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Motivated Monday!

  • chuckieb 8 years ago
    Hi Guys! I'm full of vigour this morning and eager to start my day. Pouring rain outside. I always find it fun to come back home after a trip away. Always feel motivated to do a whole bunch of things. The grass is a hayfield and there is a ton of weeding to do, the house needs to be cleaned and of course I need to do a major trip to the grocery store and to Costco for bird seed. I made up a grocery list and menu last night.
    We had a lovely visit with Jim's old college buddy. Hadn't seen him in 25 years but it felt just like last week. His partner works at a Foodie store in North Bay called "Farquhar's". We stopped in on the way out to say good-bye to her as she was working. I had a blast shopping! Bought Kassler for our dinner last night (third time we've had it in the past two weeks! It's hard to find here in Ottawa) along with some awesome Wildbrine Dill and Garlic sauerkraut salad (IT'S WONDERFUL!), and Jim picked up a yummy Edamame salad as well. For treats I bought a tub of Cerisnola Olives, Two cheeses that our hosts had put out for appy's...."St. Agur" and "Grand Creme Delin".
    Also two bags of low sodium kettle cooked potato chips "Horseradish Cheddar" (they're actually so hot I don't know if I'm going to be able to eat them) and "New York Spicy Dil Pickle" which are awesome.
    Ugh on your hot temperatures Marie! Yum on the Champagne brunch and chicken and dumplings. That's very scary about the bear attacking that woman and her dog. Bears freak me out. I'm going to be nervous just walking around the house until I forget one visited. :)
    The car did a good job getting us to and from Rainy River Joce thanks. Except for the fan dying so we had to open the windows when it got too warm but that wasn't often. We did indeed manage to fit absolutely everything in that I wanted to bring back from Mom's. I was surprised really. :) I brought back my Great Grandmother's rocking chair. It needs A LOT of work but will be a good winter project to refinish it. Second best treasure was an old, old pickling crock. Haven't unpacked it from the back seat yet but I think it looks pretty much like the one in the pic below. It's about two feet tall I think. Mom tried to make sauerkraut in it once and failed miserably and I think did a batch of dandelion wine in it as well. I brought back a TON of china cups, saucers, plates etc. My Mom's old china pattern was "Silver Birch" so I brought back all of that. A million books, some knick knacks from when I was a kid, a ton of old photos and photo albums......etc.etc. You get the picture! :) So did your car get all fixed up then? I looked back to see in the threads but may have missed it. How are you feeling lately? Ribs feeling any better?
    Saw on FB this morning that Kimmer's MIL passed away. She'd told such lovely stories over the years about her I almost feel I knew her. :( My sincere condolences Kimmer. Hope you guys are doing okay.
    LOL @ Trouble making Wayne's sermon disappear on the computer Karen! :)
    Very envious of your Lobster dinner last night Laurie. I guess "Market Basket" is all back to normal now and doing well? Did you hear anything more back about your interview?
    Also saw on FB that Michelle B's hubby had arrived in Fiji yesterday. She must have been SO happy to see him! :) Touch base when you get a chance Michelle and let us know how things are going! How are you enjoying those cooking classes?
    How did Bri's recital turn out Michelle? Love the picture of her in your avatar! So pretty! Your BBQ after sounded wonderful. And how are your inlaws enjoying their new place now that they've moved? I keep meaning to ask.
    My garden is full, full full and really grew in while we were away.
    Is Molly feeling better now Tina? How about you? I think going on a cruise on the anniversary of Fred's passing is a wonderful idea.
    Shona....hope all is well at your place. "Hi" to Jett and anyone else who's missing!
    Wishing everyone a Grand Monday! :)
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    I overslept and I'm groggy. Coffee quick. Very odd dreams.
    Welcome home Janet. Vary neat crock. I love Love all the goodies you brought home. Sauerkraut salad!! Spicy dill pickle chips!! Yummers.

    I'm doing laundry and swiffer duty, I have prescriptions to get. Trying to tackle more of Fred's knick knacks. He has so many miniatures and random glassware, shot glasses. I'm packing them for Olivia. I still have to tackle the linen closet rearrangement. I pulled out the king size and twin bed sets to donate. It is now the towels turn.

