Hungarian Cream Cheese Cookies
From paprikamama 17 years agoIngredients
- 1 16 oz. Brick of cream cheese shopping list
- 1 cup of butter, softened shopping list
- 2 cups of flour shopping list
- apricot perserves or Lekvar or rasberry perserves shopping list
- powdered sugar shopping list
How to make it
- Blend in bowl with a wire pastry blender until dough forms together.
- Roll out like pie crust on a lightly floured surface. Cut in 2 X 2 inch squares.
- Put a dab of Apricot or Prune Lekvar in the middle of square.
- Take up two of the opposite corners and bring the two corners together with a squeeze over the dab of Lekvar.
- Note: If you have a pie crust trimmer with a crimped wheel, you can use this to cut all the 2 X 2 squares.
- It makes a beautiful presentation. All the pastry edges have serrated edges.
- Bake on a buttered and floured cookie sheet at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Do not let burn.
- Dust with Powdered Sugar.
The Rating
Reviewed by 10 people-
These are my favorite!!!I too, make these every year around the Holidays. I never use the powdered sugar though. I use peach preserves, cherry preserves,etc. My father loves them because they aren't too overly sweet, so I make them for him too. We ca...more
leroux in Surfside Beach loved it
I have eaten these before and they are so good. Now I will have the recipe. Thank you.
tpatti in Wellsville loved it
OK Missy now I just KKNOOOOOOOOOW you have a recipe for a raspberry filling that you can use in these.
coffeebean53 in Charlotte loved it
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