What is going on here?

  • walkinghorse35 14 years ago
    Good question. Who is doing the egregious low rating on several peoples recipes and why is there no protest against it? I joined because I though this was a family group set up tp exchange recipes.
  • wynnebaer 14 years ago said:
    Sorry you've had a bad experience here at GR.....There has been a lot of "low balling" here and it's just a fact of "Internet life".....You haven't been here long enough to see there has been plenty of protest about a lot of things here....There is no site manager watching over and managing it's content...It is worth looking around and getting great recipes and more than that, make some really cool friends.
  • wynnebaer 14 years ago said:
    Oh, and by the way....you've been here a week and are talking about low ratings.....Hhhhmmmm...I think me smells a rat ....My family is protesting, my family of friends~~~~
  • justjakesmom 14 years ago said:
    I'm sorry walkinghorse, but the only recipes you have viewed are mostly by Thepiggs - hmmm, why is that? Do you have a special connection with her? Funny how when I joined, I didn't even think about the ratings, or even know how they worked without asking. Most people do ask. Why is it all the recipes you have viewed are ones with low ratings. That is not only improbable, but impossible, unless you are the low-baller. Do you think we are stupid? Cuz we're not.
  • mrtnzangel8 14 years ago said:
    You know they won't be back to respond. This is the way it always goes. Just stirring the pot.
  • pleclare 14 years ago said:
    And stirring and stirrin and stirring!!!!!
  • knoxcop 14 years ago said:
    Welp! We knew the peace couldn't last longer than a month. Poor widdle attention whores....

  • sitbynellie 14 years ago said:
    Yea, hmmm funny, that is... just checked it out & most of thepiggs recipes with a 1 rating have been visited recently by walkinghorse. someone else with no life.
  • pleclare 14 years ago said:
    They never stay away for long,do they!!
  • mystic_river1 14 years ago said:
    Wow! Sorry I asked. Nasty people here and self-absorbed aren't you all. I am a whore?
    I saw a recipe that had been given a 1 and checked it out to see why? That recipe had the word whore on it also. Hmmm. Not too nice a site as far as some people go; but good recipes and I will continue to visit any page I want. So police me all you want if that is how to choose to spend your time. Have fun!
  • mystic_river1 14 years ago said:
    Caught u knox! Devious but you are not the only ones who can be clever.
  • mystic_river1 14 years ago said:
  • mrtnzangel8 14 years ago said:
    Pray tell how you 'caught' Knox. You just outed yourself as being another aka. Good work idiot.
  • mystic_river1 14 years ago said:
    I am not walkinghorse35...that was a plant by a friend of mine to see just how long it took you hens to jump all over him. you are noone's angel mrtnz! She (knoxCOP is the only one who uses the word whore. I wonder why? She looks in the mirror too much I guess.

    Never met people like you. You lie, steal , curse and accuse anybody of anything. nothing but ugly trash.
  • pointsevenout 14 years ago said:
    Mystic, you know I have never had a bad word to say about you. But I would like to ask why a plant was needed to foment trouble at this site. There are no points to be proven. Let's get back at enjoying the food here.
  • mystic_river1 14 years ago said:
    No you havent points...but they...all of them have been ruining my page, my rating and my reputation. They steal every avatar I put up....they accuse me of being EVEYBODY. They destoyed Mountain Mama, Victoria...they do so many bad things. They write whore all over my recipes and food page. I am not the one who stirs point. Just look at my page and look at chefzillas page what she says about me. And look at FOOD FOR THOUGHT where thepiggs posed as misslilly or whatever. I have threads that prove they said and did all these things.
    I think you are fair enough to judge for yourself who are the stirrers and how they have hurt me.
  • mystic_river1 14 years ago said:
    The point to be proven is somebody should stop them.
  • pleclare 14 years ago said:
    If only we could get rid of you once and for all! What a day that would be~~~~~
  • pointsevenout 14 years ago said:
    An open letter to all the squabblers on this site. It is a steak knife through the ego heart of the owner of any recipe that is the recipient of a low-ball rating, sometimes malicious sometimes not. I wish it weren't that way but it is, and the ensuing retribution and blame laying twists the knife in to the hilt.

    How can we as a group of people wearing our chefs hat deal with this trouble? I see a lot of psychiatrist hats and sleuth hats that don't seem to do anything but irritate. And people broken off into clans that speak quietly in private groups about the “others” do nothing but poke at a bruise.

