The Weekend!

  • pleclare 13 years ago
    We are headed home today. Will leave about 11 and have brunch/lunch,stop at farm for corn and tomatoes,another errand or 2 and home mid afternoon. Don't know yet what is with corn and tomatoes,will stop at grocery store'
    Catch you all from home. Tried to post pic but laptop didn't like that!
  • wynnebaer 13 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone.

    It's been absolutely beautiful here at night with temps in the high 60's to low 70's...Great sleeping weather. The days are still up there in the low 90's but not so humid. Going to the store today to look around for fall flowers. No clue what to plant here so I'll look for some advice from the experts.

    Have some chicken cutlets out for supper and thinking either chicken piccata or parm....Think I'll let him decide.
  • pleclare 13 years ago said:
    Thanks Wynne! Would have posted a little sooner but computer playing games. Internet connection here leaves something to be desired.
  • pleclare 13 years ago said:
    We'll pick up some meat for dinner and get some corn and tomatoes at farm.
  • laurieg 13 years ago said:
    rainy here. have a craving for turkey chili. One problem.....the only beans I have are black beans.. So its black bean turkey chili :).
    trying to get motivated to do some housework. My friend stopped by and gave me some figs. When I was in Italy they grew on the trees the size of baseballs and I really made myself sick over eating them! They are very expensive around here the on sale price is $2.00 for three figs. My friend came accross a stand selling boxes for two for $5. now I just have to pace myself.
    Just balanced my checkbook UGH not pleasant to see how much money going out and how much NEEDS to come in!
  • DetroitTokyo 13 years ago said:
    Good morning all!

    I had chicken in the Crock Pot overnight with some salsa verde, shredded it this morning. I'm putting it into a tortilla soup, also done in the Crock Pot. It's a favorite of my beau & he's had a hard week at work so I wanted to give him a small surprise. It's my first time making it so wish me luck!!

    Laurie, do you just eat the figs on their own or have any recipes involving them? I think I mentioned this recipe a while back but it caught my eye. You may like it...
    Also, I know what you mean about the $ situation... being underemployed isn't helping mine very much at all. I am actively looking for a job and hopefully will find something soon! Until then, just trying to stay positive & looking forward to cooking as I have been. It's therapeutic for me. I've never made turkey chili but I want to some time soon! Preferably crock pot version b/c I'm trying to get a lot out of mine.

    Wynne, nice that you're letting him decide ;-)

    Pat, have a safe trip home. And if you're in the mood, try my stuffed tomatoes!
  • sparow64 13 years ago said:
    Laurie, I am right there with ya! Sad to be so close to zero so soon after payday, if you are like me. But, on the upside, I have applied for a few jobs lately...first time in a few years that there have even been any jobs to apply that's encouraging. I knew when I took this one that I was gonna be backing up and sucking wind...but was working in the accounting dept of a plant where the union workers were on strike...and it got so dangerous to cross that picket line every day I couldn't handle it anymore. Something will turn up for all three of us job seekers! : )

    Pat it sounds like you had a great vacation! Can't wait to see the pix.

    The chicken tortilla soup sounds good! I'm going to make some chicken chili as soon as it cools down. We are still having days in the 90's. Had over 75 days this summer with temps over 90! I am ready for Fall!!