    I'm hungry. Hmmmmmmm. Grits and eggs?
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Morning Tina! Good luck with all your house work. You should have seen the piles of *&^&%# that we went through at my Mom's place. Holy Smokes. It's not even 100% done but pretty well near. Having had that big stroke she forgets a lot of things. There was a box of liqueur filled chocolates that she'd put down in the basement and the mice had gotten in to them and then proceeded to eat a lot of a photo album she'd made up when she was in New York City back in the '50's. A million old mason jars filled with dead spiders and webs and oogey things. I'd initially thought I might bring some home but I ended up trying to sell them in the garage sale which didn't work and then threw them out at the dump. I totally hear you on tackling Fred's stuff. Much better now than 18 years later!
    Bought some Western salad dressing in the States while I was home. My fave.
    Just went out to look at my flowers and there are caterpillars all over my two licorice plants. Don't know if the plants will survive. Don't think they're tent worm caterpillars but they're certainly demolishing things!
    Did I mention when we were in Rainy River my Mom's hot water tank died? So we were boiling hot water for dishes and washing on the stove. PIA! Plus she doesn't have a shower and Jim and I are not bath people. Am very pleased to be home to have a good hot shower. :)
    Mom just called. Her phone isn't working properly but the repair man arrived while we were talking. She was happy to hear we'd arrived home safely.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Tina....(or anyone else in the know)....I made some pumpernickel croutons last summer/fall and stored them in an airtight mason jar in my pantry. Still safe do you think?
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    as long as they are crispy....if you see any fuzzies, throw them out
    I've had croutons still in the original package last forever. I have 8 boxes of hot cocoa mix going to food pantry....just not going to drink them and Lynda keeps sending them.

    I'd be in horrible shape with a tub.....I'd be like President Taft and get stuck.
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Hi all! Welcome back Janet! I bet it feels so good to be home. Wow on your finds at the store, love the sound of the sauekraut and super yum on those horseradish chips! Neat on the pickling crock. Wow, that's a lot of stuff to go through... your a brave woman! I bet your so glad to be able to take a hot shower now!

    Good luck on going through Fred's stuff Tina. Yum on eggs and grits!

    Stayed up late last night and I SO did not want to work out, but I did anyway lol. It was tough but I made it through. Yesterday we ended up going back to Trader Joes because after my trip last time I came home realizing that I forgot some things that I REALLY wanted. Got some of those delicious Kumato tomatoes and some peach granola cereal that I had heard was good, and it is! I'm obsessed with this blog right now and have been going through it and writing down things that they review well so I can get it and try it. Got some mini tamales that come with a red sauce that was reviewed by them as well. Need to clean the toilets and sinks and that's about all until it's time to make dinner! I have some tomatillos I need to use so I think I will make tostadas and make some green sauce to go on them. Have a great day everyone!!
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Just back from exercise class. Moan. Groan. And this is a gentle strength training one for Senior Citizens. Aargh!

    Janet, the sauerkraut salad sounds great, I understand the "keeping" mindset you described. My Mom would not throw anything away because she lived through the depression - even a half eaten candy bar was not pitched! When she was in the hospital (for a broken hip I think) my Dad went thru the cupboards and threw away broken salad sets, chipped plates, etc. Wayne is also a "keeper" but I have begun to push some things out of the house -- saddles are next, they will find a place in the redone carriage house or in the barn and / or be sold! We have some beautiful ones, but 5 saddles for 2 horses that are never ridden ---- a bit much. His tools cluttering the back porch are heading for his almost completed wood shop. He knows the kitchen and sun room are my areas to guard and protect, and as soon as we can we will finish the guest room and redirect 75% of the excess stuff back to where it belongs, so the sun room will be nice and uncluttered again.