    I tried once to do a lot of reading on all the eddies and back currents of the blood river that flows through this site. Taking it all in a time-line context was all but impossible. I gave up after hours of trying to decipher the characters involved. That's not what I want out of this site. I come here to learn about recipes and techniques. It is such a shame to see people breaking the back of contributors to this site with a verbal whiplashing.

    So how do we set aside our well engorged egos and turn this back into a cooking site? I'm all for burying the chefs knife instead of honing it. I'm not god of this site. I can't decree an end to hostilities. I can only ask to be done with the bloodletting. It is such a distraction.

    My cow is dead, I don't need the bull.

    Humbly acting as peacemaker I would enlist from each of you to append a statement of how or what you are willing to do to mend fences and get on with the business at hand of socializing on this cooking site.

    Let me start by trying to be less severe in my recipe critiques. Being a man I am less of a social animal than you ladies and can be schooled in etiquette every now and then. I will always look for and highlight the good qualities of a dish critiqued instead of dwelling only on the IMHO areas to be improved.

    I'm still at a loss on what to do with the trolls that for farts and giggles mess with this site. I try to ignore them. Any comment elicited by their actions is the drug they desire. No response will much more quickly have them move on.
  • greekgirrrl 14 years ago said:
    God her aliases are getting really easy to spot even without her outing herself....geez...is anybody as bored with her as I am? YAWN
  • pleclare 14 years ago said:
    Points,you don't get the message. There is no mending fences with nutsy trolls. Since when have you assumed the peacekeeper roll. Picked a strange time to get involved!!!
  • sitbynellie 14 years ago said:
    What's with this 'plant' business, to see how long we would take to react?? That is paranoia, plain and simple. Seek help.

    Being here is like being in a Hall of Mirrors, exept they're all cracked and it's a different person in each one.
  • dutchie326 14 years ago said:
    this is a great place to make friends and find good recipes. I have been here for over a year and found most ot the people on here very helpful and If i have a qustion, I ask them and they have responded in a kind manner. Sorry but this is just a place that I come to for exchanging recipes and I have found some good ones. I thank you all for that. "Good day....
  • pleclare 14 years ago said:
    Yes Susan,it is jlike a Hall of Mirrors with a lot of cracks. Unfortunately one person is a lot of people.
  • knoxcop 14 years ago said:
    MYSTIC YAMMERINGS---I do not NEED a troll name and/or several hundred aliases to tell you EXACTLY what I think of you. If I were such a small person as to lowball others' recipes and stir sh!t on the site, I might.

    I have used the term "attention whore" many times on this site---and fittingly so. If someone called you that or referred to you in that manner, they were spot on. You have outted yourself under so many different aliases more times than I care to count. Your MO is always the same: "It wasn't me! It was a "friend"."-----or----"It's not ME! IT'S MY PARALEGAL!"----(or)----"That person DIED!!! HAVE SOME RESPECT!!"

    All your inventions. All your time. All your efforts to disguise and lurk. When it all boils down to the FACT that you are a sad, lonely, pathetic individual with nothing more to do each day than sit at your computer and hide behind recipe postings. You post here and on several other sites as well. All totalled---THOUSANDS of copied/pasted recipes, images.

    What this spells out for those of us who know what's up is an individual who lives vicariously through images and posted words. You have no life. You live through your screen. That is why you are so wrapped up in your pitiful little words and images here. You are sad, and you are pathetic. You are starving for real attention, yet you merge that starvation into your several personas here on this site and use them to harass and harangue others----this time, myself.

    With all of that said, I am not Fuzzy. I purposely avoid your recipes and your other personas as best I can. I do that because you SICKEN me. You DISGUST me. The very thought of you makes me (and many others, I might add) roll our eyes and laugh heartily.

    I hope that was clear enough for you, hun. I hope also that it fed your need for Kn0x's attention today, too. Because you see----you left your stupid yammering on my page yesterday afternoon. I haven't turned on my computer in almost 24 hours, because you see----I HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE OF COMPUTERLAND AND I DON'T NEED TO TROLL AROUND DAY AND NIGHT LIKE YOU DO.

    'Nuff said. You want more? Come and get it. I'll have a grand old time chewing you a new one PUBLICLY because heaven knows you ain't big enough to take one in person. I'm easy to find however, if you ever get up off your a$$ and decide to come near.

    Just sayin'.
  • knoxcop 14 years ago said:
    Oh yeah, and funny thing your "friend" Walkinghorse35 requested buddykins here and I didn't bite on that one, either.

    God. You really are stupid, aren't you!?

    LMAO at poor old Mystic Dribbler. LMAO!!!

