Foods/Brands you'd never buy again

  • mbalmr 15 years ago
    Are there any foods or brands you'd never buy again? I found one yesterday: a packaged soup mix by the Mrs. Grass people. I was making some silly chicken & ricotta cheese crescent roll things and a salad for dinner, and I wanted to serve New England clam chowder with the meal, but making everything from scratch really cuts into my drinking time, so I cheated and bought this soup mix.

    It was so vile!!! The biggest flavor that came through was FLOUR, ugh. In fact, when I put the spoon I used to stir the sludge into a pan full of water in the sink, the soup congealed onto the side of the spoon and I needed an industrial-strength dish cloth to get it off!!
  • shine 15 years ago said:
    Perhaps it was mislabeled -- should have been "Plaster of Paris." Thanks for the warning!
  • linebb956 15 years ago said:
    mbalmr.. I am with you.. I have a hard time with the dried soups... I wish they would sell frozen.. like they have for restaurants! No.. they don't spend all that time making soups from scratch! It comes in big vac bags...! And they are great. I get them from my supplier and share with a neighbor.. but even then.. it's a lot.

    I bought a bag of frozen peas.. store brand to save I think 20 cents... They were awful! I think they had been dried.. then brought back to life.. OK for a soup.. or such.. but not for a side.. And it is a big bag... I am thinking of taking back.. but then.. the price of gas to do that!
  • pleclare 15 years ago said:
    mbalmr...I have trouble with the packaged soups too but there must be something else. Nothing should ever cut into your drinking time!
  • wynnebaer 15 years ago said:
    I take stuff back to the store all the time....Stuff costs so much and my guy works so hard....When I cut into a loaf of bread and it's totally hollow, so much so that I can't make a sandwich with it....Well, I bring it back.....I freeze it until the next time I go to the store and save my receipt.....That loaf of bread cast me almost $4...That"s $4. I could spend on a jar of mayo......I don't think they like to see me coming at the courtesy counter at the local Price Chopper but hey, I want what I pay for.....

    And as far as anything cutting into drinking time......I agree, Pleclare....Nothing should ever cut into that....:)
  • mbalmr 15 years ago said:
    I've also noticed that those Lipton Flavored Noodle packets ("pasta sides") have become completely inedible. I think they used to be made by another company. Somehow, Lipton has taken revolting instant food to a new zenith, and they are the geniuses behind the tea and the Cup O' Soup!!!
  • mbalmr 15 years ago said:
    LOL @ Plaster of Paris! That's exactly what it was like! I ate library paste in elementary school that tasted better!
  • mbalmr 15 years ago said:
    OK, I'm fed up, pun intended. Grocery store potatoes SUCK!!!! They have no flavor, and they rot in the bag before you can even get them home. I made some au gratin potatoes tonight, using Shine's cheese sauce recipe, and all i can say is it was a waste of very good cheese!
  • greekgirrrl 15 years ago said:
    Call the cheese police!!!
  • recipesrule 15 years ago said:
    I agree about the potatoes! If they don't rot , they turn green even in a dark spot and sprout. Nasty!
  • recipesrule 15 years ago said:
    And is there anything worse than the smell of a rotten potato ?
  • peetabear 15 years ago said:
    or you cut them open to find they are all black inside..!...icky icky..
  • wynnebaer 15 years ago said:
    I thought I was the only one having a problem with potatoes....They just don't keep anymore, no matter how I store them...
  • shine 15 years ago said:
    LOL balmy... I'm not quite sure how to take that one ;-) either the cheese sauce didn't work at all, or those darned potatoes really sucked... so badly, that the cheese sauce couldn't even save them!
  • pointsevenout 15 years ago said:
    I agree absolutely nothing makes the gag reflex come quicker than rotting potatoes. Can I get someone to testify, mbalmr maybe?
  • mbalmr 15 years ago said:
    Rotting potatoes are worse than rotten chicken. There is a pungent smell to them that can only be described visually by the burnt off nostril hairs in one's nose.