    Grits and eggs? Tina, I'm on the way for breakfast at your house. LOVE grits with cheese or egg or both. Yum!
  • NPMarie 8 years ago said:
    Hi all:) Just taking a minute to check in:) Turned out to be one busy Monday..ugh, this heat is bad:) We went to Chico for a service call then checked 2 upcoming jobs to see when they would be ready fro doors..Rick is off doing a couple of service calls..I'm up to my ears in book work..end of the month is coming's going to be in the 100's most of the the valley 110 plus...I HATE Summer! haha

    Grilled turkey burgers for dinner:) Hope everyone is well & happy:)
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    You don't like cocoa mix Tina?
    Thanks Michelle. It does feel really good to be in my own surroundings for sure! :) Good for you going for your workout. Jim and I have to get back on the beam ourselves now too! Yum on the Kumato tomatoes. That Peach Granola also sounds good. Neither Jim nor I are much of cereal eaters but I think if we found something we liked we'd eat more. Did you look for Chicken Pot pie ravioli at Trader Joe's? Yum on tostados!
    Good for you on your workout as well Karen. The saddles would look nice in the carriage house I bet!
    Sending you a virtual cool breeze Marie. You guys sure are busy! Yum on turkey burgers.
    I'm making
    Chalet Style Chicken
    using thighs.
    Twice Baked Spinach Potatoes
    and corn on the cob for dinner this evening.
    Had a fun grocery shop but left Costco for tomorrow. Bought Creme fraiche for the first time in my life. Want to make Luisa's
    Savory Chive Madeleines With Smoked Salmon And Creme Fraiche
    at some point this week. Will have a lot of creme fraiche left over so need to go google what I can do with it as it only keeps for 5 days in the fridge.
    Jim's out mowing the lawn. He refilled the Hot Tub as we emptied it before we left on holidays. I'm just cleaning up the dishes and want to decorate a bit for Canada Day on Wednesday.
    Joce, Shona or Michelle B., do you have any Canada Day plans?
  • laurieg 8 years ago said:
    Hey all
    Becca had an orthodontist appt this afternoon.
    Rachel's field hockey team was having a fundraiser at chipotle. They were donating 50% of sales to team so we had that for dinner. We got take out but Rachel went with her friends.
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Hi Karen! I can't stand clutter, so I am constantly secretly throwing stuff away or getting rid of it. Especially with the kids stuff. Having 200 stuffed animals is not practical so often sneak and grab a few they probably wouldn't miss and put them in the Goodwill bag.

    You are a busy busy girl Marie!! Ugh on the hot weather, we are currently getting some rain so it's keeping the temperature down here. Yum on turkey burgers!

    Savory Chive Madeleines With Smoked Salmon And Creme Fraiche looks amazing!! Now I wish I had a madeliene pan! Not sure how much crème fraiche you would have left but this uses a cup and looks delish!
    Scalloped Poatatoes With Creme Fraiche And Gruyere I got the chicken pot pie ravioli's last time I went and we ate them the next night I think. They were SO GOOD and definitely tasted like CPP! The only thing is a couple burst open while cooking leaving a wet, empty ravioli noodle. Otherwise, I would buy them again for sure. This time I found beef bolognese ravioli that I am looking forward to trying :)

    Hi Laurie!

    Made this to go along with our tostadas Avocado Salsa. Okay time to make dinner!!
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Okay couldn't stop looking for creme fraiche recipes lol
    Chicken Saltimbocca
    Flatbread With Bacon And Scallion Pesto
    Omg if only I could afford to make this amazing looking recipe right now! Irish Seafood Stewciopino If Yer Italion
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Hi Michelle, Marie, and Laurie!

    We had Brats and asparagus tonight. Commissary is probably Thursday, so we can start eating more of a variety. LOL! But Wayne likes Brats. So he is happy.

    Kitties are doing well. All chickies are safe and accounted for. We saw raccoon tracks in the barn yard. So they are around. Neighbor about 1 1/2 miles away trapped a small one in a live trap. It really looked like the one that hung around here a couple of years back - very distinctive mask. They took it far away and released it.

    I have an appt. to get the kittens their booster shots tomorrow morning. Then will go to Rotary with Wayne. And run errands. Busy day.

    Have a nice evening, everyone.

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