they looked okay. Tasted fantastic!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • chefsdc 16 years ago
    Paprikamama, how many cookies does this recipe make. I see that it serves 8, but how many per person. I plan to make this recipe for a cooking school project. I would greatly appericate it. can u send me a message?
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • annieamie 16 years ago
    Ever try this with lemon curd? I have a huge three pound block of cream cheese here. Guess what I'll be making? I love your dough recipe. Its a perfect combination of flour, butter and cream cheese! Love this recipe!!!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • recipesrule 17 years ago
    Where do you get Lekvar, what is it, or can I make it myself? This sounds so good! I love making different cookies every year at Christmas from different countries, and I hope to try this one. Thanks for the post.Can you message me?
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • noir 17 years ago
    Oh Dear :)....I cannot resist!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • wihr 17 years ago
    WOW !!! Didn't know these seem so easy to make! I always buythese at the bakery when I can ...Now I can make them myself!
    Thanks so much for posting!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • yumyum 17 years ago
    another one that I must try! Ill let you know how it was
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • paprikamama 17 years ago
    Yup sure do...just use whatever preserves you like...they are sooo awesome and easy to make...I know your grandkids will love them...LOLOL
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    coffeebean53 ate it and said...
    OK Missy now I just KKNOOOOOOOOOW you have a recipe for a raspberry filling that you can use in these.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • linebb956 17 years ago
    I have never tried these, but going to... I like the simple ingredents...
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    tpatti ate it and said...
    I have eaten these before and they are so good. Now I will have the recipe. Thank you.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • 1spartica 17 years ago
    Yumm! Is there a Hungarian name for these, Paprikamama?
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