    Hil coming home again this weekend...they told her she had to have the color on that tat touched up in 2 weeks. Making Creamy Chicken Enchiladas.
    Creamy Chicken Enchiladas
  • justjakesmom 13 years ago said:
    Have a nice safe trip home, Pat.
    Sounds like you really made the right move, Wynne. Have fun flower shopping.
    Laurie, never had a fig. Well a Fig Newton, which are Jake's favorite cookie. Hear ya on the checkbook. I think we've all been struggling in this economy for a couple years now. Hoping it changes soon.
    Sounds good DT. I don't use my crock pot enough.
    Lori, Good luck on the job search. Have a good time with Hil. What do you mean on having the "color touched up" on the tattoo? Those enchiladas sound good too.
    My soup turned out really good last night and NO leftovers - the best part. Not sure what's on for tonight. Gonna have the steaks tomorrow night. Maybe nachos or something easy. Cloudy dreary foggy day here. It rained like crazy all afternoon till evening last night. Have a great Friday everyone!
  • laurieg 13 years ago said:
    The figs don't last long enough to get into a recipe. like I said they are usually very expensive around here and we very rarely have them.
    I got called in to substitute teach today, which isn't great money $75 for the day but it is something. Unfortunately, it was my daughter's teacher and I guess there is a new rule in place that you can't sub your own kid's classroom. Wasn't like that before.
    The perfume will be a ton of hours for the month of Nov and Dec so that will be extra money. I also started doing some extra work for another Real Estate agent in the office. She has a full time job and sells real esstate so she needs someone to do a few things here and there. can't count on it but she paid me $50 to take her buyer's parents to do a home inspection on the property they were purchasing. I may do an open house on Sunday and she will pay me for that as well.
  • sparow64 13 years ago said:
    Donna, lol, she and the icky jerk boyfriend got tattoos the last time she was home. I think I posted about it here. You may have missed it.'s something she drew, and it's a good picture, but it's toooo big and on the inside of her arm at the wrist, and too cartoony, and she will probably regret it in a couple of years. (It's a purple and turquoise owl). If it was waaaaay smaller, and on her shoulder, ankle, hip, etc it would be so much cooler and stay cool as she gets older. oh well.
  • justjakesmom 13 years ago said:
    LOL Lori. (well, not really) I did read about her tattoo, just didn't know what it was or how big. How is she going to re-color it? I was hoping she got rid of the jerk bf too!
    Good luck on the job(s) Laurie. You are a woman of many talents! LOL
    I just curled my hair all over with my skinny curling iron for the fun of it! Feel like a country singer! LOL
  • valinkenmore 13 years ago said:
    Good morning all!
    I made Pat's Pork Chops with Cider Gravy last night - they were fabulous! I strongly recommend trying them - Yum!
    Wynne - love your choices for dinner!
    Sounds like you had a wonderful time Pat. Go home and relax this evening. You have a lot to tackle ahead of you.
    Love figs Laurie. There is a fig spread with onions that I have purchased and put over Brie in the oven - yum it is so good. Your chili sounds good!
    DT - Your tortilla soup sounds so good - now I am hungry for that. And Lori - your creamy enchiladas sound yummy too - decisions, decisions!
    Need pictures of your "do" Donna! What's for dinner at your house???
    Grocery shopping today so not sure what will jump out at me - Friday nite so I hope it's something easy.
    Have a great day to all!
  • justjakesmom 13 years ago said:
    Hey Val, yeah, I just sprayed the heck out of my hair. LOL It's so damp and misty out it'll probably go flat the minute I step out. I do need to go though - maybe something will jump out at me at the store. I wish I had some pork chops thawed and brined. Sounds good!
  • sparow64 13 years ago said:
    Donna, I think they just go over the color again just to reinforce it. ? I don't really know. That fig/onion/brie spread sounds good, Val. Is that posted?
  • wynnebaer 13 years ago said:
    OMG.... that fig and onion over Brie sounds like something we would love....gotta look for a recipe.

    Donna, I just got all my hair, and I mean all my hair cut off....Like Ellen short and I love it....Don't care what I look like but it's so much cooler and 2 minutes with a blow dryer and I'm ready to go....Not that I have anywhere to go around here but Walmart...LOL

    Les wants chicken parm.....Sometimes a little decision like what's for supper can be so overwhelming....Happy he decided today!!

    Lori, I saw the tats on FB........I'm going through the same thing with Rebekah...She just got one on the back of her neck of a sunflower and told me it was her homage to me....I love sunflowers.....Good thing I don't like snakes and dragons, huh. When you get color touched up, it's areas where the tat was done and the color didn't take.....Depending on your skin type, certain colors take or don't....Okay, got a couple myself but not up and down my arms.
  • pleclare 13 years ago said:
    We are home. Feels good,even better when things are unloaded.
    Val,so glad you liked the pork chops. The addition of the aples is great and I brought a mess of apples home.Bought 2 stuffed pork chops for the weekend and a cornish hen,buttercup squash,cauliflower,baby brussel sprouts,corn and tomatoes. Tonight is leftover turkey dinner from the turkey farm!
  • pleclare 13 years ago said:
    Val,you gave me a ood idea. I have fig jam that I can ut over brie and could caramelize some onions. If I get my escargot dishes in time,will make some almost escargot for Rich and Kathy next weekend down there.
  • valinkenmore 13 years ago said:
    Donna: What is the name of the company that makes the jams, relishes, dressings that you find in stores around here that look almost like they are homemade with hand written looking labels. The a little expensicve - I want to say Cornwall or Stonewall Kitchens - something of that nature. Anyway, that's the one that makes the fig/onion jam.
  • valinkenmore 13 years ago said:
    Found it - Stonewall Kitchens - it says. Fig-Ginger Jam. I had this at a friends and I know there was carmelized onions - so I guess she must have done those herself and used the fig-ginger jam and brie - baked it in the oven just till the brie was melty - YUM!
    While I was on their site I spotted this and I think I want to cry it sounds so good - dark chocolate sea salt caramel sauce - bring on the haagen daaz vanilla ice cream!
  • mrtnzangel8 13 years ago said:
    Just checking in for a minute. Pulled a groin muscle this morning and am in pain.
    Wanted to bake some chicken, but now I don't know...
  • pleclare 13 years ago said:
    Val,bought some of that at Stonewall Kitchens this week. Haven't had it yet!
  • justjakesmom 13 years ago said:
    Ang, sorry to hear that! That really hurts!
    Love Stonewall Kitchen stuff! LOL Val, on the "want to cry".
    Welcome home, Pat! All your buys sound great! I just got a "mess" of apples too. LOL Some HUGE Honey Crisp - I swear they're the size of grapefruit! What is an escargot dish? Is it shaped like a snail? LOL
    LMAO Wynne on the "snakes and dragons" comment. Glad you like your hair - I would cut mine off down there too! Well my curls survived the dampness out there....