  • dutchie326 14 years ago said:
    I don't understand the plant stuff myself.
  • knoxcop 14 years ago said:
    It's the same thing she does every time she gets caught being someone other than Mystic Sniveler, Dutchie. She blames it on some super-secret-uber-powerful being other than herself. I guess she thinks it will put the fear of Maude into someone or something.

    When her old personas used to "die," she would invariably have one of their "significant others" (ie, spouse, brother/sister, etc) (who invariably knew all of the "deceased's" passwords---yeah right) come onto GR to give famous last words for the deceased.

    Nowadays, when she gets caught trolling---or outs herself like she plainly did above---she claims those people are someone "sent to GR" to find all the mean old baddies who are ganging up on her.

    Anyone remember VictoriaRegina's character? EVERY WORD!! EVERY PARAGRAPH!! MILITARY ACTION!! PARALEGALS!!!

    Wow, yeah! That's the ticket! But so yeah, Dutchie. You missed a lot of melodrama and demands for what she wants ultimately----acceptance and respect. You missed a lot of fake deaths and you missed a lot of fake illnesses on the part of people she would manage to swoop in and "rescue," too----albeit while copy/pasting thousands (literally) of recipes day and night in the meantime.

    If someone wants respect and/or friendship here, it's not that hard to get, you know. All the hell ANYONE has to do here is 1) be friendly 2) be honest 3) be real (and) 4) posting the occasional good food recipe doesn't hurt, either.

    You'll find one thing about "most" people here at GR-----they all fit into the above numbers----and last but NOT least: they tell you what they think the minute they think it, they only have ONE internet persona----and you could probably call them up or pull up to their house about any time and meet them for a good cup of coffee and some chat.

    It's not that hard----unless, that is----your life has been spent trolling. Then you get nothing...either on the 'net OR in real life. Which sadly, is right where "she" resides...in a bath of her own self-induced misery.

    That is all.
  • wynnebaer 14 years ago said:
    Nasty people here and self-absorbed aren't you all

    Caught u knox! Devious but you are not the only ones who can be clever.


    I am not walkinghorse35...that was a plant by a friend of mine to see just how long it took you hens to jump all over him. you are noone's angel mrtnz! She (knoxCOP is the only one who uses the word whore. I wonder why? She looks in the mirror too much I guess.

    Never met people like you. You lie, steal , curse and accuse anybody of anything. nothing but ugly trash.

    The point to be proven is somebody should stop them.

    This is just crap you've spewed in this thread....I am with Knox in that you are a sanctimonious loser who isn't happy unless you are making others miserable!!!!.....Get a freaking life and leave those who don't care about you alone.....I have to say I didn't paid attention to you once I found out what you were....Oh, I talked about you and will continue to do so with my friends as they all think the same of you but I have never, not once out and out called you names....But you know what....I sure do when I'm in a private group and if you choose to get into that particular group, which we all know you do, and read what others have to say about you, then put your armor on...Who the hell do you think you are?...LOL, guess it depends on the day, huh!!!!
  • greekgirrrl 14 years ago said:
    "but they...all of them have been ruining my page, my rating and my reputation."

    Thanks wynne. .....well said. And may I add, you haven't had a "good" reputation in a long time...If you really are so wonderful (and we are all so bad) then I'm sure all of the good people here would see thru all of the crap and restore you to your "good" reputation. But as you probably know, most people base their opinions on what they see and hear so it's your own damn fault if you are no longer in good standing. You did it to yourself with all of your machinations and lies and akas and Lord knows what else...

    BTW- how is it that you are accusing people with out any proof? Get over your little self and like Wynne said, don't bother with us here that don't like you. We will never like you, accept you, talk with you.....NEVER! Get it?
  • pleclare 14 years ago said:
    Why is it that people send me hateful pm's and then invite me to be their cooking buddy or join their group. Has happened several times. I think you know who I mean ,ladybird147. Why is it?
  • knoxcop 14 years ago said:
    Because they're nutbags. :-D
  • pleclare 14 years ago said:
    Well said Knox!!
  • justjakesmom 14 years ago said:
    In a nutshell! LOL
  • pat2me 14 years ago said:

    S.S.D.D. I see!

    This is such a huge waste of your time..........they don't get it, don't want to get it, will never get it!! Sky's a different color in their world!

    Ignore them!
  • pleclare 14 years ago said:
    Yeah! Sky is a different color in their world. Too bad!!
  • wynnebaer 14 years ago said:
    LOL....You make me laugh, Pat!!!...The sky being a different color. So funny!!!!

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