    Ray, baby: the sauce was fabulous; the potatoes tasted like worn shoe leather. What a waste of perfectly good cheese! It's like spilling a beer: that's alcohol abuse.
  • jencathen 15 years ago said:
    One time years ago, there was a foul smell in the kitchen and I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. We searched for a day and finally we found the culprit, a rotten potato that had fallen behind some stuff. OMG that is the worse smell.
  • mbalmr 15 years ago said:
    I didn't know where else to post this, but I can't help myself: I have found a recipe from hell, and I must share it here. There is a story behind it, though, so I'll tell the story first.

    Several years ago, on Halloween, I had a burial scheduled after lunch. I and a colleague went to lunch together, and began chatting about the most revolting Halloween candy we could think of, and hands down, we both agreed it was Circus Peanuts.

    At the cemetery, the minister did his thing, and the casket was lowered into the grave. At this point, one of the daughters of the deceased produced from her purse a bag of.............................yes, Circus Peanuts!!!! Her mother's "favorite candy in the whole wide world." Possibly what killed her? My colleague and I were suppressing our laughter and horror with all the strength we could muster. We assumed that the daughter was going to toss that bag of candy into the grave with her mother, but oh no.

    She tore open the bag, and started handing out Circus Peanuts to everyone in attendance, including funeral home personnel, demanding that everyone eat one in memory of her mother.

    I took one bite, and began to gag. I was pretty quick on my feet back in those days though, so I excused myself, and went to the back of the hearse to retrieve the "loot bag" for the family. While out of view, I flung that vile piece of candy away into the back of the hearse, and I never did find it again. I'm sure to this day, it's still rattling around back there, scaring the bejezus out of whomever is driving the hearse ("what IS that noise???!") I'll bet they've had that hearse in for inspection every year for the last five years, trying to find that rattling sound "coming from the engine." Poor dolts.

    Anyway, part two of my story is a recipe that I ran across the other day, and I'm going to post it here, because I haven't found a "most repulsive recipe" category in any of the groups to which I currently belong.

  • mbalmr 15 years ago said:
    This is a brief intermission to advise Wynnebaer that potatoes keep longer with the dirt left on them, although I realize they don't come that way in the grocery store. But that's how I store my home-grown potatoes, and they keep a long time, and taste fabulous.
  • mbalmr 15 years ago said:
    Ok, so here is the recipe that will guarantee you'll never get invited to another pot luck ever again:

    Circus Peanut Jell-O Salad

    44 Circus Peanuts
    1 C boiling water
    2 3-oz. packages orange Jell-O
    2 8-oz. cans pineapple, undrained
    1 8-oz. tub Cool Whip, thawed

    Cut 32 Circus Peanuts into small pieces and place in a microwave safe bowl. Add 1/4 C boiling water. Cover and microwave on high for 1 minute. Stir, then microwave 1 minute longer. Stir until smooth.

    In a large bowl, dissolve Jell-O in remaining boiling water. Stir revolting candy mixture and pineapple into Jell-O. Refrigerate until partially set. Fold in Cool Whip and pour the whole mess into a 9 X 13 X 2 baking dish coated with non-stick cooking spray. Refrigerate until firm, and cut into squares.

    Now the seriously deranged part of the recipe: place one whole Circus Peanut on top of each square. This salad serves 12, unless you flush it down the toilet before serving.
  • justjakesmom 15 years ago said:
    LMAO!!! I agree circus peanuts are the WORST. I think they are made from plastic that mixed with styrofoam.
  • mbalmr 15 years ago said:
    The story gets better, justjakesmom. My husband had a real good time with my cemetery drama, and shortly after, we attended his parents' 50th wedding anniversary. Paul had set it up with his brother to get up and make some touching speech about the Narveson family tradition of having a special treat every year to commemorate their bond, and then he hauled out a bag of Circus Peanuts and handed it to ME! I was told that the look on my face was priceless. Everyone was in on the joke but me. I took the bag out to the parking lot, ran over it a few times with my car, then put it in Paul's brother's glove compartment. I give as good as I get, heh heh.
  • mbalmr 15 years ago said:
    Epilogue to the Circus Peanut Salad saga: I shared this revolting recipe with my friends on the Find A Death message forum, and two nice ladies who were invited to a BBQ to which they did NOT want to go made the salad as a dish to pass. They were hoping never to be invited back, but DANG if it wasn't gone in 15 minutes and everyone asked for the recipe. Kids with still unrefined palates especially loved it. Ugh!

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