    I decided to have the other 2 top sirloins tonight cuz I remembered I bought some baby-backs for tomorrow. Out of site, out of my mind. CRAFT they were down in the other fridge. LOL
  • sparow64 13 years ago said:
    Wynne you are too funny!
    Take care Ang! I know that's painful!
  • pleclare 13 years ago said:
    Hope you feel better Ang!
  • valinkenmore 13 years ago said:
    Get better soon Ang.
    Sis is bringing me Honey Crisps and peaches fresh from the orchards on Wednesday Donna. But then I will be in Texas for the week - sure that hubby we eat most of them before I return! Tis the season for the best of the fruit.
  • chuckieb 13 years ago said:
    Hi Everyone! T.G.I.F.! Busy day today. Picked up some flat pizza crusts at the Grocery store and going to do little Gourmet Pizzas with Alfredo sauce, pesto, chicken, sauteed onions and mushrooms....accompanied by a very large glass of Chardonnay...Done like dinner!
    I have never eaten a fig either. Wouldn't know what to do with one. I used to hate Fig Newton cookies when I was a kid and my Mom bought them sometime. Ugh. (Sorry Jake)
    Your chicken in the crock pot soon to be Tortilla soup sounds like a lot of work but sounds extremely yummy DT. I tried to follow that link about the Bruschetta with figs but couldn't get it to work properly. Good luck with the Job Search.
    Your Enchiladas sound excellent Lori. Enjoy your weekend with Hil. How is she enjoying her courses?
    You are indeed a woman of many talents Laurie! I suspect your perfume job will spike big time between now and Christmas. Tis the season after all.
    Those porkchops do sound good Val. We actually get Stonewall Kitchens goods here in Canada as well. Must be a pretty big company.Your Chicken Parm sounds great Wynne. I love sunflowers myself, but in a vase, not on my neck.LOL.
    Always feels so good to be back in your own home hey Pat! Your bounty from your trip sounds sooooo good (with the exception of the brussel sprouts that is. LOL)
    Poor you've had a bit of a bad streak lately what with your eye swelling up and now your pulled groin. Take it easy.
  • mrtnzangel8 13 years ago said:
    Thanks everyone...really do feel like I've been hit by a truck.
    Lori's chicken enchiladas are good! I've made them before.

    Juicy Oven Fried Chicken

    Trying that one tonight. All out of Bisquick and was out of my favorite sauce for the Chi Chi's oven fried. This one was just about one of the only ones I could find that didn't call for buttermilk.

    and it's hot today...not in a good mood. lol
  • justjakesmom 13 years ago said:
    That pizza sounds soooo good, Janet!

    Val, those were the best apples we got when we were over there. Ate one of the ones from the store, not quite as crisp (never are)

    Sorry Ang.... ;'( Hope tomorrow will be better That chicken should do the trick!

    Gonna make my stuffed mushroom appy right now. Thinkin' of opening a bottle of zin to go with the steaks.
  • kimmer 13 years ago said:
    Hello all. Spent the evening at the beach for sunset then dinner. Had crab favorite! It's the nephew's last night here. He is flying back to Germany tomorrow. Oma is still here for another 4 weeks. Have really enjoyed getting to know him.
  • chuckieb 13 years ago said:
    Ang....hope you're not in as much discomfort as earlier. How did your chicken turn out? I checked out the recipe and it looks very nice. Give me a recommendation and I'll give it a try for sure.
    Enjoy that Zin and Steak Donna. Our pizzas were most yummy. Actually have a lovely fire going in the fireplace right now. It was a nice sunny day but boy do those temperatures drop in the evening!
    Kimmer..miss hearing your reports. Beach, sunset, dinner and crab't get better than that! How old is your nephew? Have you heard from Michael lately?
    And Points....where are you today? Did you get lost in the ice cream maker? Is the Farmer's Market tomorrow or was it today?
    Night everyone!
  • mbelisle 13 years ago said:
    Finally the end of the week! Laura's tongue is back to normal pretty much - she has always been sensitive to gluten and sores on her tongue were often a part of that among other things. She is a pretty picky eater and not very ready to try different things so we are still baffled as to the cause - just hoping it doesn't repeat itself.
    Tonight was a fish night, we had Veggie Topped Tilapia and Ratatouille Rice. That was for us girls - the guys have had steak and porkchops already this week.
    Hope everyone has a great fall weekend!
  • DetroitTokyo 13 years ago said:
    I'm going to have to try to find Stonewall Kitchens in my area. Sounds sinful.

    Janet, your pizzas sound lovely. Sorry the link didn't work for you. I have a hard time posting things from other websites on here.. but if you go to bon appetit's website & put in those key words in the search I'm sure you'll be able to find it. It'll be a bit more effort than copying & pasting but it looks so good it might be worth it. The tortilla soup really wasn't that much work. I will post the recipe soon. It takes some time but the Crock Pot does most of the work. (And does not have that "crock pot taste".)

    Kimmer, your evening sounds so wonderful.

    Ang, hope you feel better. Please do let us know how you liked that chicken recipe. I'm curious.

    Pat, please post the Almost Escargot recipe if you can. It sounds so good!

    Good evening to all! Not sure if I'll have a chance to check in over the weekend, so if not hope you all enjoy it.

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